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Messages - The Martian

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Help / Re: Trying to add new alien craft.
« on: April 22, 2023, 08:31:44 pm »
I went back over the maps and changed the routes to use the scout feature for spawning new units.

Here are all of Wolwerin's TFTD craft maps with the new routing.

Wolwerin's TFTD

I'm still testing the maps to see if I spot any holes in them like with the "Double Hunter" (GT0006) map, but I think they are close to ready.

whenever I try to make a new map there are already routes, it seems to be inheriting them from a different crafts map. Also sometimes adding a new map seems to corrupt a different map file causing the other map to use another craft's routes instead of its own.

Any idea what could be causing this?

Here is an example, I just created this map with the "Add Tileset" command and it started with an empty map but it has the routes from a different craft already present. (Example: Empty Map with

Perhaps I'm creating the file initially incorrectly, the method I'm using is to click USO and select "Add Tileset" then add the (UEXT2, UEXT3, UINT1, UINT2, UINT3) terrain tile sets using the menu. Should I be doing something else?

I have another question about the tile limit. Is 253 just for the alien craft being made in MapView itself or does the sea floor and whatever X-Com craft the player sends to the location also count towards the limit when the file is loaded ingame?

An alien craft = UEXT2, UEXT3, UINT1, UINT2, UINT3 = +100 MCD Records
X-Com's craft = TRITON = +46 MCD Records
The battle location = SAND, ATLANTIS, UFOBITS = 102+ MCD Records

When the mission loads that's already almost at the max tile limit with a total of 248.

Help / Re: Trying to add new alien craft.
« on: April 20, 2023, 01:27:27 pm »
I've finished adding the routing nodes for Wolwerin's "Intimidation Of The Government" (GT0007) craft. That leaves five more maps to go.

. UFO_GT0007-1.MAP
. UFO_GT0007-1.RMP

Code: [Select]
      - UEXT2
      - UEXT3
      - UINT1
      - UINT2
      - UINT3

When using "Add Tileset" to place a new map in the Maptree, what are the limits to the number of tile packs that can be assigned to each map?

Code: [Select]
      - UEXT2
      - UEXT3
      - UINT1
      - UINT2
      - UINT3

  I noticed that in modify map size I can set the map to be taller than original X-Com height limit, what is the maximum height that I can build a new map at?

Just for fun I added alien routes to one of Wolwerin's maps (Titan - Heavy Transport) that was meant to be an X-Com craft, but I'm getting the following error:
"There are 88 route-nodes outside the bounds of the map"

I thought that I had placed them all inside the map tiles so I'm not sure what has gone wrong.



Code: [Select]
      - Triton
      - UINT2

  Just by placing this tile is enough to make an elevator right?

here's some notes and code in Mv2 ...
Thank you that was very helpful.

Help / Re: Trying to add new alien craft.
« on: April 19, 2023, 06:06:55 pm »
Finished adding routes to Wolwerin's Dreadnought (UFO_GT0002)

Here are the files:
. UFO_GT0002-4.MAP
. UFO_GT0002-4.RMP

Code: [Select]
      - UEXT2
      - UEXT3
      - UINT1
      - UINT2
      - UINT3

Floor 1:

Floor 2:

Floor 3:

Here is the current total number of spawn points for the map:

Does the TFTD Navigator rank share the Leader/Commander rank, I didn't see it listed in the "Node Data" "Node Rank" menu.

Note that the "tally" button in RouteView
I'm getting an error when I press the "tally" button in the RouteView window:

I tried deleting Node 67 but the error still appears when I press the "tally" button.

so i assume that, when you click/select a tile that has parts assigned, the partsprites draw ok in TopView's partslots or "quadrants" as i call them ?
When I click a tile in the top view window that already has been assigned floors/walls/etc the images stop being black for those parts.

Another glitch i notice is the two small priority bars on routenodes are not filling correctly. If you look closely you can see red and blue colors in them ... red reflects spawnweight and blue for patrolpriorty. But WINE (or whatever) seems to be truncating/rounding off the location and size of the fill-colors a bit differently than .NET
Thank you for pointing that out, I'll just have to be careful.

