
Author Topic: [Suggestion] Relationships between the soldiers.  (Read 603 times)

Offline Slow

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[Suggestion] Relationships between the soldiers.
« on: October 02, 2023, 03:45:32 pm »
A bond between soldiers, like in Firaxis's Xcom 2. Two soldiers become friends, and get their stats boosted (probably in form of comendation). Possibly even several types of bonds - simple friendship, friends with benefits, lovers, married. If one of the agents die, the other gets a malus to stats (probably just temporal).

Other type of bonds - 'Dislike' and 'Hatred'. If these guys on the same base they get malus to stats.

Whaddaya think?

Offline Garr

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Re: Relationships between the soldiers.
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2023, 10:31:17 am »
For some this additional complexity is neat and adds realism. For my tastes it feels a bit excessive with the system of UFO Defence, which despite soldier customisation has much less emphasis on the core "heroic" troops. With less emphasis on them, the relationship system feels excessive on them.