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Messages - NancyGold

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Offtopic / Re: Zodiac Legion, another fantasy Game inspired by X-COM
« on: September 29, 2022, 04:59:54 pm »
1. X-COM
 X-COM was a strategy game developed by legendary designer Sid Meier and released in 1994...
Wait!! That is factually incorrect. XCOM is a spinoff of Warhammer 40k franchise, and was designed by Rick Priestley!!!

Offtopic / Re: XCOM Inspired Fantasy Game
« on: September 27, 2022, 04:50:13 pm »
Given the introduction of paperdoll/base system, I decided to rethink the entire character/tech tree.
Before I just had some creatures attracted by buildings, akin to Dungeon Keeper.
These creatures came with predetermined equipment and abilities.
There was an inventory system and equip-able items since the beginning.
The equip-able items were a minor gimmicky thing, which gave small bonuses like +1 to defense.
Creatures had no progression, outside of the polymorph spells, which changed the creatures.
It was okayish, but offered no uniquiness to different creatures of the same type.
So now I decided to overhaul it and move closer to XCOM and Final Fantasy Tactics.
Equipment will be a huge thing now, and having a hook will be required for humanoids to scale walls.
There will be further creature progression, like humanoids will be able to grow wings.
Example is that flying zombie from the previous post. Think of it as flying armor from XCOM.
Before there was a ring of flying artifact giving flight to any no-flying character.
But it was really bolted on, without any character development and tech level.
I'm fixing it now. No, not with character jobs, but with a novel system, which fits nicely with city building.
Also I still wont be introducing experience or job/class experience, since I'm not making an RPG game.

In fact, no RPG elements is the 1st of the 3 design guidelines I use
1. No experience/character-classes or other D&D nonsense.
2. No randomness for action result. Even if the result appears to be random, it still depends on the world state (i.e. phases of the moon). Basically when I want something to be random, I make it depend on many factors, some of which are non-obvious or unseen to the player. Then I introduce abilities to access these factors.
3. A gameplay feature, which forces player to plan in advance, is a good one. So in my game design book, requiring spellcasting to take some time is a good idea. Yet more powerful spellcasters should have lower casting time. That alone gives player so many options: pick a weak spellcaster, who will do the job but take it long and will require you to plan further, or waste money on the expert one. And this 3rd rule indirectly helps implementing the 2nd one, because player choices introduce randomness, which is not as annoying as dice roll, because if player fails, that is the player's fault.

Anyway, now I have to draw a ton of pixelart myself, for the basic stuff like outfits. I don't hire artists anymore, since cheap artists produce too low quality art, so even I can already do a better job, while professional artists require fulltime employment and really huge salary. Then a lot of effort is wasted communicating what is required, and even I myself don't completely understand how it all should. This entire thread demonstrates doing new stuff, instead of just cloning Final Fantasy Tactics or XCOM, requires a lot of R&D, and sometimes taking breaks so I can return with a clean head and news ideas.

Fan-Stuff / Re: Some X-com fanart I made
« on: September 25, 2022, 09:44:50 pm »
I asked AI to produce XCOM fanart, and it produced this based of XCOM artwork  :o

Offtopic / Re: XCOM Inspired Fantasy Game
« on: September 23, 2022, 01:56:02 am »
Still working on the base system.

Had to implement the animation script level XY frame positions for all directions, so I can reuse the same frame at different positions
Code: [Select]
                xy -4 -2  xyr 4 -2 point
                xy 0 -10  xyr -2 -10 atk1
                xy 8 4    xyr -8 -4 atk2
                xy 8 4    xyr -8 -4 atk3
But I think the right thing would have been calculating these in the world space, not the screen space, so this xyr duplicate wont be required for the 180 degree version of the anim.

Now some big layers can't be easily composed into a base, which is limited to 96x96 frames, for numerous development reasons. Therefore I have to render say winged characters using some hacks, just because the wings are so big.

