One question here ( or many ), i am currently playing the last version of the mod, i choose the Gal Path ( Dont know if i would play the Male Branch )
I currently have a Hero, a Peasant, 2 Lok'nars, a Gnome, and a sexy female BugEye
My current tactics:
I often go to battle with a a team of 6 hands ( 5 gals and an auxilia on a SNAKE ):
2 Gals with ranged weapons often one with a Sniper Rifle and the other with a Gatling Gun.
2 Gals with Melee plus a high powered pistol, but i currently exchange it for a Super-Charger-Laser from Jack due to the Plasma Cutting attack.
1 Gal with Demolition equipment, RPG + Explosives.
1 Auxilia, often a BugEye because i can use it as medic and can be trained to a high VooDoo Skill level, plus can use terror and possession.
The tactics are somewhat conventional, i use ranged Gals to clear the drop zone from the vantage point at the top of the Ship, while melee Gals clear enemies that are close enough to strike and get back inside in a single turn, then ranged gals cover the melee gals and start sweeping the map.
Wound recovery time is part of the tactics as it allows me to rotate the Gals, if none are wounded, the the gals with the highest Firing or Melee stats are deployed.
So i depend Elite Assault gals equiped with the best Armor and weapons available, one exception are the case of WeirdGals that are Equipped with VooDoo equipment and takes the place of a Melee Gal.
For Air Assault i use a Fully equiped Fighter with Plasma Spitter and Seagul launchers, the pilots are 2 Lok' nars, equiped with suppresed pistols ( due to high reaction Stats of Lok'nar ), perhaps some laser pistol.
Should a battle be too dificult i reatreat regardless of penalties ( even on mutant progroms ).
Now... Besides Gals, Lok'nars and BugEye, i have a problem understanding the other auxilia
Hero/Slave Soldier:
The hero seems to be a glorified Slave Soldier, but i cant find a coherent tactical plan for the use of Slave Soldiers, the only thing that i believe could be useful is for a mass attack on an enemy base, i cant find something useful for SS besides using the as human shields or suicide scouts in open areas, could anyone share any experience with Slave Soldiers?
The Lok'nars are better combatants, the only difference is the High VooDoo power ( 90 ) , what i found is that i cant train Gnome VooDoo Skills while i can give the Gnome some Staff the inability to train VD. Skill makes BugEye better in that regard if enough grinding is done, recommendations?
While Peasants can be trained to a somewhat equal level as a Gal, even then, i find little reasons to keep Peasants while i can pay for Gals that can be equipped with better Armor and higher strength allows for better equipment to be carried, SS seem to have better stats, any suggestions on how to properly use peasants? perhaps using them in tandem with SS, but i still cant think of a tactical plan for this hands....
I imagine that the case for Peasants/SS could be regarding the economics as they are cheaper to maintain so higher numbers could be deployed, even then, if i keep a reduced but highly capable squad of Gals i dont find much need for this kinds of hands.
in regard of the Gnome is still somewhat of a mystery yet to me i imagine that they have a valuable niche use, but yet i am unable to understand its proper use.