Missions as you now them from xcom2012.1. "Escort the VIPs" - you need to escort VIPs to exit area; killing all enemies is
not enough2. "Protect the VIPs" - you need to protect the VIPs; killing all enemies ends the mission, but if you didn't save enough VIPs it will count as
failure"Escort the VIPs" sample:
vip: true
escapeType: 2 # craft/entry tiles serve as exit
vipSurvivalPercentage: 100 # all VIPs must survive
missionCompleteText: "STR_MARAZUKI_SUCCESSFUL" # if he escapes (and at least 1 xcom unit with him)
missionFailedText: "STR_MARAZUKI_FAILED" # anything else happens
abortPenalty: 0 # must be 0 since mission can only be finished by aborting
More description on how to make the VIP a player-controlled summoned unit:
https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,6535.0.htmlMore description how to recover VIPs as scientists, engineer, custom soldiers, items, etc:
https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,5185.msg134201.html#msg134201"Protect the VIPs" sample:
escapeType: 0 # no need to escape, just defend them
markCiviliansAsVIP: true # just mark all civilians as VIPs, alternatively you could only mark some of them using unit-level vip flag as seen in the above example (Dr. Marazuki)
vipSurvivalPercentage: 10 # at least 10% of VIPs must survive
missionCompleteText: "STR_XXX_SUCCESSFUL" # if you win and enough VIPs survive
missionFailedText: "STR_XXX_FAILED" # anything else happens
abortPenalty: 5000 # so that aborting on turn 1 is discouraged :)