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Topics - Finnik

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I'm planning to make some additions to XCF terrains (ofc, its free to everyone else to use it), and as it has a lot of deployments, that uses its very own UFO (that looks like cults houses, for example).
For that the use specific mapScripts with defined UFO in addUfo command. First, it leads to tons of copypasting in mapScripts. Second, it does not let them use default mapScript from the terrain, and that's an issue to my concept. Also, it's impractical to match deployment name with its UFO, as we have many-to-many relations here.

So I'd really love to have the option to define ufo directly in the deployment rule, I'm proposing such syntax:

Code: [Select]
    width: 40
    length: 40
    height: 4
    customUfo: STR_CULT_HOUSE                 # <------

I'm not sure if I did it all right, I guess there could be a more elegant solution, but I hope that could help a little:
It looks to me like its possible to merge it

With it, map generator will look, if there is addUfo command, but we have no UFO defined in the usual way, so it gets ufo rules for optional alienDeployment property.

I would really appreciate any feedback on that, and I really want to know if such a ruleset option would become available in the upcoming release of OXCE, as I really need it in my work with terrains for compensation for recent events.
@Devs, if there is anything I can do to make it more fitting to OXCE, please, let me know, I'm really motivated in that feature.

Update by Meridian: ruleset attribute name changed to 'customUfo'. Code modified and merged.

OXCE Support / [Answered] Can facilities only be used as upgrades?
« on: August 11, 2019, 04:17:06 pm »
Can we specify somehow facility that will be able to construct only above specified facility, like an upgrade, but cant built standalone? Problem is if we need to upgrade the facility with maxAllowedPerBase: 1, thus upgraded version can be constructed next to it, not only above.

I LOVE Ctrl + Mid Click opening Ufopedia article from the purchase-sell state, and I think it would be very handy to have it for manufacturing screen when playing complicated mod like XCF. I imagine it's not hard to do if devs agree with that but do not have free time for it, probably I could practice myself a bit making that?  ::)

I`d like to discuss the idea of an adjusting game engine to handle the alien mission, that was already spawned with mission script, should be interrupted with research trigger, that was already spawned with mission script. We can disable mission generation with researchTriggers in mission scripts, but as they are processed monthly, it can't determine, if a mission should appear to player midmonth if he or she achieves trigger. So, for example, in XCF when a player terminates alien cult he can still get spawned missions sites with it, and it looks like a bug to a player.
I've made a video demonstration of my idea and commit code changes to my github repo

Please, let me know what are you thinking about it

I think it could be very useful for modders to have an additional option in mission script to check if the player has specified item. The script will check if the player has listed items and if conditions are met, it will run mission. Probably, syntax could look like that:

Code: [Select]
  - type: treasureHunting
    executionOdds: 100
      - item: STR_TREASURE_MAP
        needed: true #default is true
      - item: STR_TREASURE_CHEST
        needed: false #that means if already has an item, mission will not spawn

It would be so cool if the alien base that is being built during the infiltration of aliens appeared within the limits of the country where the infiltration occurs. Otherwise, it seems very unnatural.

EDIT by Meridian: use `buildInfiltrationBaseCloseToTheCountry` See:,6586.msg112262.html#msg112262

With help of gurus of C++ (thanks again Meridian, SupSuper, Yankes and Otto for explanations and support) ive add new property into starting conditions block, called needItem. this works very similar to allowedCraft, but it checks, if sending craft contains listed items, and if not, its not allowed to launch (and also land). Here is video demo:

If that feature is wanted for modders, may be it would be possible to add it to OXCE? I can commit it to github. Also im very noob for OOP and C++, so any comments and tips are wellcome.

OXCE Support Y-scripts / [Example] Buffing Script
« on: November 23, 2018, 01:00:49 pm »
I decided to try to learn how to write Yankes scripts, at least at basic level, so here is my trial release (many thanks to ohartenstein23 for his invaluable help in understanding). This script allows you to set the weapon property (tag) to change the characteristics of the target, which hit the weapon. Stats will be changed to the end of the battle. For example, you can make a blinding gun, lowering Firing, or stim enjector, increasing TUs and, say, Bravery =)

all you need is to define tags in your item, like that:
Code: [Select]
  - type: STR_BUFFER
    #categories: [STR_EQUIPMENT]
    size: 0.2
    costBuy: 10
    costSell: 8925
    weight: 9
    bigSprite: 8585
    floorSprite: 8586
    bulletSprite: 31
    fireSound: 15
    power: 5 #there must be a hit event to act the script
    damageType: 3
      ToHealth: 0.0   
    clipSize: -1
    accuracyAimed: 110
    tuAimed: 15
    battleType: 1
    twoHanded: false
    invWidth: 1
    invHeight: 2
    recoveryPoints: 2
    armor: 10
    attraction: 4
    listOrder: 39101
    tags: #here buff values can be set
      FTAG_BUFF_VALUE_TIMEUNITS: 20 #remember add renewable resources to damage alter if positive. this will only affect maximum value, not current
      FTAG_BUFF_VALUE_BRAVERY: -20 #negative means debuff

I will be glad to know what do you think about it. Also any advice is very welcome  :D

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