I propose less guns and more kinkyness! (Dioxine put a lot of work into the variety of guns. Which I respect.)
proposals and ideas to be collected here. this is the pink velvet room with shackles.
So I would like to see more choking and more whipping. maybe a new orgasm-attack. but just between characters of the same sex. the loser goes unconscious.
how about civs running after a naked gal? so they can be lured to safety.
and a strip-diversion: if successful all - enemies and allies alike - which have LOS in a certain radius drop their weapons - no go insane/berserk. so better turn around baby, when she gets nekid!
and then the more nasty big dick slap. it makes those male mid tier security forces very dangerous to the gals. because, sometimes they sure like a good **********. and panic because they are overwhelmed.
and spanking! we need spanking! increases pleasure, thus is a daze attack.
and then maybe some facility for "special" pleasuring and kinky interrogation and education types. only after enduring a treatment in there a castaway is kinky-resistant and kinky-educated enough to join the sisters in the battle.
Marzas addition: the big boob attack. a melee attack, which does concussive and choking damage. also good to smash the environment. like with the hammer.