lol I've never been called coquette before!
But since I was checking if you were interested I guess that's sort of warranted. I honestly don't think I should ask Meridian to do something for mods since I don't actively mod anymore and actually never modded missions or aliens (for UI, yes I ask, since I do still play).
But if
you are interested in my ideas for crazy mission stuff, then I'm more than happy to share
Just didn't want to waste more of my time, and more forum space if you weren't. (I waste way too much time of forums already! Trying to cut back... a bit.. maybe..?)
Interesting victory conditions would be:
- Victory on "Abort mission" only IF you have killed all units of a certain rank, with the rank(s) passed as a parameter. This would enable "kill the HQ(s)" type missions.
- Victory on "Abort mission" only IF you have stunned and recovered units a certain rank(s), instead of killed as above. This allows "Kidnap the VIPs" type missions.
- Lose by Turn X unless you kill all units of a certain rank(s). This is the "Kill X with a short window otherwise reinforcements arrive and kill you" typical movie plot, but can also be used for the bomb scenario: the target(s) being a 0TU bomb "unit" that's made vulnerable to only to a very specific item (a medikit type item that drains HP but takes 100% TUs, so that's totally useless against anything except the bomb unit since it doesn't move. And you can decide how many "Agent-turn" it takes to disable a bomb this way, for example by giving it 2 HP and the medikit removing 1 HP. Of course, it's missing the climactic KABOOM but I believe you should be able to pick the sound/music to play on a defeat so you could have a KABOOM sound there instead.
Thinking more about it:
If that's easier, you could ask to be able to put primed explosives in enemy units' inventory, and then when Yankes implements the "primed explosives blow up in inventory", you could also make the bomb work with the current victory conditions:
1 - Put an insane explosive in a "bomb" unit's inventory
2 - Make it possible to hack a bomb "unit" as above with a tweaked medikit item before turn X. Then the player can step on the unit's tile and unprime the crazy explosive.
3 - If you don't manage, bomb goes off in geoscape. KABOOM!!
Everybody dies.
4 - If you do manage, the mission uses the current "win by turn Y" victory condition, with Y = X+1 meaning you must have managed to disable the bomb otherwise you'd be dead by now.
If you consider catching/killing all the bombers a requirement for success, you can also use the simple "kill all" victory condition, since you have to kill the bomb "unit" to be able to unprime the explosive item.