
Author Topic: OXC and OXCE latest dailies always crash - Segmentation Fault  (Read 1577 times)

Offline MyThos

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Hi, on two of my notebooks both OXC and OXCE latest dailies always crash, when interrupting intro on load of main menu. I cleared the folder structure in "Documents" but it has no effect.

Code: [Select]
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault.
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] 0x5e3550 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] 0x5e43d0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] 0x41c7f0 signalLogger(int)
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] 0xa2c4c0 OpenXcom::UfopaediaStartState::think()
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] 0x7ffcdc99c970 _C_specific_handler
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] 0x7ffcdc9b2290 _chkstk
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] 0x7ffcdc961030 RtlRaiseException
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] 0x7ffcdc9b0e90 KiUserExceptionDispatcher
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] 0x5f6b50 OpenXcom::Font::getCharSize(unsigned int) const
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] 0x758610 OpenXcom::Text::setScrollable(bool)
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] 0x759d10 OpenXcom::TextButton::initText(OpenXcom::Font*, OpenXcom::Font*, OpenXcom::Language*)
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] 0x6c03d0 OpenXcom::State::add(OpenXcom::Surface*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, OpenXcom::Surface*)
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] 0x76f580 OpenXcom::MainMenuState::MainMenuState(bool)
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] 0x7716f0 OpenXcom::GoToMainMenuState::init()
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] 0x5fb980 OpenXcom::Game::run()
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] 0x41c950 SDL_main
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] 0xa2dff0 console_main
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] 0xa2e110 WinMain
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] ??
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] ??
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] 0x7ffcdb8b7330 BaseThreadInitThunk
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] 0x7ffcdc962690 RtlUserThreadStart
[06-05-2024_11-17-18] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault.
Log file: C:/Users/some-user/Documents/OpenXcom/openxcom.log

On my tower the game is working though. I have both UFO and TFTD files installed
Any ideas?

Online Meridian

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Re: OXC and OXCE latest dailies always crash - Segmentation Fault
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2024, 01:35:25 pm »
Does it crash also when you don't interrupt the intro?

Can you attach options.cfg file?

Offline MyThos

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Re: OXC and OXCE latest dailies always crash - Segmentation Fault
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2024, 01:57:06 pm »
This time I waited for the into to finish - but it still crashes. Attached the generated options.cfg

There are more details in the log this time around:
Code: [Select]
[06-05-2024_12-53-27] [INFO] OpenXcom started successfully!
[06-05-2024_12-53-27] [INFO] Playing flx, 320x200, 890 frames
[06-05-2024_12-53-27] [INFO] Using software scaling routine. For best results, try an OpenGL filter.
[06-05-2024_12-53-38] [ERROR] Sound 17 in INTRO.CAT not found
[06-05-2024_12-53-40] [ERROR] Sound 14 in INTRO.CAT not found
[06-05-2024_12-53-42] [ERROR] Sound 21 in INTRO.CAT not found
[06-05-2024_12-53-44] [ERROR] Sound 7 in INTRO.CAT not found
[06-05-2024_12-53-47] [ERROR] Sound 3 in INTRO.CAT not found
[06-05-2024_12-53-48] [ERROR] Sound 5 in INTRO.CAT not found
[06-05-2024_12-53-50] [ERROR] Sound 6 in INTRO.CAT not found
[06-05-2024_12-54-13] [ERROR] Sound 13 in INTRO.CAT not found
[06-05-2024_12-54-13] [ERROR] Sound 13 in INTRO.CAT not found
[06-05-2024_12-54-14] [ERROR] Sound 11 in INTRO.CAT not found
[06-05-2024_12-54-14] [ERROR] Sound 13 in INTRO.CAT not found
[06-05-2024_12-54-14] [ERROR] Sound 13 in INTRO.CAT not found
[06-05-2024_12-54-30] [ERROR] Sound 4 in INTRO.CAT not found
[06-05-2024_12-54-31] [ERROR] Sound 5 in INTRO.CAT not found
[06-05-2024_12-54-33] [ERROR] Sound 6 in INTRO.CAT not found
[06-05-2024_12-54-38] [ERROR] Sound 21 in INTRO.CAT not found
[06-05-2024_12-54-38] [ERROR] Sound 21 in INTRO.CAT not found
[06-05-2024_12-54-41] [ERROR] Sound 5 in INTRO.CAT not found
[06-05-2024_12-54-41] [ERROR] Sound 6 in INTRO.CAT not found
[06-05-2024_12-54-59] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[06-05-2024_12-55-00] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault.
[06-05-2024_12-55-00] [FATAL] 0x5e3550 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[06-05-2024_12-55-00] [FATAL] 0x5e43d0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[06-05-2024_12-55-00] [FATAL] 0x41c7f0 signalLogger(int)
[06-05-2024_12-55-00] [FATAL] 0xa2c4c0 OpenXcom::UfopaediaStartState::think()
[06-05-2024_12-55-00] [FATAL] 0x7ffcdc99c970 _C_specific_handler
[06-05-2024_12-55-00] [FATAL] 0x7ffcdc9b2290 _chkstk
[06-05-2024_12-55-00] [FATAL] 0x7ffcdc961030 RtlRaiseException
[06-05-2024_12-55-00] [FATAL] 0x7ffcdc9b0e90 KiUserExceptionDispatcher
[06-05-2024_12-55-00] [FATAL] 0x5f6b50 OpenXcom::Font::getCharSize(unsigned int) const
[06-05-2024_12-55-00] [FATAL] 0x758610 OpenXcom::Text::setScrollable(bool)
[06-05-2024_12-55-00] [FATAL] 0x759d10 OpenXcom::TextButton::initText(OpenXcom::Font*, OpenXcom::Font*, OpenXcom::Language*)
[06-05-2024_12-55-00] [FATAL] 0x6c03d0 OpenXcom::State::add(OpenXcom::Surface*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, OpenXcom::Surface*)
[06-05-2024_12-55-00] [FATAL] 0x76f580 OpenXcom::MainMenuState::MainMenuState(bool)
[06-05-2024_12-55-00] [FATAL] 0x7716f0 OpenXcom::GoToMainMenuState::init()
[06-05-2024_12-55-00] [FATAL] 0x5fb980 OpenXcom::Game::run()
[06-05-2024_12-55-00] [FATAL] 0x41c950 SDL_main
[06-05-2024_12-55-00] [FATAL] 0xa2dff0 console_main
[06-05-2024_12-55-00] [FATAL] 0xa2e110 WinMain
[06-05-2024_12-55-00] [FATAL] ??
[06-05-2024_12-55-00] [FATAL] ??
[06-05-2024_12-55-01] [FATAL] 0x7ffcdb8b7330 BaseThreadInitThunk
[06-05-2024_12-55-01] [FATAL] 0x7ffcdc962690 RtlUserThreadStart
[06-05-2024_12-55-09] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault.
Log file: C:/Users/some-user/Documents/OpenXcom/openxcom.log
« Last Edit: May 06, 2024, 02:00:09 pm by MyThos »

Offline SupSuper

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Re: OXC and OXCE latest dailies always crash - Segmentation Fault
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2024, 03:53:19 pm »
The crash indicates outdated OXC data somewhere. Make sure you've done a clean install and don't have any old mods or "data" left in the install folders.

Offline MyThos

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Re: OXC and OXCE latest dailies always crash - Segmentation Fault
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2024, 02:00:27 pm »
@SupSuper - this was the right clue - the "UFO" folder contained older openxcom content, before this was separated into own locations. I removed all the not original UFO files/folders and now it's working.

Thanks you!