I'm trying to make every UFO potentially be crewed by a different set of aliens with an equal chance of any specific race being used.
At first I thought this could be achieved just by using
raceWeights: but from what I've read the alien crew race can also be set to match the occupants of the base that launched it.
So as more alien bases are added to the map more non-randomized UFO crews will be generated.
I think that to prevent this the variable
genMissionRaceFromAlienBase: can be set to false which will cause all UFOs to use the
raceWeights: values to determine their crew instead of using the race of their origin base.
I'm unsure of exactly how
raceWeights: functions though.
For example when making all aliens have an equal chance of spawning if there are ten different possible entries in the
raceWeights: section do the combined values all need to add up to 100%?
Or should they all be set at 50 for 50% chance of each race being picked?
Also if each has a 50% chance wouldn't the entries higher on a list have more of a chance of being chosen then the lower ones as the coin toss would need to be lost by the previous entries before later ones are considered for their own shot at 50% odds?