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Messages - Leflair

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« on: April 05, 2024, 09:33:31 pm »
2.6A is now available on Usual place.
Works with 40k037.2 (hotfixes)

Contains a bunch of map fixes, some from issues with 037 and others that have been reported previously but not tracked down until now.

ROSIGMA 2.6A Notes:

The Ork containment unit have been repaired. Nothing to see here citizens.

- MAP: Fix for tzeentch ship 06B and 06C.MAP glitchy walls/floors.
- MAP: Fix for Stormraven entry tiles.
- MAP: Fix Orkbase Height and GSC Base Ship Deployment without access paths (in city maps).
- MAP: Minor map gen fixes for bombardment provided by two crafts and deserter hideout.
- MAP: Revert Tauros Map to 40k036 type.
- MAP: Revert CH and CHI1-5.PCK to 40k036 type due to missing tile type in 037, reverted to old 07 and 07B.MAP battleships, this would cause missing tiles, walls and wrong colors in some larger ships.
- MAP: Morbid Graveship Fixes
- MAP: Updated mapScript for Droppods and fix GSC base ship tiles for accessibility in some rare cases.
- PRICING: Dominion adamantium price corrected from 2 to 20.
- Fixes Instances of Units Surviving Self-Destruct
- Corrected Assaultcannon, MC stormbolter and some other bolters have armor value 200 (very hard to be destroyed on the ground).
- Swap Catacombs mission text string to STR_CATACOMBS_MONTHLY_MISSION_TITLE
- Fixes Melee (damage type) bypassing Not Working Vs Self-Destruct Units;
- Sounds: Gave AI Imperials/Adeptas correct death sounds.
- Allow medikits to "heal" troops which cannot bleed (certain Deathwatch chapters).
- Certain hostile Eldar now use Eldar craft UFO rather than Imperial ones.
- Handflamer ammo now available if you can buy the weapon (Assault Marines, Inquisition).
- IG Support Tanks don't care about the advanced turret system (which would previously cause some issues if you didn't bring spare leman russ turrets).
- MISSION: Disabled broken STR_GENE_INFILTRATION with inherited values from vanilla.
- CRAFT:  Disabled STR_CORVUS_TOKEN with conflicting values.
- Fix for broken Gretchin graphics.

- Rebalances Power Knuckles, Knives and Power Fists.
- Chainsword and MC Chainsword Retooled to Have Scaling
- Decoder Outposts now also provide provideBaseFunc: HANGAR + IMPERIUM
- 40k037 added turrets updated to rosigma standard.
- Added Falloff to Officer's Sword, energy cost in %.
- Added Damage Scaling to More Melee Weapons.

- Elohim bolters and Seraphim boltguns will now be available to Novice Strategy after researching mid-tier, along with the ammo manufacturing.

- Bayonet energy cost set to 2 points per use.

- Added a Teleporter Script, experiment with a new Assault Terminator Teleporter unit.
- Buffed the Assault Bike. Tougher frontal armor, and dodge, plus a little cheaper RAM attack that does 20% more damage.
- Terminator unit types can now turn to chaos if you go down that path.
- Advanced Drop Pods now have stormbolter turrets too.

- Raptor armor updated to work like other jump packs.

- Clean up playable Chaos Armors with more standardized stats, which also gives Impact Shock resistance to them for drop pods.

- Added Brenshars Necron Flayers.

- Buffed some of the NPC units. The specific unit is REDACTED for your safety.
- AI Frateris and Sister death sounds changed to more suitable noises.

« on: March 15, 2024, 01:43:06 pm »
Likely due to OXCE 7.12 updates enabling spawning of singular craft without using a token system.
Will take a look, the corvus token can likely be removed from the radical road research.

« on: March 14, 2024, 10:31:45 am »
ROSIGMA 2.6 Notes:
Updated to work with OXCE 7.12 and 40k037.

