I would have taken a crack at this eventually, but feel free to try ^_^
Take a look at my addon Armors here
https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=1857.0I'm still making advance personal armor with 80% plasma rating, but could still die from a single direct hit from heavy plasma.
Only more experience soldiers can survive better. Maybe these rating for on all three armors:
100% - None
60% - Armor Piercing
60% - Incendiary
75%(Flying/Powersuit) - 85% (Personal Armor) - High Explosive
80%(Flying/Powersuit) - 90% (Personal Armor) - Laser
85%(Flying/Powersuit) - 90% (Personal Armor) - Plasma
60%(Flying/Powersuit) - 80% (Personal Armor) - Stun
70% (Flying/Powersuit) - 80% (Personal Armor) - Melee
70% (Flying/Powersuit) - 80% (Personal Armor) - Acid
40% (Flying/Powersuit) - 90% (Personal Armor) - Smoke
Stat Increases:
(Personal Armor)
weight: 0
tu: +5 or +8 (lightweight alien alloy)
stamina: +10 or 15 (lightweight alien alloy, armor ergonomics)
health: +8 or 10 (Increase survivability)
bravery: 30 (Soldiers think "I'm well armored" ^_^ )
reactions: +6 or +8 (Less Fear, more Concentration on the fight)
firing: +6 or +7 (Less Fear, more Concentration on the fight)
throwing: +10? (armor ergonomics)
strength: 0 (no exo-motivators >_< )
psiStrength: 0? (not built for it >_<)
psiSkill: 0? (not built for it >_<)
melee: +10? (lightweight alien alloy, armor ergonomics)
weight: 5
tu: +10 or +15 (lightweight alien alloy,Powered exo-motivators)
stamina: +15 or 20 (lightweight alien alloy, Powered exo-motivators)
health: +10 or 15 (Increase survivability)
bravery: +40 or50 (Soldiers think "I'm really well armored" ^_^ )
reactions: +10 or +12 (Less Fear, more Concentration on the fight, Inbuilt Suit Sensors ^_^)
firing: +10 or +15 (Less Fear, more Concentration on the fight, Targeting Sensors ^_^)
throwing: +15? (armor ergonomics,Powered exo-motivators)
strength: +20 (Powered exo-motivators! ^_^ )
psiStrength: +10? (not built for it >_< Maybe Neuro-link gives defense bonus)
psiSkill: 0? (not built for it >_<)
melee: +20? (lightweight alien alloy, armor ergonomics, Powered exo-motivators)
......As fun as all that seems, Heavy Plasma, CyberDisk, Sectopod and the dreaded Blaster Launcher can still Annihilate your people in one or two blasts >_< Thrust me, I checked. Multiple hits from Plasma rifles and pistols are needed. Even enough auto-cannon AP fire will kill you.
But bear in mine, these stats can also turn against you if your soldier is mind controlled! >_<