« on: April 05, 2024, 09:33:31 pm »
2.6A is now available on mod.io. Usual place.
Works with 40k037.2 (hotfixes)
Contains a bunch of map fixes, some from issues with 037 and others that have been reported previously but not tracked down until now.
Works with 40k037.2 (hotfixes)
Contains a bunch of map fixes, some from issues with 037 and others that have been reported previously but not tracked down until now.
ROSIGMA 2.6A Notes:
The Ork containment unit have been repaired. Nothing to see here citizens.
- MAP: Fix for tzeentch ship 06B and 06C.MAP glitchy walls/floors.
- MAP: Fix for Stormraven entry tiles.
- MAP: Fix Orkbase Height and GSC Base Ship Deployment without access paths (in city maps).
- MAP: Minor map gen fixes for bombardment provided by two crafts and deserter hideout.
- MAP: Revert Tauros Map to 40k036 type.
- MAP: Revert CH and CHI1-5.PCK to 40k036 type due to missing tile type in 037, reverted to old 07 and 07B.MAP battleships, this would cause missing tiles, walls and wrong colors in some larger ships.
- MAP: Morbid Graveship Fixes
- MAP: Updated mapScript for Droppods and fix GSC base ship tiles for accessibility in some rare cases.
- PRICING: Dominion adamantium price corrected from 2 to 20.
- Fixes Instances of Units Surviving Self-Destruct
- Corrected Assaultcannon, MC stormbolter and some other bolters have armor value 200 (very hard to be destroyed on the ground).
- Swap Catacombs mission text string to STR_CATACOMBS_MONTHLY_MISSION_TITLE
- Fixes Melee (damage type) bypassing Not Working Vs Self-Destruct Units;
- Sounds: Gave AI Imperials/Adeptas correct death sounds.
- Allow medikits to "heal" troops which cannot bleed (certain Deathwatch chapters).
- Certain hostile Eldar now use Eldar craft UFO rather than Imperial ones.
- Handflamer ammo now available if you can buy the weapon (Assault Marines, Inquisition).
- IG Support Tanks don't care about the advanced turret system (which would previously cause some issues if you didn't bring spare leman russ turrets).
- MISSION: Disabled broken STR_GENE_INFILTRATION with inherited values from vanilla.
- CRAFT: Disabled STR_CORVUS_TOKEN with conflicting values.
- Fix for broken Gretchin graphics.
- Rebalances Power Knuckles, Knives and Power Fists.
- Chainsword and MC Chainsword Retooled to Have Scaling
- Decoder Outposts now also provide provideBaseFunc: HANGAR + IMPERIUM
- 40k037 added turrets updated to rosigma standard.
- Added Falloff to Officer's Sword, energy cost in %.
- Added Damage Scaling to More Melee Weapons.
- Elohim bolters and Seraphim boltguns will now be available to Novice Strategy after researching mid-tier, along with the ammo manufacturing.
- Bayonet energy cost set to 2 points per use.
- Added a Teleporter Script, experiment with a new Assault Terminator Teleporter unit.
- Buffed the Assault Bike. Tougher frontal armor, and dodge, plus a little cheaper RAM attack that does 20% more damage.
- Terminator unit types can now turn to chaos if you go down that path.
- Advanced Drop Pods now have stormbolter turrets too.
- Raptor armor updated to work like other jump packs.
- Clean up playable Chaos Armors with more standardized stats, which also gives Impact Shock resistance to them for drop pods.
- Added Brenshars Necron Flayers.
- Buffed some of the NPC units. The specific unit is REDACTED for your safety.
- AI Frateris and Sister death sounds changed to more suitable noises.
The Ork containment unit have been repaired. Nothing to see here citizens.
- MAP: Fix for tzeentch ship 06B and 06C.MAP glitchy walls/floors.
- MAP: Fix for Stormraven entry tiles.
- MAP: Fix Orkbase Height and GSC Base Ship Deployment without access paths (in city maps).
- MAP: Minor map gen fixes for bombardment provided by two crafts and deserter hideout.
- MAP: Revert Tauros Map to 40k036 type.
- MAP: Revert CH and CHI1-5.PCK to 40k036 type due to missing tile type in 037, reverted to old 07 and 07B.MAP battleships, this would cause missing tiles, walls and wrong colors in some larger ships.
- MAP: Morbid Graveship Fixes
- MAP: Updated mapScript for Droppods and fix GSC base ship tiles for accessibility in some rare cases.
- PRICING: Dominion adamantium price corrected from 2 to 20.
- Fixes Instances of Units Surviving Self-Destruct
- Corrected Assaultcannon, MC stormbolter and some other bolters have armor value 200 (very hard to be destroyed on the ground).
- Swap Catacombs mission text string to STR_CATACOMBS_MONTHLY_MISSION_TITLE
- Fixes Melee (damage type) bypassing Not Working Vs Self-Destruct Units;
- Sounds: Gave AI Imperials/Adeptas correct death sounds.
- Allow medikits to "heal" troops which cannot bleed (certain Deathwatch chapters).
- Certain hostile Eldar now use Eldar craft UFO rather than Imperial ones.
- Handflamer ammo now available if you can buy the weapon (Assault Marines, Inquisition).
- IG Support Tanks don't care about the advanced turret system (which would previously cause some issues if you didn't bring spare leman russ turrets).
- MISSION: Disabled broken STR_GENE_INFILTRATION with inherited values from vanilla.
- CRAFT: Disabled STR_CORVUS_TOKEN with conflicting values.
- Fix for broken Gretchin graphics.
- Rebalances Power Knuckles, Knives and Power Fists.
- Chainsword and MC Chainsword Retooled to Have Scaling
- Decoder Outposts now also provide provideBaseFunc: HANGAR + IMPERIUM
- 40k037 added turrets updated to rosigma standard.
- Added Falloff to Officer's Sword, energy cost in %.
- Added Damage Scaling to More Melee Weapons.
- Elohim bolters and Seraphim boltguns will now be available to Novice Strategy after researching mid-tier, along with the ammo manufacturing.
- Bayonet energy cost set to 2 points per use.
- Added a Teleporter Script, experiment with a new Assault Terminator Teleporter unit.
- Buffed the Assault Bike. Tougher frontal armor, and dodge, plus a little cheaper RAM attack that does 20% more damage.
- Terminator unit types can now turn to chaos if you go down that path.
- Advanced Drop Pods now have stormbolter turrets too.
- Raptor armor updated to work like other jump packs.
- Clean up playable Chaos Armors with more standardized stats, which also gives Impact Shock resistance to them for drop pods.
- Added Brenshars Necron Flayers.
- Buffed some of the NPC units. The specific unit is REDACTED for your safety.
- AI Frateris and Sister death sounds changed to more suitable noises.