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Topics - robin

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Work In Progress / [SOLVED] Base Defense, Quick Battle.. what base?
« on: April 25, 2015, 11:55:17 pm »
I wanted to test some changes I did to the base. My new terrain uses only a portion of the map files of the vanilla XBASE terrain (13 out of 20); I changed the map script/ruleset accordingly.
But when I try to do a quick battle (Base Defense mode obviously) it errors: "Map failed to fully generate". My new maps are still messy-wip (routes all over the place), but it shouldn't do that.
So I wonder, what base does it reference to build the battlescape map? Does it take the "startingBase" as defined in the ruleset? Or is it somewhere else? Or hardcoded (and so calling maps files that have been removed from my custom list)?



Yep, that's a Silacoid.
It even does the "sliding boulder" sound.

Open Feedback / Cyberdiscs orgy
« on: February 21, 2015, 12:15:50 am »
Warboy, what have you done!?  :P

Open Feedback / nightly 02_02_2100 and explosion damage on large units
« on: February 19, 2015, 12:48:46 am »
So I'm testing and I'm experiencing this:

EDIT: I'm testing my mod which is quite large and modifies everything, but still damage should behave normally if values are correct.[/b]

target unit specs:
- 2x2 (large)
- hp 340
- armor: 5 all around**
- explosion mod: 1.0

attack method:
- single shot (rocket)
- direct hit
- power: 80***

Damage dealt ranged from 229 to 340 (instakill).
Is this normal?

    frontArmor: 5
    sideArmor: 5
    rearArmor: 5
    underArmor: 5
    drawingRoutine: 5
    size: 2
      - 1.0
      - 1.0
      - 2.0
      - 1.0
      - 1.0
      - 1.0
      - 0.5
      - 1.0
      - 0.2
      - 0.0

    size: 0.6
    costBuy: 3000
    costSell: 2250
    transferTime: 48
    weight: 1
    bigSprite: -1
    floorSprite: 16
    hitSound: 0
    hitAnimation: 0
    power: 80
    damageType: 3
    clipSize: 6
    battleType: 2
    invWidth: 1
    invHeight: 3

Resources / [RESOURCE][GRAPHICS] things
« on: February 14, 2015, 12:15:26 pm »
Stuff that I don't use for one reason or another, but which would be sad if just deleted.

- seat_scrapped.gif
- smoke_cloud.gif  --  here
- gym tiles -- here
- another seat and bunch of metal walls -- here

Work In Progress / [WIP][MOD][OXCE] From the Apocalypse 0.30.4
« on: February 03, 2015, 12:26:01 am »
Download (v0.30.4): link

* Fixes and updates will come very slowly.
* Use latest OXCE nightly.
* Do not select "Ironman" when starting a new game, mod is WIP so you
  need to b able to save and load freely to dodge the bugs.
* No savegames compatibility until version 1.0.
* Set OXC language to "English (US)" or "English (UK)".
* Do not start translating things, all text is WIP.
* Expect incompatibility issues with any other mod.

See "LICENSE.txt"

X-Com Apocalypse is my most special game. This mod is my personal
re-imagination of that game and at the same time a tribute to it.
Some designs have been ripped straight from Apocalypse, some are stolen
elsewhere, but some others --such as: plasma weapons, laser
weapons, and Auto-Cannon-- are made entirely by me.

See "credits.txt"

* Ufopaedia art incomplete.
* Civilian (police) Robosphere can be zombified (maybe not?).
* Human missions spawn retaliation with UFO, which is obviously wrong;
  need to switch to OXC-Extended to fix this (should be fixed).
* ALIEN GATE battlescape is bugged and crashes with TRANSPORTER CRAFT;... still true?
* ALIEN GATE battlescape, some corridors for the underground part are not generated;
* Hostile units cannot be zombified.
* Unsure if psi weapons work correctly.

* graphics BACK01 SCR.
* graphics BACK02 SCR.
* graphics BACK05 SCR.
* ru-RU translation by wolwerin.
* fix: missing strings.
* graphics BACK03 SCR (screaming person).
* graphics BACK12 SCR (plane).
* graphics CURSOR.
* graphics special attack icons.
* graphics BACK13 SCR.
* graphics BACK16 SCR.
* graphics BACK17 SCR.
* graphics BACK14 SCR.
* graphics BACK15 SCR.
* graphics psy hit animation.
* tweaked some map tiles.
* renamed Alien Dissemination to Infestation.
* Alien Infestaton mission no longer an alien base, but a site. 3 types: small, medium, large.
* Personal Shield armor reduces psiSkill.
* removed Psiclone manufacturing research, it was pointless.
* added civilian SPORTGUY.
* fix: UFO onboard devices now match stats.
* fix: x-com scientists always visible.
* fix: UFO shields.
* fix: alien dissemination not generating site.
* fix: robot units cannot be panicked or mindcontrolled.
* fix: no report for +skeletoid autopsy.
* fix: no report LISKOID SQUAD LEADER no report.
* redesigned UFO_TERROR_SHIP.
* redesigned UFO_SUPPLY_SHIP.
* no more conversion needed for alien craftWeapons.
* added DISRUPTOR_CANNON_HEAVY craftWeapon.
* fix: UFO weapons.
* fix: human craft weapons.
* fix: corp retaliation mission.
* fix: gang (cult) retaliation mission.
* fix: alien retaliation mission.
* new enemy craft CRAFT_AIRCARGO.
* graphic: custom BACK04.SCR.
* fix: missing Cells mapblock definition in XBASEN terrain.
* improved look of a couple urban destroyed floors.
* fix: cult temple now generates retaliation missions.
* fix: missing energyion report after contract research.
* fix: missing explosion for TANK ROCKET/Minigun (and probably other tanks).
* fix: removed some remaining transferTimes, global for items is 24hrs.
* fix: subverted HQ now should generate retaliation missions.
* fix: non-existing hunt mission generated by subverted HQ.
* fix: rationalized amount of alien chitin in UFO tiles.
* fix: tried to streamline alien report research.
* fix: added proper immunities to robot armors.
* SCANBORD new graphic.
* MEDIBORD new graphic.
* fix: wasteland map view.
* fix: footstep sounds U terrains.
* shortened ufoTrajectories, experimental.
* fix: industrial and slum drop site now used the corresponding deployments.
* cleaned and recolored fire animation.
* HAWK under UNIDYN contract; PEGASUS under MEDCANTIERI contract.
* added costSell to all crafts.
* fix: correct personnel size for lab and workshop.
* fix: SPACELINER maps, not sure it was bugged.
* craft MCDs, diagonal walls now not big blocks.
* ALIEN_EGG now 2h grenade that hatches HYPERWORM.
* fix: added missing STR_FCS_LARGE project.

