Author Topic: I've made some improvements to XCom - anyone interested?  (Read 7580 times)

Offline NachaZ

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I've made some improvements to XCom - anyone interested?
« on: February 09, 2022, 03:23:07 pm »
Hello XCom-People,

I've been an XCom-Fan for a long time now. I started playing this game way back as a child, still under MS-DOS. I'm also a big fan of openXCom for its ability to run under modern operating systems as well as its quality of life upgrades.

Recently I've made some changes for my own purposes in order to further increase quality of life:
1. Ufopedia shows Weights, Autofire-Shots and Clip-Sizes. Also the Ufopedia can be called using right click from the craft equipment UI.

2. Soldiers can now be sorted by "Weighted Stats" (PSk+FA>PStr+Re>TU+Str>Sta+He>Throwing), also soldiers are now sorted descending, so e.g. you can automatically put the strongest soldiers first in your craft.

3. Whenever a Soldier recovers from being wounded, a popup is shown - clicking the solder will open the equip craft screen of the soldiers base

4. Improved production UI: Items which cannot be produced due to lack of space or resources are shown in a different color. Also the current stock quantity is shown as an additional column.

5. Storage UI is now sorted from most to least space used and the columns are formatted

I'm making this post because I am not sure if I should make the extra effort to get the changes into the projects' master branch. Right now the changes are missing I18N and have not been tested in TFTD. Also I am no C++-Developer by trade, so I am not totally sure if the source code is up to par. Also I don't have a github-account...

Is there someone out there willing to put in the extra effort or shall I even do it myself? Feedback much appreciated.

Offline Meridian

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Re: I've made some improvements to XCom - anyone interested?
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2022, 03:44:10 pm »
Hello NachaZ,

I can't give you a definite answer, but OpenXcom is probably not accepting such changes.
Or at least hasn't accepted in a while.

Seeing the changes you made, you might be interested in OpenXcom Extended:,22.0.html
From your points:
1/ already available
2/ already available, kinda
3/ -
4/ already available
5/ already available

The implementation is of course slightly different, but the general requirement is covered.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2022, 03:46:21 pm by Meridian »

Offline NachaZ

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Re: I've made some improvements to XCom - anyone interested?
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2022, 04:41:53 pm »
Hey Meridian, thank you!

Ah, I wasn't even aware OpenXcom Extended existed...

However the whole reason I started modifying the game in the 1st place was the ability to sort the soldiers by those weighted stats as well as the quantity in the production UI, so I think I'll stick with my version ;)
(even though some of the new OXCE features look pretty useful at 1st glance)

Offline ontherun

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Re: I've made some improvements to XCom - anyone interested?
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2022, 04:31:54 pm »
i think the third point might be fine with oxe, please someone consider implementing it?

Offline Skybuck

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Re: I've made some improvements to XCom - anyone interested?
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2022, 12:56:38 am »
Yes, I am interested in your improvements.

Send your source code (in zip or rar or 7zip) to: skybuck 2000 @ hotmail dot com

(without the spaces, also convert dot to .)

Then I will create a git branch on my git account and incorporate your changes.

(Once done I will update this posting to include a link to that git hub branch)

Offline NachaZ

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Re: I've made some improvements to XCom - anyone interested?
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2022, 06:53:36 am »
LOL, hotmail thinks I'm SPAM: "SMTP error from remote server for MAIL FROM command, host: ( reason: 550 5.7.1 Service unavailable, Client host [XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX] blocked using Spamhaus."

So I've attached it here in hope of not breaking any forum rules...

I've also included the git diff in case the master moved on; hope this makes things easier on your part.



Offline Yankes

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Re: I've made some improvements to XCom - anyone interested?
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2022, 12:04:55 pm »
Using attachment is ok but this miss completely point of using git as version control system.

You should publish your changes on GitHub or other similar page (like e.g. GitLab)

Offline Skybuck

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Re: I've made some improvements to XCom - anyone interested?
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2022, 01:45:13 pm »
Using attachment is ok but this miss completely point of using git as version control system.

You should publish your changes on GitHub or other similar page (like e.g. GitLab)

Learning git requires time and may be difficult for people to get into, so I can understand he might not be there yet and wants to focus his time attention to other things.

Offline Skybuck

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Re: I've made some improvements to XCom - anyone interested?
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2022, 11:56:32 pm »

I'm back. I just watched French defeat Morocco in Worldcup 2022 in Quator and I am thrilled, LIBERTY ! :P* =D

Now I'm looking for something to do... as I listen to...