Playthroughs / Re: What do I do to make the game more challenging?
« on: September 21, 2022, 03:51:57 pm »
Yes, but these are trivial and already doable. The difficult part would be adding all those features OXC was not intended to have, from dialogues to trade UI, map transitions and all the rest...
XCOM had a trade system since the beginning, it is just that you sold stuff on the global market, like an agency does. As a Microprose game, XCOM just goes at a very different scale from an RPG game, or even say Jagged Alliance, so RPG elements go into conflict with the idea of soldiers being expendable in the first place, as opposed to typical RPG, where characters interact on a local scale and are expected to reach the end of the game. Baldur's Gate did allowed for characters to die but it had some hacks where the newly recruited characters matched the level of the one the squad, and losing more than a few would have made game impossible, it also had the protagonist character, which could no be lost, which was really annoying. Icewind Dale had similar system, but the new characters started at level 1 and were basically useless, so the the feature was removed for the enhanced edition, meaning one had to reload on permadeath of a character, and these games were relatively forgiving since only a few enemies could permed a character. In Final Fantasy Tactics, losing a character wasn't such a disaster, since the game regularly filled the pool with the new ones with higher level, albeit with different abilities, and one could always grind a level 1 character to higher level, which was a kind of cheating, so everyone agreed that proper game should have a per chapter turn limit, so player wont have time to grind super soldiers, and there are even mods giving this turn limit.

So maybe XCOM missions can have a turn limit too? If player takes too long to salvage an UFO, it gets lost, because aliens got a backup, finished the repair or got evacuated by a larger ship? A terror mission can end because due to player taking too long the aliens were able to complete the objective. That will also force the player to advance, instead of cheesing the AI out. Like I seen one beating Terror from the Deep on superhuman by just skipping the turns till all aliens got killed by the fire of opportunity, or one player just side inside the ship, opening door to shot the aliens. Really tedious and super retarded way to play the game. Games like Panzer General had a turn limit for a reason...

Playthroughs / Re: What do I do to make the game more challenging?
« on: September 21, 2022, 01:15:55 pm »
What’s wrong with making it more RPG? It will be nice to have missions with very limited dialog interaction with NPC in battlescape, like trade items, follow XCom soldiers to exit points.  Expands the scope of mission types.
Then you will also need the big alien boss villains, and the cellar "alien rats" mission for lv1 characters, instead of proper terror missions. And skyranger will get unlocked only half-way through the game, with early game being limited to a single area.

Playthroughs / Re: What do I do to make the game more challenging?
« on: September 20, 2022, 06:54:49 pm »
I think the best way to avoid it is to not act like a damn clown and ruin your experience for yourself, then blame the game for not stopping you. :P
Well we have to think what is the point of XP system in RPG games. Initially experience was a lazy game design method to lock out the higher level abilities and dungeons in D&D games, which had a dungeon master, who punished players for role playing clowns. Basically getting level 3 meant just that instead of module level 2 you should now move to play the module level 3, as opposed to explicitly linking the dungeons together in a linear progression. Now XCOM is not really a D&D RPG and has no DM, while the tech level and the end game is locked behind research, money and base building, instead of experience. So what is the point of soldiers having D&D like progression at all? Will the soldiers becoming higher level open previously too high level dungeons (UFOs) for them, which are accessible from the beginning? Is XCOM a World of Warcraft wannabe, where you first grind to the level 99, and only then the game begins?

Playthroughs / Re: What do I do to make the game more challenging?
« on: September 20, 2022, 05:21:39 pm »

You can get supersoldiers in an even cheesier way than honest battle experience (honest only on their side of course, mostly abusive on your side).
You can (ab)use active "training", for example mind control and disarm a muton, and shoot at him at point blank range until you're out of bullets in your pistol; or even better put him in a circle of soldiers and let them reaction fire and train reactions too. Or mind control him many times to improve psi skills.

Does this feel right? Don't answer, it was just a rhetorical question...