- MAP: Some leaky wall fixing for 2 UFOs.
- MAP: Added accessible ground floor doors to Tzeentch ship 08B.
- MAP: Removed partial wall blockers in entrance of Nurgle ship N07. Added missing elevator tiles and doors to left and right wing.
- MAP: Fix for GSC (Arbites) Imperial scout and convoy maps stairs not working (changed to object).
- MAP: Leaky wall fixes on the big bunker maps.
- MAP: Fixed blocked stairs in INDUSTRIALURBANCULT20A and 20B.
- MAP: Fix blocked doors for CH02DOUBLEWIDE (Variant for Hell Tears).
- CRASH-Fix for Issue with knocked out Wraithguard causing crashes, related to PainImmune being bypassed by stun weapons.
- CRASH-Fix for Issue with knocked out Slaanesh Xeno Weapons Platform causing crashes, related to PainImmune being bypassed by stun weapons.
- MECHANICS: Fixed OXCE update breaking the 2X reaction bonus for pistols (and preventing reaction fire in some cases).
- MECHANICS: Improved Scripting for Intimidation and Mend Wound Mechanics.
- MECHANICS: Friendly Turrets can no longer be Decepticons.
- MECHANICS: Heavy Flamer Turrets should now be properly corruption immune.
- MECHANICS: Minor Refactor of Mend and Inflict Wounds to prevent harming own units.
- MECHANICS: Added more Mechanical Tags to prevent corruption and betrayal mechanics from triggering for these "units". Including holo-decoys and training dummies (so Alpha Legion infiltrators don't reveal themselves after gunning down a training target).
- MECHANICS: Fix Heavy Krak Missile lacking damageType.
- CODEX: More Typos corrected in several Codex articles.
- CODEX: Added Codex texts for the Pump-Action Shotgun and the Liberator Autostubber.
- CODEX: Adjusted several Mastercrafted Weapons CODEX requirements to match their manufacturing requirements.
- CODEX: Adjusted access to marine power armor and terminator armor articles so more factions can see them.
- INFO: Tzeentch Battleships will now correctly show as VERY LARGE instead of just LARGE.
- INFO: Proper listOrder to special bolt ammo and guns.
- QOL: Added Outpost Dirt: canBeBuiltOver.
- RESEARCH: Unlocked Imperial Webber Research for All Factions as intended.
- ENEMIES: Removed placeholder code from base 40k where genestealer hives would spawn necron ships/missions.
- TEXT: Added some more missing name Strings for dummies.
- VISUAL: CustomArmorPreviewIndex for IG Mounted Guns fix.
- VISUAL: Flying Animation for Tzeentch Inquisitor.
- AUDIO: Re-Added Missing Dominion bolter fire sound.

- MISSIONS: Reduction in most Normal difficulty Mission types from 4 to 3 UFOs waves. Some terror missions from 3 to 2 UFO waves. Less UFO craft spam per month. Swapped in some smaller UFOs in the first wave instead of medium/large UFOs for more training opportunities.
- MISSIONS: Easier early months: Split the Nurgle/Tzeentch/Slaanesh random monthly mission types into normal and HARD, enabling easier early month missions for factions that do not start with the HARD missions. Also softened some of the early 3-gods lists to have fewer daemons and spellcasters.
- MISSIONS: Lowered Hulk chance of spawning in later months + halved monthly mission script firing odds for less mission spam.
- MISSIONS: Made the target objective in space Hulks a hostile unit you can "spot". It's possibly explosive.
- MISSIONS: Added several previously restricted missions to the random monthly pool for more variety. A downed valkyrie, outpost defense, assaulting a chaos temple (with friends) and the Catacomb mission with recruitable Adeptas units to rescue.
- MISSIONS: Space Hulks primary objective is now a "hostile unit" so its easier to detect if you can see it.
- MECHANICS: Infiltration chance reduced and changed to increase in proportion to damage inflicted.
- MECHANICS: New for Psykers: Perils of the Warp mechanic introduced. Psykers with low Morale, or that utilize their powers repeatedly in the same turn, carry a heighted risk of perils; the lower their Morale, the worse the outcome is likely to be.
- CODEX: Added additional text to Codex articles for some commendations.
- RESEARCH: Plasma research now locked behind mid-tier.
- RESEARCH: Heavy Plasma research now has a unique joint topic. Heavy Plasma ammo reduced from 10 to 6. Increased heat generation per shot.
- PLASMA: Added Maximal mode to most plasma weapons; this allows the user to expend 3 additional charges (and heat) to deal 50% more damage. Situationally useful for penetrating heavy armor.
- PLASMA: Mastercrafted Plasma Rifle now has better drop-off per tile (improved accuracy).
- PLASMA: Plasma pistol and rifle damage reduces at 20 tile+ range.
- PLASMA: Plasma dropOff normalization for more plasma weapons.
- BOLTERS: Visual addition, added hitAnimation for bolters. A little explosion.
- RECRUITMENT/MISSIONS: Krieg guard may now appear in WAR missions. Helpfully assisting by taking enemy fire during the first turn. If any survive they can be recruited.
- STARTING BASE: Updated starting bases craft ammo count to correct values.
- BALANCE: Hologrenade price adjustment, less tokens, some more elerium instead.