To relax and wind-down...

I decided to check on OpenXcom status and forum and such and come across this thread. I almost completely forgot about it.

Maybe I did not even notice the attached RAR file or maybe it was added later, strange (of ME ?:)).

Now that I see it, I can work on it. Maybe I was busy back then and didn't have time on it, or maybe I already tried it out, can't remember, but now I will try it out !

git log -graph NachaZ shows no branch yet in my OpenXcom git repository. So I will call it that... the branch that is.

Now I intend to do the following:

1. Update my local OpenXcom master with the latest remote OpenXcom commits just to try and make sure it's nicely update to date and see how it goes.
2. Create a NachaZ git branch based this updated local master.
3. Extract the rar file and find a way to apply the changes.
4. Test it out in visual studio 2019.
5. Build a version.
6. Play it.
7. If all good and approved my me, upload it to github...

Publish the github link here and maybe also upload some builded executables so others can enjoy this improved version which sounds nice and sweet.

(I would recommend to re-arrange your original posting, so that the screenshots are in between the points, to highlight each new idea/change with a screenshot that is associated and a representation of this idea ! ;) :))

I will update this posting once I know more... standbye...

Next day:

1. NachaZ's patch partially applied:
$ git apply --verbose --reject --whitespace=fix changes..gitpatch

2. Rejected file manually merged with Meld application for windows:

(Some new comparison structure had to be added and git did not know how to do it)

3. Branch NachaZ created, also a worktree for myself to keep these changes on disk.

4. Building OpenXCom Solution (after dep folder copied from master to NachaZ) (5.8 GB RAM machine with roughly 1.8 GB free RAM):
Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019
Version 16.11.10

So far seems successfull:
1>  UfopaediaSelectState.cpp
1>  UfopaediaStartState.cpp
1>Target Link:
1>  SDLmain.lib(SDL_win32_main.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'SDLmain.pdb' was not found with 'SDLmain.lib(SDL_win32_main.obj)' or at 'E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\bin\Win32\Debug\SDLmain.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>  OpenXcom.2010.vcxproj -> E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\bin\Win32\Debug\OpenXcom.exe
1>Done building target "Link" in project "OpenXcom.2010.vcxproj".
1>Target AppLocalFromInstalled:
1>  pwsh.exe wordt niet herkend als een interne
1>  of externe opdracht, programma of batchbestand.
1>  The command "pwsh.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -noprofile -File "E:\SourceCode\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\msbuild\applocal.ps1" "E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\bin\Win32\Debug\OpenXcom.exe" "E:\SourceCode\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\msbuild\..\..\..\installed\x86-windows\debug\bin" "E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\src\..\obj\Win32\Debug\OpenXcom.tlog\OpenXcom.write.1u.tlog" "E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\src\..\obj\Win32\Debug\vcpkg.applocal.log"" exited with code 9009.
1>Target PostBuildEvent:
1>  E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\src\..\deps\lib\Win32\libFLAC-8.dll
1>  E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\src\..\deps\lib\Win32\libjpeg-8.dll
1>  E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\src\..\deps\lib\Win32\libmikmod.dll
1>  E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\src\..\deps\lib\Win32\libogg-0.dll
1>  E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\src\..\deps\lib\Win32\libpng15-15.dll
1>  E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\src\..\deps\lib\Win32\libtiff-5.dll
1>  E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\src\..\deps\lib\Win32\libvorbis-0.dll
1>  E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\src\..\deps\lib\Win32\libvorbisfile-3.dll
1>  E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\src\..\deps\lib\Win32\libwebp-2.dll
1>  E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\src\..\deps\lib\Win32\SDL.dll
1>  E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\src\..\deps\lib\Win32\SDL_gfx.dll
1>  E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\src\..\deps\lib\Win32\SDL_image.dll
1>  E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\src\..\deps\lib\Win32\SDL_mixer.dll
1>  E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\src\..\deps\lib\Win32\smpeg.dll
1>  E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\src\..\deps\lib\Win32\yaml-cpp.dll
1>  E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\src\..\deps\lib\Win32\yaml-cppd.dll
1>  E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\src\..\deps\lib\Win32\zlib1.dll
1>         17 bestand(en) gekopieerd.
1>Target FinalizeBuildStatus:
1>  Deleting file "E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\src\..\obj\Win32\Debug\OpenXcom.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild".
1>  Touching "E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\src\..\obj\Win32\Debug\OpenXcom.tlog\OpenXcom.lastbuildstate".
1>Done building project "OpenXcom.2010.vcxproj".
1>Build succeeded.
1>SDLmain.lib(SDL_win32_main.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'SDLmain.pdb' was not found with 'SDLmain.lib(SDL_win32_main.obj)' or at 'E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\bin\Win32\Debug\SDLmain.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>    1 Warning(s)
1>    0 Error(s)
1>Time Elapsed 00:05:35.29
========== Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

