with 1) you should also make time passed in battlescape, so if you started at early evening and every turn takes for example 30 seconds, after 60 turns (alien+yours) it will be at hour later, and more dark (reinit lighting values according new time)... Like in TTS as you mentioned. It should be easy to implement, but making assault crafts "glued" to battle position after ground combat will motivate players to kill all emenies as fast as possible... is it good?
BTW I just got an idea how it can be used in a good way. If player reloads battlescape game after "unsuccessful move" he will receive a "time penalty" (time will be increased with each reload), it will stimulate ppl to not to reload game too often - otherwise they will be glued to battle position too much longer...
suggestion 2) looks quite logic, and if I remember myself there was such situations when was 2 UFOs landed far from your base, and you just couldn't complete them all because you have to wait until your craft go back to your base, rearm and refuel and then going to second mission. And sometimes that was very upsetting. So I agreed with it without any question.