OXCE Builds & Ports / Re: [OXCE+] Lua Integration
« on: September 18, 2018, 08:43:29 pm »
So far all events I have planned are global events. I can see circumstances where you want to "only run this function on this particular instance of an object" , but that would be too intrusive for a first pass API. I'd have to go in and modify every spot where an instance of an object is created and either do multi-inheritance to a common base class which holds the necessary functions to allow binding functions to that instance, or I'd have to do some other method of allowing local instance callbacks which would touch more files than I would like to at the moment.
I think for the first version I will only have global events. Things like xcom.geoscape.register5SecCallback, xcom.battlescape.registerTurnBegin and even xcom.geoscape.registerUpdateCallback for those needing frame to frame updates. For other things, like xcom.soldier.get(soldier).registerDamageCallback(), I don't think the initial API will handle it like that. Instead, you could have something like xcom.soldier.registerDamageCallback() which takes a function that has a parameter for which soldier was damaged. It covers the same use case, but perhaps not as cleanly because you'd get that callback for EVERY soldier that receives damage instead of one specific soldier.
has<x>Callback and clear<x>Callback appear to be okay, so I'll move forward with that idea for now.
I'm still toying with ideas on how to architect the API that is less intrusive on the engine, yet allows controlling as much of the underlying data as possible.
I think for the first version I will only have global events. Things like xcom.geoscape.register5SecCallback, xcom.battlescape.registerTurnBegin and even xcom.geoscape.registerUpdateCallback for those needing frame to frame updates. For other things, like xcom.soldier.get(soldier).registerDamageCallback(), I don't think the initial API will handle it like that. Instead, you could have something like xcom.soldier.registerDamageCallback() which takes a function that has a parameter for which soldier was damaged. It covers the same use case, but perhaps not as cleanly because you'd get that callback for EVERY soldier that receives damage instead of one specific soldier.
has<x>Callback and clear<x>Callback appear to be okay, so I'll move forward with that idea for now.
I'm still toying with ideas on how to architect the API that is less intrusive on the engine, yet allows controlling as much of the underlying data as possible.