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Messages - karvanit

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Programming / Re: Another look at Geoscape AI.
« on: November 07, 2012, 12:14:02 pm »
what vanilla are you talking about?
ufopaedia doesn't have too much info on how waypoints work. but this info was properly reversed and was given to oxc developers. waypoints are limited to regions. each region actually have its own set of waypoint zones for each trajectory stage.

Good to know. The published OpenXcom does not have waypoint information right now, all waypoints are random coordinates. Could you provide a file or page with this information, so I can take advantage of it?

Programming / Re: Another look at Geoscape AI.
« on: November 07, 2012, 11:16:30 am »
I was reading the mission info from My understanding is that no actual escalation of scouts is happening, you just move back the time of the next spawn. Could you (or anyone interested really) check at and get  a more definite answer?

My way of storing the race choices for each mission allows changing at different intervals, not just fixed. Easier to extend.

I like you idea of '3' meaning 'mission complete, do whatever the spawnOnComplete says'. It's easier to extend than my idea.

Another question: Are the waypoints in vanilla in the same region as the mission or all around the map? Or any other pattern?

Programming / Re: Another look at Geoscape AI.
« on: November 07, 2012, 08:36:48 am »
The proper event skeleton is now under the (rewritten) devel branch on my GitHub. It's going to have a stable history from now on, sorry for any inconvenience.
(Still working on the AI stuff.)

Programming / Re: Another look at Geoscape AI.
« on: November 07, 2012, 03:04:57 am »
Real-Life(tm) has caught up with me, the rewrite may take some time,
Until I do get back on it, here is a sample of the rules for missions, to get your comments / suggestions (numbers are fake) (numbered lists are sequences, unordered lists are maps):
  • races:
      • afterMonth; 0
      • racChance:
        • STR_SECTOID: 60
        • STR_SNAKEMAN: 10
        • STR_FLOATER: 30
    • chances for next period
  • waves:
      • ufo: STR_SMALL_SCOUT
      • minTime: 120
      • maxTime: 240
      • flightPattern: [ 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 ]
    • next wave
Flightpattern is a sequence of numbers, to be interpreted by the mission object (0 = waypoint, 1 = land for now).

Programming / Re: Another look at Geoscape AI.
« on: November 05, 2012, 02:03:54 pm »
I am doing a much better / cleaner reimplementation so expect my devel branch to become reset and lose history!

Programming / Re: Another look at Geoscape AI.
« on: November 02, 2012, 06:48:10 pm »
I am setting up the ruleset right now, the code in GitHub will compile but won't really do anything different.
I had planned to implement the alien missions in the following order:
  • Research
  • Harvest: once Research type is done, this is just more ruleset data.
  • Abduct: once Research type is done, this is just more ruleset data.
  • Terror
  • Base
  • Supply
  • Retaliation
  • Inflitration

So I will try to pull in your alien base parts after I finish Terror missions.
Working in a single feature at a time makes for cleaner merges and better pull requests, so I don't want to clutter my development branch with stuff that should rightfully be different features. I'll get the rest after they go upstream.

You are of cource free to fork, but I don't think it's worth it right now.

PS: Isn't Ufopedia working already fine in upstream?
PS2: Could you prepare a branch with your alien base changes only? Branching either from upstream or my devel branch is fine.

Programming / Re: Another look at Geoscape AI.
« on: October 31, 2012, 07:23:42 am »
That is the idea, everything that happens on Geoscape also triggers an event.
I'm simply starting with existing things, to make transition smoother.

Programming / Re: Another look at Geoscape AI.
« on: October 29, 2012, 10:36:03 pm »
Here is the current state of things:
  • One event is generated every 30 game minutes.
  • I am still using the time-based random chance code that was in GeoscapeState for UFO spawns and Terror sites.

In the immediate (near) future I will implement events and keep current behaviour for the following:
  • Detect total destruction of UFOs.
  • Detect crash landing of UFOs.
  • Detect expiration of mission sites.
  • Detect XCOM winning / losing a mission.
  • Detect arrival of UFOs to destination.

The code is live, compiles and does not crash (minimal testing) on my 'devel' branch in GitHub. Comments in either place are more than welcome.

Programming / Another look at Geoscape AI.
« on: October 29, 2012, 10:26:06 pm »
I am trying to implement a new (event-based) system for the Geoscape AI.

The basic idea is to have a central GeoscapeAI object living attached to (pointer owned by) GeoscapeState.
Every "interesting" event in the Geoscape will post an event to the AI, which will decide what to do with it.

So far I have an AI that takes 5 files to just do the same random time-based spawning as the current code! But what I did for the long runis turn each event handler into a virtual function call on the AI, with the event as an argument. So it's very easy to add new events, just detecting them and posting them when they happen, then letting the AI take care of the details.

I will keep moving functionality from GeoscapeState into GeoscapeAI, by adding new event types and their (default) handlers. Eventually I plan to have different GeoscapeAI implementations, for the different difficulties.

Programming / Re: Github looks like a warzone
« on: October 29, 2012, 10:16:20 pm »
I must also apologise, half those mails must be mine!
But, now that I found this forum, I'll just increase my post count, and let GitHub rest for a while.

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