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Topics - robin

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Work In Progress / Are TFTD drawingRoutine(s) available?
« on: August 01, 2014, 02:21:42 am »
I noticed on one of Falko's sprite tools that he included TFTD drawingRoutines.

Can they already be used by OpenXcom?
There's this alien I want to make and the Hallucinoid drawingRoutine would be the one best suited for it.


Work In Progress / Adding rewards to a mission?
« on: July 13, 2014, 11:19:03 am »
How to add Elerium and Alien Alloys (and more!) to a mission (so when it's completed you get them)?

The only way to make a melee weapon that can "attack tiles", is by making it a regular firearm (battleType: 1) and set
Code: [Select]
maxRange: 0Right?

If I set it up like that, can I still have it dealing melee damage, using
Code: [Select]
damageType: 7or is that damage "forbidden" since it' not of the appropriate battleType?

This seems ok.

More questions:

- What is the value for the sound of throwing something?
  Ruleset Reference links to this ( list but the correspondence of the numbers doesn't seem the same.

- What value I have to use this as
 " hitAnimation: "

Work In Progress / Brainsucker (and Brainsuker Launcher)?
« on: July 05, 2014, 02:06:08 am »
Currently I can't do them using the ruleset.

Right now my Brainsucker Launcher is a “Zombifying Cannon”, and the actual Brainsucker unit is  bound to do the same. Now: the cannon is actually cool and fun to face, but the “zombifiying brainsucker” is a just another chryssalid.

Nevermind the launcher. But it would be useful to have an ability that puts under permanent alien control the target hit by the attack.
The same ability could be used to make things like the “black goo” from that first XCOM (the FPS) trailer.

I guess this is another “please do the thing I need”-kind of topic. I don't like to make them and I apologize, but there's not much else I can do when it comes to making aliens. While there's a lot of options for new weapons, for new aliens, save for a couple of tricks, you're mostly reskinning the old ones. The players got their toys, shotguns and so on; now it's time to give some new toys to the baddies!

I want to replace the graphics of some terrains (starting from the alien-related ones).

I'd liked to do this in a simple and quick way, so I:
1) convert the .pck into a .bmp (with pckview);
2) draw, then save as .bmp (with appropriate palette);
3) convert back to .pck with pckview (then overwriting the original pck files with my new ones).

But this is what happens, some tiles have "shifted" by 1 pixel horizontally.
This is strange because none of my modifications exceed the original tile width.

Is there a solution to this?
(attached the tileset below)

Work In Progress / extraSound error. What to do?
« on: June 27, 2014, 01:25:10 am »
Getting this error:

What I need to do to fix?


Work In Progress / Does "- delete: " works for ufopaedia too?
« on: June 23, 2014, 02:16:16 am »
(Sorry for the bombardment of topics but...)

I know that I can disable items from another ruleset by using "- delete: STR_ITEMNAME".
Can I do the same for ufopaedia entries too?

As per thread title.
Is it correct? Zombie uses 15 frames more for its death animation.
Edit: oh, I saw only now the 'deathFrames:' entry. Sorry.

Also I always included empty frames for units, to keep the frame-count multiple of 16 (Ryskeliini's mods I studied before I started modding, did this too): is it not necessary?


Work In Progress / Quick "items: battleType: " question
« on: June 17, 2014, 12:10:45 pm »
it says:
10 - corpse

But then on Xcom1Ruleset.rul file, provided with OpenXcom, all the alien corpses use:
    battleType: 11

Is it 11 or 10? And if 11, what is missing from the ruleset reference's list?


Extra question

What is the
needed for?

  - type: SOMEREGION


I tried different values but I can't figure it out, I have to put "ridiculous" values (like 'missionWeights: STR_MISSION: 250') to get the mission generated with some frequency. And even then I seem to get no mission of that kind on the first month, but lots on the second which seems strange to me (tested with hyper-waver decoder).
(If a bit more background is needed, I'm actually speaking about the STR_MIB_COVERUP mission form my men in black mod. With the current values it seems it almost never gets generated).

Might be that missions on the same ufo trajectory gets "canceled" if there is already one ongoing?
If someone could clarify a bit it could be helpful.


Work In Progress / "Enhanced soldier sprites" elucidation
« on: June 14, 2014, 09:28:17 pm »
What if I want to color a soldier sprite using one of the color for skin/hair but not having it recolored by that option?

I make a new full (completely covering the soldier) armor, colored in yellow, the same color used for blonde hairs (since the palette is what it is, not much choice).
Obviously I don't want the armor to turn black when worn by a dark-haired soldier.. can I specify somehow that I don't want it to happen for this specific soldier sprite?


Bonus image:

Work In Progress / Custom sound for grenade explosion?
« on: May 31, 2014, 08:45:01 pm »
Is it possible?
"fireSound:" and "hitSound:" don't seem to do anything.

Question 1

I'm working on a new mod and I wanted to have a different behavior for the autoshot.

The following would be the standard stats configuration for the autoshot-enabled weapons:
(accuracy% and TUs are indicative, juts so you can understand)
    accuracyAuto: 33
    accuracySnap: 66
    accuracyAimed: 99
    tuAuto: 20
    tuSnap: 40
    tuAimed: 60
    autoShots: 1

This makes the autoshot to behave like it does in Apocalypse: no more triple burst but simply another single,  faster and more inaccurate, shot.
It works (already tested).

I want to know if the AI, with the weapons made like this, will still be able to choose normally between the fire modes, or will just start using the autoshot like there no tomorrow (seeing that now it has the lowest TUs requirement).

Question 2

If I give an unit two natural (built-in) weapons, a bite (melee) and an acid spit (ranged), will it be able to use them properly (i.e. choosing to attack melee  if near enough to the target, instead of just staying still and spitting at it)?


(I'm too noob to even manage to register to the mod website. I'll redirect the downloads there once it happens).

Mods for the vanilla game, balanced for vanilla rules (no ranged-based accuracy).

Men in Black 4.5

A human enemy faction joins the alien ranks:
- 5 new enemy units (4 with custom graphics);

Cover (Waspite) Alien 2.3.2

- Waspite race joins the alien ranks, with its own Cybermite terror unit.

Gazer Alien 1.9.1

- Gazer race joins the alien ranks, with its own Holodrone terror unit.

NOTE: Download "1.5a" if you're running OpenXcom 1.0; "1.9" is for OpenXcom Nightly version.

Anthropod Alien 1.5.2

- Hope works. Haven't tested. I'm spent.

- The new alien races appears later in the game, from the 5th or 7th month.
- Another couple of mods that go along well with a vanilla game can be found here:

Downloads available on Just under there, as attachments.
Everything should work (..hopefully...).
I haven't tested extensively so I can't say the balance is  flawless, but should be "ok enough".

Work In Progress / getOneFree --> getAllFree ..?
« on: May 19, 2014, 05:57:52 pm »
Would it be possible* to add a “getAllFree:” entry for the researches?
Like “getOneFree”, but you get all the things listed, instead of just one (and you get them with 100% chance).

* I mean “easily, reasonably quickly and effortlessly, possible”.


(Maybe there's already a way to do it, and I just haven't noticed).

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