Like KevL said, make sure a large unit can fit and get there (no small doors etc.). If yes, "Any" is fine; if not, set it to "Small".
Flying unit options should be obvious.
Do I need to duplicate routes from the same node for both "Small Flying" and "Small", or will a small flying unit also use a route marked with just a "Small" route?

For example Node 66 in the UFO_GT0002-4.RMP file is setup to prevent large units from trying to use the small elevator tiles:
Code: [Select]
Link1: 64 = Any
Link2: 67 = Small
Link3: 67 = FlyingSmall
Link4: 71 = Small
Link5: 71 = FlyingSmall

Could Node 66 have been written this way instead and the FlyingSmall units would have still have been routed to Node 67 & 71?
Code: [Select]
Link1: 64 = Any
Link2: 67 = Small
Link3: 71 = Small
Link4: Unused
Link5: Unused

Help / Re: Trying to add new alien craft.
« on: April 18, 2023, 12:00:23 pm »
Thank you KevL, I appreciate the screenshot:

Here is the edited map and route files for Wolwerin's Double Scout (GT0005)

Code: [Select]
      - UEXT2
      - UEXT3
      - UINT1
      - UINT2
      - UINT3

If I've done this correctly the map now supports this many spawn points inside the alien craft:
Soldiers: 5
Squad Leader: 1
Medics: 1
Technician: 1
Leader/Commander: 2
Terror #1: 1
Terror #2: 1

I've also made it so that if Terror units #1 or #2 are used for a flying unit it will move to a patrol pattern above the ship.

Do I need to set "Patrol Priority" to "1 : Lo" for every node or can I leave them at "0 : LoLo" and still have the AI use them? (UFO_GT0005-3 is setup to use "1 : Lo" for almost all the nodes.)

Help / Re: Trying to add new alien craft.
« on: April 17, 2023, 09:28:02 am »
btw, in TopView i notice you're getting blacked quadrants. Could try turning on UseMono in MainView's Options,

Selecting "UseMono: True" does display the previously blacked out images correctly. However it also causes the program to run at what feels like 1 frame per 60 seconds. (I tried Stoddard's build but the result was the same.)

I think I can work around it for now using the "UseMono: False" setting even with the graphical errors as the only effected areas seem to be the 'Floor' 'West' 'North' 'Content' 'Part' icons in the "Top/Route Views" and the "TopView" windows.

Is this tile normally black in the "TileView" because it fills the currently selected tile with nothing leaving it empty/blank or is it a graphical error caused by me not using the Mono = True setting?

To confirm if I understand the RouteView controls correctly, to place and link alien movement nodes:
. Right click an empty tile to create a new node.
. Select one of the Link1 through Link5 options
. Assign "Dest" to the number of another existing Node.
. Assign "Unit" to the type (Or any if all aliens) are able to move from the selected node to that "Dest" node.
. In the "Node data" settings assign it a "Patrol Priority" of at least 1 so that the alien has a chance of wanting to vist that node from other nodes.
. Aliens may now choose to move from the selected node, configuration is complete and up to 4 (5 total) other nodes can be linked from the selected node.

And to make the Node a spawn point for an alien unit:
. Select an existing node.
. In "Node data" select "Node Rank" and assign it the value of the rank of alien to be spawned from the alienRaces: .rul file.
. So long as "Spawn Weight" is set to greater than 0 that tile 'could' be used to place one of the aliens of that type.

Do I need to make sure each node links to another node without going through walls or solid objects, or will aliens automatically path around everything to get to the other linked node?

To make sure I'm understanding this correctly as an example I've altered UFO_GT0006-1.RMP from this:

to this: (Here is the edited route file: UFO_GT0006-2.RMP)

With this new node between the two alien crafts aliens can choose to move to from node 1 or node 6 to node 49.

Have I done this correctly?
(Node 49: Link1 = 1, Link2 = 6)
(Node 1: Link4 = 49)
(Node 6: Link5 = 49)

The part starting with "&" marks the anchor's definition, and the parts starting with "*" refer to it. With this, the entire "terrains:" part is automatically copied to all places where it's needed. Make sure to set the anchor on your FIRST instance, as the engine can't look up, only down.

