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Messages - DaEMon

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XPiratez / Re: Newbe questions
« on: November 02, 2018, 11:49:53 pm »
How or where do you get the Dark Star?

XPiratez / Re: Newbe questions
« on: November 01, 2018, 09:06:45 pm »
look at their trophies section in the bootypedia. You need to research A1 level prizes to get access to A2 level prizes and so on.

XPiratez / Re: Newbe questions
« on: November 01, 2018, 05:15:54 pm »
Goblin Zaxx takes for bounty trophies old coins, old money briefcases and some assassination trophies as well. You just need to research the trophy to unlock the manufacture project

XPiratez / Re: Newbe questions
« on: October 27, 2018, 11:41:02 pm »
"You just need more than one hit" = Eating some nasty reaction fire.  :o
But I guess I have to live with it now. Now an early Heavy Freighter is close to impossible in Jack Sparrow level. At least very hard in an open craft like the Fortuna.

XPiratez / Re: Newbe questions
« on: October 27, 2018, 10:12:12 pm »
Hi everyone, I'm playing a new campaign in the lastest version 0.99j8 and I noticed that Tanks are now really hard to kill. Rockets and panzerfausts are no guaranteed kill as they were before. What are their new resistances/weakness, and what early/mid game weapons should I use? I don't have yet EMPs, or BFGs, or anything nearly as powerfull.

XPiratez / Re: Newbe questions
« on: September 18, 2018, 08:17:55 pm »
Hi, I just went to the Dr. X duel and my gal spawns inside a box, she can't move or pick up weapons. How do you fight?

XPiratez / Re: Newbe questions
« on: September 17, 2018, 06:57:58 pm »
Still using 0.99j4. Didn´t upgrade yet.

XPiratez / Re: Newbe questions
« on: September 17, 2018, 06:04:26 pm »
Hi everyone, A simple mechanics question. I had a church base mission going on, and I captured the battleship while landed (I mean the very large ship I just don´t remember how it´s named in this mod). Then the base didn´t spawn. Do "Alien" missions behave diferently than vanilla because I should have that base.

XPiratez / Re: Important: Upgrading Saves Between Versions
« on: August 28, 2018, 06:26:36 pm »
Thanks for the quick reply. Slave situation noted. But I am worried about the new mission (Pirate hunt) not spawning. If that mission requires a new tech to unlock, then there should be no problem, it should spawn when I research it. But if it is a mission that spawns on its own then I won't get it.

XPiratez / Re: Important: Upgrading Saves Between Versions
« on: August 28, 2018, 01:05:09 am »

In order to upgrade from 0.99j4 to 0.99j5, do I need to edit the savefiles?

XPZ Strategy/Tactics / Re: Squeezing money from the runts
« on: August 22, 2018, 09:20:59 pm »
Thanks a lot. I was sure someone already made one but I couldn't find it.

XPZ Strategy/Tactics / Squeezing money from the runts
« on: August 22, 2018, 08:37:19 pm »
I've spent some time trying to figure out which manufacture projects are the most profitable. Thing is that the stated ingame "monthly profit" in the manufacture screen can be misleading because it doesn't factor in the materials cost needed to produce a given item. That's why I made the spreadsheet attached in this post.

I'm currently in the 3rd year ingame and only at 43% tech progress according to the tech tree viewer. So it's very likely that I'm missing lots of later game stuff that can produce a lot more money. Yet, I wanted to share what I have so far. Also the list only cover items that are supposed to be money makers according to the bootypedia (making a comprehensive list would be impossible since there are like millions of production items).

First thing I noticed is how profitable is chain producing mesh/lingerie. Of course you need to have in stock porn and/or databases, otherwise is not worth it.

Next thing, forgering red and blue chips is not worth it at all. You should better produce chemicals or medical supplies, and sell those chips right away.

Hope it's usefull for people that currently at mid game stage as I am.

XPiratez / Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« on: August 04, 2018, 10:24:14 am »
where are the logs? Is it a file somewhere?

The version of the save is 0.99j4

XPiratez / Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« on: August 04, 2018, 04:51:22 am »

Crash happens when car arrives at "burning town" event.

Save attached

OXCE Suggestions DONE / Re: [Documentation] Soldier Transformations
« on: July 29, 2018, 07:05:17 am »
Hi,  I´m interested in the cloning dead soldiers feature. How do I enable it ingame?   

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