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Messages - DisgruntledXCOMer

Pages: [1]
XPiratez / Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« on: September 18, 2018, 01:22:47 am »

I have registered to this forum because I ran into an issue while playing this mod. So I haven't experienced any bugs, glitches or anything with exception of a typo in one place perhaps but now I've run into something odd. So it's the third base invasion (the ones invading are the dark ones faction I think, the not-doom guys anyway). So in the preliminary stage I shoot them with my building (vaults iirc) and so it hits, doesn't destroy them and then I have the battle in my base. With some struggle I clear them all by turn 15 or so. Now, the battle doesn't end at all.

Moving on, by turn 20 this bug hunt mode activates and tells me that there are enemies visible on the minimap. So I look and browse the entire four levels and I see nothing. There are no enemies in sight. The turns just keep rolling, I figured there would be a surrender trigger but no. Therefore I engaged on a hunt with my vast numerically superior forces and combing through the base I was unable to find any enemies either. It's now turn 200 and everyone keeps going insane every second turn.

What do I do at this point? Is this a glitch? The battle won't end on one hand and bug hunt won't show any enemies on another. What do I do? I'm attaching the save file for debugging purposes.

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