5. Testing can now proceed.

Later I will upload source code to github and make a special executable available on my webdrive so people can try out Nacha's version ! =D

First attempt at testing failed, because of broken laptop gpu, have to switch to full screen in a special way with window mode, somehow that didn't go well, tried to exit openxcom but it would not exit properly, the forced termination of openxcom nuked my sound driver, so had to restart the system, this is a known problem with openxcom and sdl to me, and it's quite annoying, but worth a restart and trying to test it again. I kinda forgot how to switch to full screen on a broken gpu, but it involves setting battlescreen and battlescape to 2x, and then switching from fullscreen to windowed mode. So I will try again and I also still have to do a release build, because so far this is a debug build.

Something else strange happened, visual studio 2019 disappeared from the taskbar ! LOL. Ah developing... lol... also during restart opera auto updated ran, so restarting now without time loss risks ! ;) =D so far so good, 10 minutes wasted not to bad... perhaps I accidently closed visual studio instead of windows explorer, as screen was frozen... no biggie...

OK, correct startup procedure for full screen on broken laptop gpu is:

1. Full screen.
2. Borderless.
3. Exit.
4. Restart game.

Plus ofcourse any scaling for fullsize graphics. The restart will make sure the bordless window is properly covering the entire screen.

Scaling options can be set to original for classic x-com size/feel, or perhaps x2 or 1x1.5 I think this has to be done before starting a game though.
I think 1.5x is best also set resolution to max in my case 1600x900.

Now I try make new game and admire these new changes =D

1. First screenshot verified.
2. Second screenshot unable to verify, need to play game somewhat to produce something
3. Third screenshot unable to verifiy, need to get a soldier wounded and recovered.
4. Fourth screenshot verified, sorting soldiers in craft possible.
5. Fifth screenshot failure, no kilograms displayed ? Feared as much not sure why.

2 out of 5 verified ! Not bad.

Why 5th is not working, I don't know... (yet), maybe feature 5 was removed from patch or something went wrong ? Or it takes a while to take affect though this last reasoning don't make much sense.

So far this patch seems worth it, so now I will produce a release version of it ! =D

OK I feel pretty confident this is going to make some people happy, so while visual studio 2019 is building the release version I will upload the NachaZ branch to github so others can maybe pull it down from me and enjoy it or view it or modify it, or even better/best integrate it into their own versions of OpenXCom ! ;) =D Also feels good to upload in case this laptop crashes and breaks down and dies forever ! LOL.

Here is the NachaZ github branch, part of Skybuck's Flying OpenXCom repository:

Release build log:

