Author Topic: [Answered] BUG: H.Explo. Armed when Deactivated.  (Read 1018 times)

Offline ThumpieBunnyEve

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[Answered] BUG: H.Explo. Armed when Deactivated.
« on: May 25, 2024, 07:32:33 am »
I have the oXcE mod for 'high explosives can breach ufo exteriors' set on 'on'.
when starting a mission, i decided to arm about 5 of these, with the setting [ 0 ], and 2 of them with the setting [ 1 ].
because nothing i do lets me change the armed or disarmed option during B.attleS.cape, i had second thoughts and went back to Disarm all the High Explosives my crew were carrying, opting to set them in field as needed.

However, when B.S. began, i noticed my crew were holding !Armed! units.
Thinking it was a glitch, i decided it was best to Throw the H.Explosives immediately.

So i threw all the units off the ship, so they would explode -away- from the Avenger, at the end of the round or at the end of round 2..  but..

They did not explode.   All clearly indicated as 'armed' and i could not right click to set any of them.

Im not exactly sure how that would play out in the code, but please have a look?


the only save i have is while the crew is opening round 0 inside BS.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2024, 07:34:57 am by ThumpieBunnyEve »

Offline Meridian

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Re: BUG: H.Explo. Armed when Deactivated.
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2024, 11:16:19 am »
You have 26 high explosives:
- 5 primed with setting 0 (end of player turn 1)
- 5 primed with setting 1 (end of alien turn 1)
- 1 primed with setting 2 (end of player turn 2)
- 15 unprimed

They all explode correctly.

Video proof for the high explosive with setting 2 attached.

Offline ThumpieBunnyEve

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Re: BUG: H.Explo. Armed when Deactivated.
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2024, 09:18:00 pm »
when i later in that mission abandoned game, and loaded save 111. the H.Explo. worked as expected.
Some went off right away, some went off a round or few later. and some didn't boom.

The error may be narrowed to  pre-mission-setup when disarming, and re-arming, then entering mission, throwing, and counting the rounds.   as mentioned my Save is 'after' having landed. So opening the BattleScape phase, saving, and immediately reloading that save might be the key to not encountering the issue.  But as mentioned...

ALL my H.Exp.'s were set to  0  to start with while landing setup was active.
I disabled them all.
i re-enabled some. ( with timing at 1 so individuals could throw a big boom with enough time for TU drained comrades to escape the radius in the next round. )  and then a bunch with no prearmed status, so i could set accordingly.

Have a look at pre-landing, arm and disarm some H.Exp.  see if they show up as armed when you enter BattleScape.
If they DO show up as armed, throw those around,  and see if/when they explode.  In my live run, the armed ones never did.  In my Reload from the save they worked fine.  I was actually surprised to see them boom on the reload as they had not on the live run prior.

Either way the fix was for me to load the save from post-landing. (111)

Offline Meridian

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Re: BUG: H.Explo. Armed when Deactivated.
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2024, 09:36:53 pm »
Dude, either you can give me clear instructions how to reproduce a bug or you cannot.

If you cannot, I have no reason to look at it.

Offline ThumpieBunnyEve

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Re: BUG: H.Explo. Armed when Deactivated.
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2024, 09:00:14 am »
no hostility needed. what part is not clear?

before every battlescape, there is a setup period, i don't know if it has a fancy name or not..

just set up a high explosive on a soldier to a value of 1.
then disarm it.
start mission.
observe in battlscape the status of the high explosive.

is it armed?
if no.  then you do not see the bug.
if yes. then you see the bug.

if i get the bug, then i just save the battlescape. abandon game, and reload the battlescape. and the bug is cleared.


i do not comprehend where you mis-comprehend.  But your more important then me so I'll just accept that its my fault. Carry on.

Offline Meridian

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Re: BUG: H.Explo. Armed when Deactivated.
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2024, 11:29:34 am »
no hostility needed.

no hostility, just frustration

before every battlescape, there is a setup period, i don't know if it has a fancy name or not..

just set up a high explosive on a soldier to a value of 1.
then disarm it.
start mission.
observe in battlscape the status of the high explosive.

is it armed?

are you seriously asking ME if it is armed?
that's what I am asking YOU to provide

there should be no question marks in a bug report

if no.  then you do not see the bug.
if yes. then you see the bug.

for me it is not armed