- ART: 16 new variant heads for SoB power armor and 6 for Bloody Rose version of the armor.
- RECRUITMENT: Enabled 4 more Slaanesh Sisters captives to Repentia Manufacture topics.
- ARMOR: Nerfed ranged accuracy on repentia and deathcult armors, buffed stamina (energy). DCA armor now has slightly better front and side armor to make it an upgrade vs the repentia (still has 20% more dodge as well).
- MECHANIC: Spirit of martyr purges all infection/corruption when triggered.
- CODEX: Moved more Armor Codex articles over to the Adeptas codex section+removed some blocking requirements for low end armors that other factions may encounter/use.
- ART: Heretic Hospitallers given unique Inventory Sprite + codex articles.
- MAP/CORVUS: Added a second door exit to the Corvus.

- MECHANICS: Tweaks to the buff Banner, added safety parameters for self-harm prevention.
- RAZORBACK: Turret buffed to 50 health from 40.
- New 037 drop pod Firestorm is now available.

- WEAPONS: Ripper Pistol Improvement, a lot more morale damage, 10% more health damage. Token Cost Reduction from 400 to 200 tokens.
- UNIT: Buffed the Priest. Now benefits from Spirit of the Martyr (prevents dying) and generates 10 faith points.
- WEAPONS: Lascannon sniper adjustments. +1 point in dropOff accuracy. aimRange 30 instead of 31. Higher kneelBonus. minRange introduced (lower accuracy in close combat)
- WEAPONS: Longlas kneelbonus increased, accuracy adjusted so its better to kneel with it than stand or hipfire.
- TURRET: Crassus turrets set to 50 health. Reaction fire removed, autofire buffed to 5x from 3x shots.
- MECHANICS: Biomancer can now only regenerate up to a maximum of half its max HP. Instead of having no recovery time, its recovery time is reduced by 90%. Lethal wound regeneration now scales with psi (minimum of 1).
- 037 change: Tauros convoy are now 3xTauros instead of 2x.
- 037 change: Taurox convoy updated, ramp replaced with ladders.
- New 037 Praetor vehicle now available. Access may be moved.
- WEAPONS: DW Lascannon adjustments. Higher mobility, less accuracy at distance.
- WEAPONS: DW Dread Plasma Cannon now has better drop-off (3 instead of 5 per tile).
- UNITS: Bionics Enhancements enabled for Inq Stormtroopers. Inq stormtroopers can now achieve higher total reactions as well.
- FIX: Display full range of inventory sprites for Inquisitor armor.

- New 037 Eldar Cobra and Scorpions available. Further updates may come.

- Changed some late game weapon loadouts for Deserter Soldiers (navy autocarbine), Deserter Officers (Highgrade autopistol), Iron Guard Heavies (mortar) and Heavy Traitor Squats (mortar).
- Added Chaos variant of the Mortar.

- MAP: Necron Tombs are now larger and more varied with a new main objective to destroy (by Buscher). Look for the glowing crystal.
- Necron bases can now retaliate (small chance per base and month).
- Necron Scarabs attack speed adjusted by size of the swarm. Fewer scarabs = fewer attacks.
- AI: Necrons no longer afraid of fire tiles.

- Halved civilians chance to trigger AL (30%->15%).
- Made GKs have a much smaller chance of triggering it. Librarians are immune. Chance of triggering it goes from 5% to 1/0% with higher rank.
- Chaos Sacrifices will no longer trigger AL.

- Spooky grenades now much spookier.

