found a way to automate the whole thing thanks to Notepad++ macro functionality, refer to this post for the How To :
https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,10806.msg152472.html#msg152472and enjoy the rebalancing and more classic xcom-isation of the view distance and focus on scouting and exploration for 40k 034 and Rosigma 2.0B
I was curious about changing the view distance and AI fighting to something closer to the original XCOM.
As there are way too many entries for me to waste my time into doing it manually as a mod just for a test, i decided to use the Notepad++ batch replacement system to do it super quick.
But in the end i was surprised to have actually a lot of fun, as it changes the gameplay when you don't see anymore where nearly every AI is on the map (and when the AI don't know where your troops are either), it adds more exploration element and level of tension.
If someone is interested by doing it to his own install, here's a "how to" tutorial :
FIRST backup your 40k and Rosigma_main folders so if you don't like the new (well old) view and engagement style you can go back easily to the normal 40K/Rosigma gameplay.
Now go to your ...\40k_033\Ruleset\ folder , for me it's
C:\OpenXcom WH40K\User\mods\40k_033\Ruleset
open the file difficulty_40k.rul and change
maxViewDistance: 60
maxViewDistance: 20
Then , make sure you have the always excellent Notepad++ (
https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ )
Once done, open Notepad++ and either press CTRL+Shift+F or press Search -> Find in Files to open the Find in Files dialogue.
At the line "Find what", type
visibilityAtDay: \d+
and the line "Replace with", type
visibilityAtDay: 20
At "Directory", set it to your ...\40k_033\Ruleset , by example for me it is
C:\OpenXcom WH40K\User\mods\40k_033\Ruleset
On the bottom of that Find in File dialogue, you'll need to tick "Regular expression" (as the \d+ is a "regular expression" that will allows notepad++ us to search for any number whatever it is for the visibilityAtDay to replace them all by 20)
Then after doing it, click on the button "Replace in Files"
Wait until done (there are lot of those entries through multiple ruleset files)
Once done, at "Directory" change it to your ...\Rosigma_main\Ruleset ,for me it is
C:\OpenXCOM WH40K\User\mods\ROSIGMA-main\Ruleset
Again, press the button "Replace in Files" and wait until it's done.
Now for "Find what", replace by
visibilityAtDark: \d+
and the line "Replace with", put
visibilityAtDark: 20
Then press "Replace in Files" again, then change the directory to your ...40k_033\Ruleset\ and press again "Replace in Files"
That's all for the Viewdistance to bring it to the old xcom level, try it you'll see how it changes the gameplay.
Note, you may be very often shot from way beyond your xcom-like line of sight, that is because of the spotter/sniper system :
https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,5679.0.htmlThat is enabled in 40k/Rosigma and allow the AI to maphack a very lot (as just shooting a "spotter" and a lot of units have that role, will reveal your soldier to every enemies of the map.
Fortunately there's a way to disable this AI maphack cheat as while it works nice with 60 viewdistance, when playing on this kind of xcom-like engagement and view range 20 it will very quickly kill the fun of trying to setup your ambushes or walking into enemy lairs.
To remove this, you'll need to use the same "Replace in Files" functionality of Notepad++
MAKE SURE TO TICK "Match Case" for this, because you don't want SNIPER and sniper being considered the same in what will follow
At "Find what", replace by
spotter: \d+
and the line "Replace with", put
spotter: 0
that according to the documentation will disable the system.
Make sure to apply that for both 40K and Rosigma folders
To make sure to not screw up the many units with the sniper script, do the same with
At "Find what", replace by
sniper: \d+
and the line "Replace with", put
sniper: 0
Always make sure that "Regular expression" is ticked or the batch replacement would fail
Once you done, if you wish to batch replace -without- regular expression like that \d+ , make sure to tick "Normal" back instead of "Regular Expression"