Author Topic: air combat - just thinking about possibilities  (Read 10006 times)

Offline moriarty

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Re: air combat - just thinking about possibilities
« Reply #15 on: April 27, 2014, 10:17:48 pm »
Hmm... If I'm not mistaken, it looks a lot like the combat system from Master of Orion II - well more detailed, because we have more ship systems, but also limited to several ships at most. Yeah, it could work.

I hadn't thought about it, but yes, it's kind of like that.

Or we can make a real-time arena, like in one of those old shooting games :D Or in X-Com: Apocalypse, if you think about it.

yeah, apoc... that's exactly the point, apoc had all craft (UFOs and XCOM craft) as hover-capable VTOLs, no chasing involved, just cruising through the city and lazily shooting at each other. I can see that kind of battle between a UFO and a Lightning, but not with an interceptor... :(

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: air combat - just thinking about possibilities
« Reply #16 on: May 06, 2014, 12:07:05 am »
I have nothing against the current dogfight mode, but I also think altitude should have some impact.
We could modify min/max speed per altitude, or maybe human crafts can't go very high so UFO's can outrun them by both speed and altitude.

Uh, that's a system that has nothing to do with the current model. I imagine it could be important in some other model, but we don't have it. :) Or at least not just one.

Anyway, it's all just details! What we need is something like THIS! :)