Author Topic: Scripting: damage based on visibility  (Read 944 times)

Offline Azirel

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Scripting: damage based on visibility
« on: December 11, 2024, 04:17:17 pm »
Trying to create something Lovecraftian, and I really want the ability for certain units to deal Sanity (rebranded Mana) damage just for being visible to another unit at the end of turn.
Is it possible via scripting? A simple "Yes" or "No" will suffice, though a sample script will be welcome.
(If "Yes" - I'll investigate scripting a bit more, currently I failed to find a way to do that)

UPD: The wording may be ambigous, what I want is this:
If a soldier sees a certain alien unit, that soldier takes Sanity damage (ideally only once per turn).
If a soldier can still see a certain alien unit at the end of XCOM turn, that soldier takes Sanity damage.
Both are fine.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2024, 06:39:22 pm by Azirel »