I've been playing OpenXcom for about a week (not continuously, of course) with the purpose of having some fun and possibly finding a few bugs in the process (already reported some issues on the bug tracker).
I now have a question about using aliens' special abilities when they are under your control, which wasn't possible in the original game. Namely, psi abilities. For example, when I mind control an Ethereal, there is a "PSI" button in the upper right corner of the screen which allows me to make use of the Ethereal's psi skills. However, it seems that this button is only used to conduct panic attacks, and not mind control. Is it deliberately made impossible to mind control an alien with another alien without the use of a Psi-Amp, or am I just missing something? If it is the former, is there any explanation behind it? It seems perfectly logical to me that this option should be available.
Sorry if this has already been asked, forum search didn't yield any useful results.