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Messages - NancyGold

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Offtopic / Warhammer 40K Chapter Master
« on: April 27, 2020, 08:49:44 pm »
Looks like a cool mod. Haven't played it myself. In fact I have played only Chaos Gate, which as I understand runs on the XCOM Apocalypse engine, or a very precise clone of it.

Offtopic / Re: XCOM Inspired Fantasy Game
« on: April 27, 2020, 01:47:41 am »
At last spent some time writing music (instead of placeholders) starting with a proper game over theme:

Sorry for the ducks - they are for watermarking purposes, since some people are known to steal and reuse random stuff from soundcloud without giving credit.

I'm not really a musician, so I will keep it minimalistic and mostly ambient. I.e. most tracks will actually be duck tracks.

Offtopic / Re: XCOM Inspired Fantasy Game
« on: April 25, 2020, 03:58:35 am »
Ok. Implemented crystal resource together with mines. Crystals can also be purchased at cities with harbor and marketplace. Now all advanced building and units cost crystals. Crystals also have specials property that they are sold at very low price, while purchased at high price to prevent player from using them as a huge source of income. Same decision was done in HoMM. You wont notice all the thought put into the game design, unless you try to design a game yourself. In fact, initially I had no plan to include second resource beside gold, but apparently it is very important to have a very rare resource to create some conflict from the early stage, as well as to tie the production of high tier units to the map exploration and control. Blizzard games, like Starcraft, also have 2nd resource - gas, but they used it for different purposes. Warcraft games have lumber resource, which is basically unlimited, but takes some time to harvest. I don't completely understand the design logic behind it, but apparently it is to slow down the tech level progress, while still allowing creating units inside the achieved tech level.

Offtopic / Re: XCOM Inspired Fantasy Game
« on: April 24, 2020, 08:33:34 pm »
Have you cloned yourself, Nikita?  8)
I've changed the name to Nash Gold, since the name "Nikita" created preconceptions and a lot of confusion, like some folks addressing me in Russian, or considering me a girl (Nikita is a female name in the West, because of Elton John song and the Besson movie). And "Nash" is also simpler 1-sillable word. Yet I had the old login info saved by browser, so by accident logged under the old name. Is it possible to lock the old account "Nikita_Sadkov" since it is obsolete?

Offtopic / Re: XCOM Inspired Fantasy Game
« on: April 24, 2020, 02:21:23 am »
Implemented a few features from Heroes of Might & Magic. Basically party gains movement based on its unit composition. In addition a party composed completed of flyers will traverse any terrain at the same cost. That will make some difference, especially when resource generating buildings get involved. HoMM was all about controlling map structures, yet was for some reason impossible to have flying army of say gargoyles stealing all mines. Even in HoMM4, which got more focus on the party composition and allowed even parties without, well, heroes.

Original XCOM unfortunately had no real notion of world map resources, so base placement made little difference. XCOM Apocalypse instead of resources had corporations supplying equipment. If one was to extend Apocalypse, a brain dead decision would be adding some resource gathering missions outside of the city. Still the game was already pretty massive in its scope, if even it was simulating just a single city.

Offtopic / Re: XCOM Inspired Fantasy Game
« on: April 11, 2020, 10:46:46 pm »
Implemented sailing. This map doesn't really have a need for ships. It is the same old test seed map. But I plan adding several thematic auto-generated maps to the game, each with successive difficulty and tech level increase, so new player wont get overwhelmed from the beginning. One of the levels will be an archipelago with small islands. Now the game framework is literally finished. All important cogs are in place, so the game is playable from start to finish.

Next step would be determining average game length in turns to balance the AI and goals properly. And fixing minor things. Like i.e. when there are not enough mercenaries to defend the plundered city, their place will be taken by citizens, which are very weak units. Sprites for different dungeon types. Something tells me this could be like the other 50% of work. But it is rather simpler work of filling in the missing details.

Oh, and I had to change my name on social media, because the previous Russian name produced some biased attitude towards me, with people expecting me to speak Russian. I've planned to do that for some time, but had the idea to first do that formally in id card. Unfortunately my current status in Ukraine doesn't allow me to change my legal name. Guess changing informal handle first is better than nothing. Anyway, the name Nash is after the American mathematician John Nash, not the anime character. Gold is unrelated to that anime character either. Guess now people will expect me to watch this anime :D

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