Author Topic: Disabling Live alien research topics when all topics are discovered  (Read 6136 times)

Offline yrizoud

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The vanilla game lets you keep researching live aliens even when there's nothing more to research.
I wonder if it would be a good idea to have the game stops proposing alien interrogations when there's nothing more to research.
I know there can't be a perfect safety against useless research, because for example you can research a medic, and the last unknown autopsy gets completed before the medic interrogation is over.

Offline SupSuper

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OpenXcom already does that. ;) If a live alien poses no benefit to research, he will, uh, suffer an "accident" in transit.

Offline Snickerdoodle

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If a live alien poses no benefit to research, he will, uh, suffer an "accident" in transit.

What about the ones in storage? I had 5 Sectoid soldiers before starting research, and now I can't get rid of the remaining 4.

Offline CoolKid

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What about the ones in storage? I had 5 Sectoid soldiers before starting research, and now I can't get rid of the remaining 4.

Just sell them if u turn on "Live alien sell" option.

Offline yrizoud

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Or right-click the Alien Containment facility in the base (the square block). You get a screen where you can, err, convert live aliens to dead ones.

Offline Snickerdoodle

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Well dang, now I learned something!

Offline Mercury

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Re: Disabling Live alien research topics when all topics are discovered
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2014, 02:18:23 pm »
1. I know, no limits for live aliens is an original X-COM bug. Maybe, do something with it — i.e. when you bring more aliens than containment can hold, you should discard someone?
2. In base screen write something like "Alien containment (right-click to manage)"?

Offline Align

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Re: Disabling Live alien research topics when all topics are discovered
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2014, 11:12:58 am »
1. I know, no limits for live aliens is an original X-COM bug. Maybe, do something with it — i.e. when you bring more aliens than containment can hold, you should discard someone?
2. In base screen write something like "Alien containment (right-click to manage)"?
1. There's an option for that in the game, I believe in the Advanced submenu?
2. Might be more polished to have a button for going to that screen from the regular Research screen but eh

Offline El Yahpo

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Re: Disabling Live alien research topics when all topics are discovered
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2014, 11:10:08 pm »
Or right-click the Alien Containment facility in the base (the square block). You get a screen where you can, err, convert live aliens to dead ones.

When did this happen? Things like this need more publicity, otherwise people might never know about them. Is there a place I can go to learn all of the games obvious and not-so-obvious functionalities?

Offline El Yahpo

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Re: Disabling Live alien research topics when all topics are discovered
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2014, 11:49:11 pm »
Just found it,thanks, and I agree that the facility should get some kind of button.