1>  ArticleStateVehicle.cpp
1>  Ufopaedia.cpp
1>  UfopaediaSelectState.cpp
1>  UfopaediaStartState.cpp
1>Target Link:
1>  Generating code
1>  Previous IPDB not found, fall back to full compilation.
1>  All 23919 functions were compiled because no usable IPDB/IOBJ from previous compilation was found.
1>  Finished generating code
1>  SDLmain.lib(SDL_win32_main.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'SDLmain.pdb' was not found with 'SDLmain.lib(SDL_win32_main.obj)' or at 'E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\bin\Win32\Release\SDLmain.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>  OpenXcom.2010.vcxproj -> E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\bin\Win32\Release\OpenXcom.exe
1>Done building target "Link" in project "OpenXcom.2010.vcxproj".
1>Target AppLocalFromInstalled:
1>  pwsh.exe wordt niet herkend als een interne
1>  of externe opdracht, programma of batchbestand.
1>  The command "pwsh.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -noprofile -File "E:\SourceCode\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\msbuild\applocal.ps1" "E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\bin\Win32\Release\OpenXcom.exe" "E:\SourceCode\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\msbuild\..\..\..\installed\x86-windows\bin" "E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\src\..\obj\Win32\Release\OpenXcom.tlog\OpenXcom.write.1u.tlog" "E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\src\..\obj\Win32\Release\vcpkg.applocal.log"" exited with code 9009.
1>Target PostBuildEvent:
1>  E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\src\..\deps\lib\Win32\libFLAC-8.dll
1>  E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\src\..\deps\lib\Win32\libjpeg-8.dll
1>  E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\src\..\deps\lib\Win32\libmikmod.dll
1>  E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\src\..\deps\lib\Win32\libogg-0.dll
1>  E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\src\..\deps\lib\Win32\libpng15-15.dll
1>  E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\src\..\deps\lib\Win32\libtiff-5.dll
1>  E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\src\..\deps\lib\Win32\libvorbis-0.dll
1>  E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\src\..\deps\lib\Win32\libvorbisfile-3.dll
1>  E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\src\..\deps\lib\Win32\libwebp-2.dll
1>  E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\src\..\deps\lib\Win32\SDL.dll
1>  E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\src\..\deps\lib\Win32\SDL_gfx.dll
1>  E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\src\..\deps\lib\Win32\SDL_image.dll
1>  E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\src\..\deps\lib\Win32\SDL_mixer.dll
1>  E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\src\..\deps\lib\Win32\smpeg.dll
1>  E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\src\..\deps\lib\Win32\yaml-cpp.dll
1>  E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\src\..\deps\lib\Win32\yaml-cppd.dll
1>  E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\src\..\deps\lib\Win32\zlib1.dll
1>         17 bestand(en) gekopieerd.
1>Target FinalizeBuildStatus:
1>  Deleting file "E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\src\..\obj\Win32\Release\OpenXcom.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild".
1>  Touching "E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\src\..\obj\Win32\Release\OpenXcom.tlog\OpenXcom.lastbuildstate".
1>Done building project "OpenXcom.2010.vcxproj".
1>Build succeeded.
1>SDLmain.lib(SDL_win32_main.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'SDLmain.pdb' was not found with 'SDLmain.lib(SDL_win32_main.obj)' or at 'E:\SourceCode\OpenXCom\NachaZ\bin\Win32\Release\SDLmain.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>    1 Warning(s)
1>    0 Error(s)
1>Time Elapsed 00:07:02.42
========== Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

Now that I re-read this thread there are some claims that this functionality was already implemented, I do notice some differences:

1. The weight in storage screen is sorted, this could be nice.
2. Research and manufacture buttons are now purple in base menu, not sure why.
3. Extra sorting options for craft.

Rest will have to be noticed during play.

Now one final thing to do upload this executable to my webdrive so people can try it out, though indeed the difference with original OpenXcom might be minimal, but could still be interesting in case you struggle with wounded soldiers or so... I wish the kg indicator worked in ufopedia, but nope...

Finally here is the release build of NachaZ modifications into OpenXCom:

Just copy this executable to the OpenXCom game folder and then start OpenXcomNachaZ.exe by double clicking on it and such.

Not sure if it's save game safe and such ! =D

Have fun testing and playing it ! =D

Thanks for allowing attachments !


Thanks to NachaZ for this patch, might be interesting to play this sometime ! =D

OK, I played this version a bit... I did not see any soldier wounded recovery screen pop-up... I wish I did, so it seems this patch not entirely working as advertised ?!? hihi..

I assume all changes are in the patch file ? Though the RAR did come with all source code... maybe the source code has further changed not in patch file ? hmm...

Or maybe the game changed too much sense then and some of it not working anymore...

Also I do have some mods installed and they worked, I did have to disable the xenoproto mod or something graphics missing ! ;)

cu later ! =D
« Last Edit: December 16, 2022, 04:06:47 am by Skybuck »

Offline Skybuck

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Re: I've made some improvements to XCom - anyone interested?
« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2022, 04:22:17 am »
Hmmmm... I suspect there might be more source code in the actual source code from NachaZ ! ;) =D

So I will try again, this time I copy all his source code to a new worktree so it's easy comparable with a git diff.

(I couldn't get git diff working directly with an outside of the respository folder, so I do it this way...)

Perhaps the best way to apply NachaZ code is maybe his changes rebased on top of latest source code...

But first I inspect further changes... not sure if they all from NachaZ or already in there...

So far seems to be his work.. hmmm...

Rebasing probably not possible cause NachaZ does not have a commit point hehe... I do see some significant changes in his full source code... hmmm...

Interesting to try and build this... or at least incorporate his changes without losing some minor changes in openxcom, not sure which ones that would be.

For now I am going to leave it as is, do a build... and then upload his full source code patch to github... hmmm

It's helpfull to know at what commit NachaZ based his changes, his patch file gives some idea I think:

diff --git a/src/Basescape/BasescapeState.cpp b/src/Basescape/BasescapeState.cpp
index 4de197eb0..e3a4d5c86 100644

Going to try and find this commit point ! ;)

Hmm git a bit sloppy in this multiple of these indexes...