Open Feedback / Nightly 02_01_0044 issues?
« on: February 02, 2015, 09:12:24 pm »
The (latest) nightly "02_01_0044" makes the game close up when trying" TERROR MISSION" and "Mars: Cydonia the final assault", from New Battle mode (dunno about campaign).
The game closes when clicking ok in the "MISSION GENERATOR" menu.

I also get this error
when trying to start "Mars: Cydonia Landing" in New Battle mode. It *shouldn't* be my fault because I haven't messed with mars terrain at all.
Again this happens when clicking ok in the "MISSION GENERATOR" menu.

Reverting to nightly "01_23_1405" fixed the first issue (game closing up on terror and cydonia final assult) but not the second "vector" error.

For reason of uniformity and clarity of my ruleset I wanted to rename all the UFOs strings adding "UFO_" after "STR_" (since I also have non-UFO -aka human- ships); IE:

But I wonder if this will break hardcoded missions that involve those special UFOs, such as alien base, terror and supply.



Work In Progress / Filenames (pck, tab, mcd) length limit?
« on: January 26, 2015, 09:07:24 pm »
Is there such a thing?

Vanilla files seem to purposely use short names. Was this because of the hardware available at that time? Can I use longer names?

Work In Progress / Name a manufacture project differently from the item?
« on: January 22, 2015, 04:07:08 pm »
Manufacture projects use the very same name "STR_ITEM_NAME" of the items they produce, so they'll inevitably use the same name ingame.

There's the "producedItems" option though; so, can I do this:

  producedItems: STR_TANK_PLATFORM


Open Feedback / [SOLVED] Bug with polar terrain? Edit: Obviously not.
« on: January 19, 2015, 12:53:01 am »
So in polar missions, both campaign and quick battle, my agents and tanks can't disembark the craft: they actually can't step on the craft's ramp.
(The tank also goes a little crazy and the autoshot of its auxiliary weapon only shoots 1 bullet; agents seem to able able to autoshoot normally).
Agents with a flying suit can move normally, walk on ramp and walk outside.

This with latest nightly too.

(If someone else with a very recent, if not latest, nightly can quickly try if it happens to him too).

Ok nevermind, this was because of some crazy experiment I did with polar terrain a while ago and of which I had completely forgotten until now.

Offtopic / .yaml, .rul?
« on: January 05, 2015, 03:48:39 pm »
So as far as I understand OXC ".rul" files are/contain YAML.

What is the difference between a ".yml/.yaml" yaml file and a ".rul" yaml file?

This is what I find if I search for .rul files:
A .rul file is a text file containing InstallScript code (just as a .cpp file typically contains C++ code, and so forth). InstallScript projects typically have a source file with the special name setup.rul. For information about the InstallScript language, please see the InstallScript Language Reference section of the InstallShield help.
Does it refers to files  with the same (.rul) extension but different language than OXC's ".rul" ones? Or are they the very same files (AKA yaml file than contains InstaScript code)?


      - alienRank: 5
        lowQty: 1
        highQty: 3
        dQty: 5

Looks to me like the "highQty" and "dQty" values ar swapped.
All the other ufos have the higher value assigned to the "highQty" entry, and..

lowQty = Maximum quantity spawned at Beginner difficulty
highQty = Maximum quantity spawned at Superhuman difficulty
dQty = Minimum desirable quantity spawned at any difficulty it shouldn't make sense that "dQty" is higher than "highQty".

Resources / Smoke animation
« on: December 29, 2014, 12:06:50 pm »
I want to make a new smoke animation and there's something I need to understand before proceeding.

If I look at the spritesheet there are 4 "small smoke" frames and 8 "big smoke" frames: are  the 8 big smoke frames part of a single 8-frames-long animation, or they are 2 different, 4-frames-long, animations?


Work In Progress / Chryssalid zombie attack elucidation
« on: December 26, 2014, 12:38:07 am »
Is the target turned into a zombie just if the attack "connects"?
Or does the attack need to do enough damage to kill, for the zombification to occur?


Reading the wiki it seems it just needs to connect with the target, so the damage of the weapon inflicting the attack could virtually be 0 and the zombification will still happen.
(I'm not exclusively talking about a melee weapon; in fact I use this ability with a ranged weapon, applied to the ammo, the damage type of the ammo themselves is "acid").

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