XPiratez / Unasked opinion about integrity
« on: February 14, 2022, 12:24:41 am »
While admitting I'm not really understand the reason of decision to change sub-forum moderator I am as an actual community member still feeling obligated to proclaim my protest.
I can understand and even support the idea to free developer from tasks like forum moderation and community management but still consider formal moderation rights removal as a fracture of community self-respect that should not be allowed as an ill practice. As far I can see Dioxine had the sub-forum moderator rights from the beginning so I consider maintaining the status quo in a case of hostile force emersion as a matter of community honor.
With full of reasonable respect to the decision of the senior leadership of the community I still decided to share my considerations to avoid being silently agreed.
I thank everybody for attention.
I can understand and even support the idea to free developer from tasks like forum moderation and community management but still consider formal moderation rights removal as a fracture of community self-respect that should not be allowed as an ill practice. As far I can see Dioxine had the sub-forum moderator rights from the beginning so I consider maintaining the status quo in a case of hostile force emersion as a matter of community honor.
With full of reasonable respect to the decision of the senior leadership of the community I still decided to share my considerations to avoid being silently agreed.
I thank everybody for attention.