
Author Topic: tying to make a soldier that is also a living weapon  (Read 2543 times)

Offline kikimoristan

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tying to make a soldier that is also a living weapon
« on: February 14, 2015, 03:00:54 pm »
So I am trying to make this alien that has a built in attack but can also use weapons. I managed to do it once and my soldier got auto-equipped but I haven't been able to do it again. There's a trick I can't figure it out.

I found that if I make a soldier living weapon

For example (in pseudorulecode yml)
rank living soldier
living weapon

fixed true

The soldier gets the embedded weapon and is able to browse it's inventory and pick up or use items. Is just it's not autoequipped like all other soldiers.

Is there a way to force equip him?

Offline kikimoristan

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Re: tying to make a soldier that is also a living weapon
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2015, 02:04:56 pm »
Guys I figued it out

you add


To you unit. And they get those weapons no matter what when they spawn.  If you make the weapon fixedWeapon: true then is a permanent weapon that can't be removed. If you add 1 fixed weapon then the other hand they can  use other weapons or grenades or items etc.