First: Thanks for creating this mod. Truly, if you had a button for donations I'd feel the urge to contribute something for all the fun I had in the last hundred hours.
The original UFO:Xcom (and later tftd) were among my most cherished childhood gaming moments, and though I've played xenonauts I couldnt get anyhting from the newer UFO titles. Someday I stumbled upon this gem... and it's a childhood wish come true. Experience it all over again, only with better UI, more comfort, and so much more content... this is wonderful. Thank you. I need to change my pants now. EDIT: Found the link to the patreon.
THough - I do have a problem on my impossible run, which went very well so far - I've got more than 1 billion in cash, though only half of the countries contribute anything anymore. With impossible the amount of loot to sell is staggering, and your agents raise up to 160+ acurracy;)
I cant get past the main lunar base mission. I'm bound to capture an etheral knight - but he does not appear. I've smashed through 4 main lunar base missions now, killed every walker, captured every living etheral - but I only find speakers, soldiers and sentinels. No knights.
Am I missing something there?