That is actually the main gameplay loop of some games like The Elder Scrolls, Final Fantasy Tactics and Disagaea. The last one even made it into an official "feature"  ( ). I think the best way to avoid it is to just abandon the experience idea completely or make it participatory to avoid "the muton grinding" on the engine level, while just being shot at or having alien in a line of sight will make the soldier "shell shocked," depressed, weaker, chronic drunk and prone to losing moral. I.e. turn the experience system upside down. It works well for horror games, so should be good for XCOM too. Although during the first two missions  soldier can get limited stats increase, which is solely participatory to avoid grinding and promoting risking soldier lives to make them more "experienced." I.e. that way the frontline soldiers will get weaker and weaker, and destined to fail, while the back line a bit buffed up, incentivizing the player to use them. But, yeah, implementing such balance changes is kinda hard without hacking the code, but it is easier than disciplining oneself to follow the rules like it is a board game.

Offtopic / Re: XCOM Inspired Fantasy Game
« on: September 11, 2022, 03:39:13 pm »
It is kinda tricky to combine male and female bases with the same set of clothes and equipment, but I kinda did that, due to the art style being half-way chibi. I think I can also dynamically generate dwarf versions too, which is kinda mandatory, since the short characters can pass through passage that are unavailable to tall ones. Generally making a good pixelart base is an alchemy. But it is kinda mandatory for a dynamically generated game, where characters and encounters have to unique. I have 24 frames of animation, which have to be duplicated among all clothes, but weapons can be added dynamically.

Offtopic / Re: XCOM Inspired Fantasy Game
« on: September 10, 2022, 01:03:29 am »
Base system works surprisingly well, but the project scale is getting even more out of hand.

Playthroughs / Re: What do I do to make the game more challenging?
« on: September 08, 2022, 11:51:56 am »

In geoscape, there is very little potential to make the game truly harder (and a lot of potential to just make it annoying instead).

How about AI reacting to player progress, while at the same time introducing a time limit, which can be extended by player with some effort? Make it easy enough that most people will be able to get into the mid game, but only the real luck and commitment will make you win the game. And these psi soldiers are the end game thing, but since they are really OP, they should be sufficiently rare (i.e. only 1 out of 10 soldiers could have aptitude towards it) and have something like exhaustion level, so can' do psi non-stop, or start losing health and sanity. Then some alien race can be immune to psi, and if player overuses psi, these aliens can appear more frequently. I think i would also make sense to lower the difficulty in many areas, like soldiers not dying after the first hit (unless it is some headshot), but becoming incapacitated and require a quick medic help, and really lengthy recovery, with maybe expensive high tech prosthetics (think robocop style soldiers, where only the brain was left in the end game) or losing say an arm or an eye, which obviously lowers abilities or forces you to retire them, but at less reputation cost than if they are killed in combat. Same could apply to civilian casualties. That will make support roles more useful, and the soldiers feeling less like cannon fodder. Such features shouldn't require large changes to the code base or additional graphics.

Playthroughs / Nookrium OXC Lets Play
« on: September 06, 2022, 08:44:52 pm »
Nookrium is a youtuber who shows of all kinds of obscure indie strategy games:

Offtopic / Re: XCOM Inspired Fantasy Game
« on: September 03, 2022, 11:17:57 pm »
Finally the princess got into the game. The paperdoll system still needs some refinement.

Offtopic / Shadows of Forbidden Gods
« on: September 03, 2022, 11:20:37 am »
Not a tactics game, but a Master of Orion style grand strategy, building on top of the reverse XCOM idea, where player infiltrates human civilization. The setting is fantasy, but I think one can easily replace it with modern day world or a galactic empire.

Surprisingly got a few similar ideas to what I have in my game, and uses the same royalty free tileset, which looks completely out of place there, since the game uses Master of Orion like location graph for its map, and hexes are a just a background, which sharply clashes with game mechanics and the art direction. But I guess the game was made by a single person, who has great table top game design talent, but little art and or programming skills.

Offtopic / "Dark Souls of XCOM clones"
« on: August 25, 2022, 06:44:05 pm »
Now I never heard about Spellcross before, and the reviewer says he liked XCOM Apocalypse more because it had real time mode, but well replacing an alien invasion with a Tolkien one sounds like a cool idea for some OXC mod :D

Maybe I will add the reverse to one chapter of Spell of Mastery: a wizard opened a portal to Soviet Russia, allowing Stalin to extend USSR into another dimension :D

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