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Messages - DaEMon

Pages: 1 2 [3]

I'm now in October first year, so I haven't yet faced several of the new aliens featuring in this mod.
But I think I advanced enought to get some feeling on the mod balance and mechanics.

1) Economic system. It's brilliant. You are always struggling for money, you are required to capture almost every UFO that lands.
I'm currently running 10+ millions in deficit, and the amount UFOs arriving on earth are just enough to provide loot money for that plus production costs for amors, weapons, personnel, etc.
Producing laser cannons makes some profit, but most of the time your engineers are busy with other projects, like amors (and armor repairs), weapons, crafts or equipment.

2) Shouting down UFOs. No point. Most UFOs can outrange even avalanches, making short work of your interceptors. I think it is nice that you can't now avoid terror sites without a heavy commitment.

3) Research tree. It's really good and most features of it makes a lot of sense.
I could point out that the Alien Data Slate shouldn't be in an Alien Base, because you are basically getting it for free, since you are already raiding a base early on for the alien containment.
Btw, I Love the world news updates. It's always great to have more background story.

4) Heavy Auto Laser. I have no idea what it's good for.
For long/mid range fight Laser Sniper is way better. Better accuracy and damage.
For close fight Scatter Laser outclasses it completely. The auto laser is heavier, requires a lot more of TUs to fire, and scatter laser fire 10 beams with autoshot.
Maybe it is good for aliens I haven't met yet? like Armored Sectopods?

Same issues with the Heavy Plasma. Formerly, the best gun in the game is now beaten by the new plasma guns.
Although it has Aimed Shot available, the Plasma Sniper Rifle is better for long range fight with better accuracy and damage (Elerium clips).
And for close range the Plasma Shotguns are hands down better.
Maybe Heavy Plasma damage output should be buffed? Or an Elerium clip variant available for it?

Congratulations for this mod which both great and challenging. Keep up the good work.

I couldn't make too much progress in last few weeks, because the World Cup took away lots of playing time (three games per day take away lots of time). Anyway, tomorrow my team plays against Portugal, so I think I will have plenty of time starting on sunday to advance in the campaign and hopefully save the planet. ;D


I have a couple of things to report:

Some drone upgrades are not working as supposed.
Drone Scanner -> Alloy Drone Taser requires Drone Scout
Drone Taser -> Alloy Drone Medikit requires Drone Scanner
Drone Taser -> Alloy Drone Taser requires Drone Scout

Drone  Scout -> Alloy Drone Scout crashes the game :'( when you try to produce it. I'm using v0.99.3 of the mod and git 2018-05-10.

On the tech tree, "Elerium bomb launcher" doesn't become available for research after Alien Launcher and its bombs.

Thank you for your quick reply.

I agree that is almost impossible to generate flawless maps when you have a random map generator and map blocks with unpassable terrain.

I'm really enjoying this mod. It takes Xcom to a whole new (and insane :o) level.

I will keep reporting any minor stuff that might not be working right as I play the campaign.

I noticed another difference between the game's tech tree and the tech tree's chart. I have available for research "alien launcher weapons" before researching "Elerium Rocket". I do have Alien Data Slate.

-- posts merged. Please don't double-post ---

I forgot the save


I just got a map where the UFO can't be reached. Maybe the map generator should not produce such maps.

Anyway, I will just reload the map so I can actually play it.

I attach the save.

Here is the save

I think there might be a bug in the research tree. I researched Improved skyranger and I don't have available Alloy HWPs for research. I'm using last version of the mod


I am just starting a campaign (still on january) on this mod and I have a question. At which turn aliens start cheating?
I just raided a battleship (yes, a a battleship in January!) and it seems to me that aliens learn your positions quite early. I had no problems ambushing and killing aliens left and right with no casualties on my side until turn 11-12 when suddenly aliens started picking my men all over the place. I still completed the mission but lose 6 good soldiers.

I know that the mod description says that aliens gain earlier awareness of your presence but it would be nice to know when so we can plan ahead.

Great mod by the way, enjoying a lot so far.

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