- DIFFICULTY: Made starting difficulty Nurgle lists a little easier. Added one new simple cult list specifically for the starting month.
- DIFFICULTY: Added HARD mission types for Nurgle missions. Made normal missions early game easier.
- WEAPONS: new Nurgle autopistol and grenade assets by Brenshar.
- LOADOUT: Nurgle Terminators now have gravpistols instead of boltpistols.
- Poxburster Explosives No Longer Hidden on Minimap. Script and mechanic streamlined.
- DIE HARD tag introduced for certain units. Plague Marines, Rotbearers, Plague Ogryns, Poxwalkers. Sets just enough health not to die to one pass of fatal wound damage.
- Instant Zombification removed from more Nurgle weapons and replaced with slight buffs to infection amount or TU damage.
- Balesword TU cost decreased from a whopping 30 to 20.

- Tzeentch Mutants and Thralls introduced for Corruption Spawning on the lower end of the health curve. Fewer Mr Crabby or Blue Horrors from noodle humans.
- Added HARD mission types for Tzeentch missions, made the normal ones easier in the opening months (fewer Witches, Tzaangors and Daemons). HARD missions are activated by researching mid-tier, or playing Space Marine factions.
- Reduced ratio of Tzeentch Blessed Rubric Marines (Spawns Flamers).
- Adjusted new 037 Screamer daemon for rosigma statline and rewards, included in several tzeentch lists, it's a lower threat daemon.

- Implemented the new OXCE AI avoidsFire: false modifier for Tyranids so they aren't afraid of harmless fire-tiles.
- HIVE GSC Base mission will now always have 3 Trains for the player to deploy from (previously 1-3 randomized).

- Added HARD mission types for Slaanesh missions. Made normal missions early game easier.
- Fewer Daemonette types in the early-game Slaanesh lists.

Note that some of the enemy list changes have integrated some chill mode ideas from 2.4/2.5, giving a kinder threat ramp for non space marine-based (Hard Mode) factions.
The older Chill Mode file that modifies enemy tech progression will still work with 2.6.

« on: February 06, 2024, 01:16:52 pm »
The purpose of the GSC research chain is to open up a GSC-playable path.

The idea being that you capture some actual genestealers, and if you have more than X in captivity for Y days (scripting dependent, might not be possible to implement), or if you research a particular topic down the chain (due to the scripting limitation) - then the genestealers "escape" and infect you and you enter the GSC path.

Example, the GSC path research topic could become available after researching all the relevant topics in the chain (6 or so) + Having researched a live Genestealer. This triggers some event pop ups + makes certain gameplay options available.

-> Opens up soldierTransform options to infect your current soldiers (bust in HP and some other physical stats).
-> Opens up some Hybrid-ization upgrades (surgery) and genestealer recruitment options.
-> Turns off the GSC hostiles/missions from generating (might not be possible to make existing enemy GSC bases disappear in OXCE, but random missionScripts can be shut off).
-> Activate GSC flavored eventScripts and research options to "infect" the world and get resources.
-> Activates the alternative final mission that Chaos Path gets, but GSC flavored.

You'd still fight Chaos/orks etc, and maybe activate the Inquisition and fight those.

« on: January 30, 2024, 10:58:49 am »
You get that kind of error if you've borked the installation.

Make sure you have no ZIP file of the mod in the mod folder after extracting.
Make sure you have the right OXCE version (7.11) for the rosigma version (2.5A) + 40k036.

« on: January 24, 2024, 11:43:41 am »
You can change your deployment setup in the craft preview window. The "extra" slots in the armored column ride on top (might be possible to change their order in the craft code so they are filled last...).

« on: January 24, 2024, 12:09:46 am »
A hotfixed version 2.5A now live on


- CODEX: Fix for 2LEMON.SPK not showing from base 40k via submodding. Image and .spk created for ROSIGMA.
- CODEX: Created a blocker to prevent the READCODEX event from spawning multiple times.
- Rename "auto" shots into snap on IG missile launchers (uses auto shot code to prevent reaction firing).
- Fixes Research Issues with Redacted Infiltration and a minor typo.
- SOUND/MCD: Found another Tzeentch ship tile that had the gunshot sound error when stepped on (unlike any slaanesh tiles moaning noises).
- DEATHWATCH: Fix for an issue where Deathwatch could not progress to High-tier for the final mission.
- DEATHWATCH: Fix for a base 40k issue Deathwatch could not access captain or warmaster armors.
- Changed Heretic Hospitaller units armor to their intended armor set, previously they'd look like basic adeptas.

