
Author Topic: Mod request: more challenging encounters  (Read 582 times)

Offline Alpha Centauri Bear

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Mod request: more challenging encounters
« on: November 29, 2023, 03:18:02 am »
Anybody played with making encounters more challenging. There are tons of possible improvements. These are just spring to my mind.

Aliens with shock launchers keep shooting tanks, which is making combat exceptionally boring. About the same when they shoot at armored solders. Yes, they put them to sleep but would it be more effective just kill them as usual. Something need to be done with these shockers. Maybe give them explosive damage in hands of aliens? After all, shot down USO are not seeking to capture live humans anymore but fights for survival.

Not too much of difficulty progression between different USO sizes. I would assume largest USO (even with the weakest Gillmen) cannot be taken with unarmored soldiers. Yet, it is completely possible, just a little longer. Maybe introduce some sort of improved AI or bonus to all aliens when officers are present? This way smallest USOs will be at about same level while when medic/technician/navigator/commander are present the troop becomes progressively stronger or more organized?