Now it's getting hard... not only cpp files changed but also some other files...

If NachaZ can remember which commit he downloaded from that be helpfull... hmm otherwise manual changes may have to happen or maybe deepgit can be of some help... hmmm. Deepgit should be able to detect which changes are from openxcom developers and which from nachaz ! ;)

This could be a nice example of how git fails to be a good versioning and tracking change system... now it's a big fat mess... hmmm.... no dates, no versions, nada.

However the original extracted files from rar do contain some dates and that could indicate when this patch was made and possible which commit it was so not all is lost ! =D

Making a branch from around that date could solve the problem somewhat and might make a rebase possible ! ;) =D

MS-DOS to the resque:

dir /O:D /s

Most dates seem to be 12-01-2022, so perhaps the files from around that date. Then some changes on 9-02-2022

It's probably one of these commits, but could still be older:

* commit 94640aab1279ae268e0420a7b5c99cc44eb09473
| Author: Deimos715 <>
| Date:   Sun Jan 9 13:53:35 2022 +0300
|     Update URLs to HTTPS
|     This PR changes remaining URLs in to HTTPS for security reasons.
* commit 80864e0d039e60ebba0f57d8b6efe00a88929bb6 (DirectionalLighting, DirectionLighting)
| Author: Warboy1982 <>
| Date:   Tue Dec 21 21:39:06 2021 +1100
|     fix for previous fix, accounting for 3d explosions

I notice his urls not updated to https, so probably from before that date... hmmm...

It seems his code does include this somewhat strange 3d explosion fix:

* commit 80864e0d039e60ebba0f57d8b6efe00a88929bb6 (DirectionalLighting, DirectionLighting)
| Author: Warboy1982 <>
| Date:   Tue Dec 21 21:39:06 2021 +1100
|     fix for previous fix, accounting for 3d explosions

Code seems to re-align some code:

new@new-PC MINGW64 /e/SourceCode/OpenXCom/NachaZFullSourceCode (NachaZFullSourceCode)
$ git diff 51622230eaf7f09a2f6d7295a80006dfd755f4bc 80864e0d039e60ebba0f57d8b6efe00a88929bb6
diff --git a/src/Battlescape/TileEngine.cpp b/src/Battlescape/TileEngine.cpp
index ad0c56202..8e49fed30 100644
--- a/src/Battlescape/TileEngine.cpp
+++ b/src/Battlescape/TileEngine.cpp
@@ -1324,7 +1324,14 @@ void TileEngine::explode(Position center, int power, ItemDamageType type, int ma
                                                                // power 50 - 150%
                                                                if (bu)
-                                                                       if ((abs(dest->getPosition().x - int(centerX)) < 2 && abs(dest->getPosition().y - int(centerY)) < 2) || dest->getPosition().z > int(centerZ))
+                                                                       if (
+                                                                                       (
+                                                                                               abs(dest->getPosition().x - int(centerX)) < 2
+                                                                                               && abs(dest->getPosition().y - int(centerY)) < 2
+                                                                                               && dest->getPosition().z == int(centerZ)
+                                                                                       )
+                                                                                       || dest->getPosition().z > int(centerZ)
+                                                                               )
                                                                                // ground zero effect is in effect, or unit is above explosion
                                                                                bu->damage(Position(0, 0, 0), (RNG::generate(min, max)), type);

Not sure how this fixes anything hard to tell...

So my best guess is his code was based on 21 december 2021
« Last Edit: December 16, 2022, 05:19:56 am by Skybuck »

Offline Skybuck

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Re: I've made some improvements to XCom - anyone interested?
« Reply #10 on: December 16, 2022, 05:12:12 am »

Now a special branch can be created where most likely NachaZ based his code on:

$ git branch NachaZBase 80864e0d039e60ebba0f57d8b6efe00a88929bb6

This offers some possiblities to apply his source code on such a branch and then attempt a re-base or so onto latest commit of OpenXCom master =D

Then I copied all the source code into this worktree... not necessary to use a worktree but convenient for me maybe... anyway...

Then commited it, then put a branch name on it, like rebasefromhere.

finally switch to that commited rebasefromhere branch and finally executed:

git rebase master

Seemed to work, it was a bit odd, because it illimates some of my strange/shitty code, but the result looks promising... all of NachaZ code re-based onto OpenXCom master...