- Advanced ammo compatibility for the basic Astartes bolt pistol.
- Lowered score Abort Penality for Space Hulks. 375 points instead of 750.
- Added some Abort Penalties for certain missions (mostly bases).
- Removed dominion power axes from the basic heretic sisters and hospitaller loadouts. Too good weapons for these enemies.

« on: January 23, 2024, 11:33:21 am »
Promotions were unintentionally set to manual for all factions, while it's mostly Primaris that has use of them being manual.

Arco-flagellants are not in, but you take basically no morale loss from losing the Frateris Militia or Repentia, if you need fodder units.

« on: January 22, 2024, 05:46:45 pm »
You can use them if you capture the gear.

40k / Re: Turning to chaos
« on: January 22, 2024, 05:45:17 pm »
All factions can turn in rosigma, although only Marine-factions (including Inquisition) and to a lesser extent sisters have fleshed out units for it.
Guard gets the Iron Guard combat servitors.
Although once turned, you get the option to unlock more chaos recruitment topics.

Inquisition have the Radical Road -> Heretical that unlocks the chaos-options.

« on: January 22, 2024, 11:10:47 am »

-The Undivided Chaos Marines have some alternative armors, the specialized Legion armors and 4-gods ones do not yet.
-Unsure what you're asking for with the spawn of all types of mission to always be the same, but which enemy lists that show up each month is handled through alienMissions_40k.rul. Quite a bit of work to change them for all missions.
-alienItemLevels.rul sets the level of tech, you can change the numbers there to be the same for each month (row).
-You should be able to recruit CSM straight up if you've turned fully, although there's some research topics involved.

You can use the 2.4 Chill Mode files on the "other files" to turn down enemy progression speed, tech etc.

« on: January 16, 2024, 05:31:32 pm »
You can use the 2.5 live beta build with OXCE 7.9.11, although we'll push it out soon(tm).

40k / Re: Guns on chimera
« on: January 12, 2024, 04:18:57 pm »
You need to bring the appropriate turrets with the Chimera crafts inventory (where you put all the crews weapons).
The game should then auto-equip them.
Remember the Tank in the Leman Rus convoy also have turrets + sponsons (side and front).

Also, if they are destroyed in combat you need to replace them.

« on: January 12, 2024, 04:17:25 pm »
Any plans to incorporate the Leagues of Votann in some way?

Not currently, although Guard gets access to Squat recruits. We'll probably expand their armor selection first.

Votann may eventually make some sort of showing as mercenaries or "random mission encounter".

« on: January 12, 2024, 04:16:10 pm »
You can put bug reports here, but I'll see them quicker on our discord (link exists on the page for this mod).

In other news, I've added a zip file of the rosigma 2.4 chill mode files with instructions to the page of the mod - if you click "view other files" near the download for the main update (yeah I know, great UI design).

Copy Pasta:
Works with (and requires) ROSIGMA 2.4.

ROSIGMA is tuned to be both fast and intense in terms of mission and enemy progression, but if you're just starting out, want a slower pace or want to use Brutal AI with an adjusted enemy count you can customize your gameplay by using these files.

How to install:
Extract into your ROSIGMA ruleset folder (Documents\OpenXcom\mods\rosigma\Ruleset) and make sure to replace the same-named files there.
You can use ANY or ALL of the three chill mode versions of the files depending on your own preferences.

Modified Chill Mode files:
- alienDeployments_40k.rul: Enemy Deployment numbers and enemy base generated mission frequency reduced by ~33%. Frequency of scripted side missions like Space Hulks are not affected.
- alienMissions_40k.rul: Slower Enemy List Escalation: Enemy Lists, normal and hard, regardless of player faction, ramp over 24 months instead of 12 months. Does also slow scripted missions list upgrades.
- alienItemLevels.rul: Slower Enemy weapon loadout tech progression, speed halved (again, 24 months). More gradual upgrade of loadouts. Doesn't affect units with fixed loadouts.

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