
Author Topic: Funny names for my OpenXCom LP  (Read 454 times)

Offline NiceMicro

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Funny names for my OpenXCom LP
« on: December 17, 2023, 03:41:15 pm »

I'm planning to start a new series on my YouTube channel playing Reaver's mod, and I decided to throw in, as a joke, and as a treat to my viewers, new name files which contain pop culture and free software references, as well as the names of the viewers, in the mix. I don't want to delete the original name files from the game (I run Linux, installed OXCE into the root filesystem with the package manager, I don't want to touch it, and also for other games, keeping the names is good), so I made a "mod" with the new files for the SoldierNames. Testing this, I managed to get a few names from the mod files, but most still comes from the original game files.

Is there a way to not have names from the original files, only for the ones that are in the mod? If I put empty files with the same names in the mod's SoldierName  directory, it breaks the game. If I put one first name and one last name in all of them (I put "No" as first name and "Name" as last name in files that has the same file names as the ones in the game) and still got two soldiers named "No Name" in the game.

Thanks in advance!

Offline Meridian

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Re: Funny names for my OpenXCom LP
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2023, 03:46:29 pm »
Put your names into a directory called differently than Reaver's directory, for example "MyNewNames" (not absolutely necessary but it helps).

In your mod, you'll need to "delete" the link to the old names and link your new names... for each soldier type.
Something like this:

Code: [Select]
  - type: STR_SOLDIER
      - delete
      - MyNewNames/
      - delete
      - MyNewNames/