An alternative might be to use --onto or something but it doesn't seem necessary, thought seeing my strange code in red is a bit strange... I am going to give it a build try and see what happens ! ;)

The re-based code is in folder:


« Last Edit: December 16, 2022, 05:44:50 am by Skybuck »

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Re: I've made some improvements to XCom - anyone interested?
« Reply #11 on: December 16, 2022, 06:09:22 am »
Amazing I can already tell this one works much better for example the kilogram is actually showing in the UFOPedia ! FANTASTIC/MOST INTERESTING ! =D

Testing will commence right now, and after this I will clean everything up, delete some branches... and just get it over with otherwise to much branch and worktree pollution lol.

I don't care too much how I get there... I will leave some branches in like NachaZBase and NachaZModification and NachaZReBase and that will be it.

The other less good version will be removed/deleted... but first testing ! ;)

Stangely enough I heard no music, maybe NachaZ disabled music in his config or maybe my game config is being used... I don't know... this open source game solution confuses me in that regards lol, hard to tell where stuff/loads is coming from =D :P*

I also notice a "drag scroll" instead of a move to sides of screen scroll... hmmm gonna change this in this play through I think...

I ran git status, it does not show any changes after I change game settings... so maybe this some kind of open-x-com default settings... not sure.. maybe changes still in memory and not saved to disk ? hmm will find out of this game short play through ! ;)

First I am going to do a release build of this possibly better version so it runs much faster cause otherwise the frame rate is a bit annoying low, like 20 or 18 fps...
« Last Edit: December 16, 2022, 06:16:02 am by Skybuck »

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Re: I've made some improvements to XCom - anyone interested?
« Reply #12 on: December 16, 2022, 06:28:26 am »
The path to success was messy and lots of crap posted, but here is a short summation:

The path to success was as follows:

1. Determine the date on which NachaZ's code was based.
2. Find the commit hash id in OpenXCom commit log which closely matched this date.
3. Check which code changes were present and which cod echanges were not present in NachaZ's code to fixate on the correct commit hash id.
4. Create a branch based on this commit hash id.
5. Create a worktree for this branch.
6. Extract and overwrite all files on this worktree with NachaZ's patch/full source code/all files.
7. Commit these changes.
8. Add a new branch/tag name for this NachaZ modification.
9. Rebase this branch onto OpenXCom master.
10. Copy over earlier commit comments for NachaZ.

Other things I did even before these steps:
-2. Tried to apply his patch file, but it was incomplete, the full source code contains much more changes and new files and new code.
-1. Create a special branch and copied NachaZ code there to do a simply git diff. Easier than trying to compare git with a folder which complained that it was outside of repository hard to do... used this as an initial investigation to investigate NachaZ
11. Clean this older investigatory branches by deleting them =D

Now building a release version and then more testing and finally a re-upload to my webdrive, and also re-upload to github.
I will simply attach an additional branch to it called NachaZ so earlier links will remaining functioning and that there is some kind of final branch for NachaZ which is this shorter one ! ;)

OK, old NachaZ branch deleted and new NachaZ branch uploaded onto github, LOOKING PRETTY GOOD if I say so myself (my shitty code is not visible in the commit, thank god ! LOL =D):

I share this with you pre-testing cause I feel pretty confident about it ! WIEEEE ! =D

Release build went fine as well... going to test it now...

I also upload the other tags, like NachaZBase, NachaZReBase and NachaZModificationsOnCorrectBase and finally NachaZRebased to show how it was done, might be usefull in future if any more changes come in ! ;) =D Or maybe might need to make new bases if he bases his future changes on new master base =D



Anyway I will let the original executable remain on my server, but I will also upload this new one under OpenXComNachaZFullPossiblyCrashes.exe

Yup tested again as follows:

1. Fight the aliens, wait till soldier is wounded, go back to skyranger, abort mission, look at wounded status, 8 days, skip rest 8 days until time passes, BAM CRASH.

Maybe in future I might debug it, but I am kinda done with it, somebody else may have to debug it... kinda strange !  I have no time for it at the moment I want to spent time on other projects for now, but at least I got you a whole end ! ;) =D

I was just about to abadon it but I did notice something in visual studio... strlen access violation/crash... maybe it's string related... not sure if mods are loaded... done for now.

Maybe it will work sometime, maybe if mods disabled I don't know, but then you can test it yourself.

Well I did my best for now.

NachaZ binary/executable versions will be available here:

One more time the NachaZ source code, rebased on current master/16-12-2022:

« Last Edit: December 16, 2022, 07:02:25 am by Skybuck »