The "&" "*" method looks very useful. I was only aware of using refNode: to do something like this:
Code: [Select]



If I understand correctly the contents of the "terrains:" list is the only thing being duplicated when "terrains: *Urban" is written elsewhere in the code. It isn't also duplicating these lines:
Code: [Select]
    category: Urban
    group: UFO - Terrain

Can I use this in any YAML .rul file wherever a list was going to be?

For example instead of creating three different weapons like this:
Code: [Select]

      - STR_AMMO_A
      - STR_AMMO_B
      - STR_AMMO_C

      - STR_AMMO_A
      - STR_AMMO_B
      - STR_AMMO_C

      - STR_AMMO_A
      - STR_AMMO_B
      - STR_AMMO_C

It could be written like this:
Code: [Select]

    compatibleAmmo: &StandardAmmoTemplate
      - STR_AMMO_A
      - STR_AMMO_B
      - STR_AMMO_C

    compatibleAmmo: *StandardAmmoTemplate

    compatibleAmmo: *StandardAmmoTemplate

Help / Re: Trying to add new alien craft.
« on: April 15, 2023, 07:09:00 am »
I think I've got MapView2 working how do I load a new map into it?


I tried dropping UFO_GT0006.RMP & UFO_GT0006.MAP into the /TFTD/ROUTES/ & /TFTD/MAP/ folders but they don't seem to be appearing in the "tftdShips -> USO" file tree on the "Map Editor" window.

you could also try Automated builds for Mono only: by Stoddard.
Thank you I'll use Stoddard's mono build as a backup if Wine fails.

So far everything seems to be working but it is great to have more options.

Work In Progress / Re: Necromunda Enforcers
« on: April 14, 2023, 04:47:16 am »
You've captured the look well, nice work.


Help / Re: Trying to add new alien craft.
« on: April 14, 2023, 04:46:03 am »
Thank you I would appreciate your help with the map files.

I'll download KevL's MapView2 and try to run it with Wine (I'm on Linux) unless there is a different program you would recommend for editing these files?

Help / Trying to add new alien craft.
« on: April 13, 2023, 01:09:47 am »
I'm trying to create a map pack for TFTD using Wolwerin's alien crafts from this thread: New ships [UFO/TFTD]

Although I did get the ship to load in "New Battle" I don't think I've set it up correctly as there are two problems that are present.

The first is that no aliens are spawning inside the alien craft regardless of the percentageOutsideUfo: settings.

The second is that X-Com can walk through some of the crafts walls.

What am I missing?

Here is the mod I've been working with:
Wolwerin Map Pack

Thank you for taking the time to answer all of that.

I'm glad to hear that the sky is the limit when it comes to additional sprites.

1/ it was never limited to 35 (if anything it was limited to 28, but that's just a default)

I had misunderstood when reading the description in the Ruleset Reference:

The 35 3x3 images was related to the individual frames of a single projectile not their total number.

I have a few questions about image limits in OXCE.

Is the bulletSprite: BulletSprites.png image still limited to a 35 different projectiles?

If bulletSprite: is limited to 35 does reservedSpace: in the metadata.yml increase this limit?

When using TFTD do Projectiles and UnderwaterProjectiles each have their own limit of 35 or is it a combined total?

For example would this be 3 out of 35 sprites used or 6 out of the total 35 sprites:

Code: [Select]
  - type: Projectiles
    height: 3
    width: 65
    subX: 3
    subY: 3
      0: Resources/Projectiles_01_Land.png
      35: Resources/Projectiles_02_Land.png
      70: Resources/Projectiles_03_Land.png

  - type: UnderwaterProjectiles
    height: 3
    width: 65
    subX: 3
    subY: 3
      0: Resources/Projectiles_01_Water.png
      35: Resources/Projectiles_02_Water.png
      70: Resources/Projectiles_03_Water.png

Basically the same question but about the hitAnimation: and meleeAnimation: sprites.

Is there a limit and does reservedSpace: raise it?

If there is a limit is it the number of hit animation image sets or is it the total number of frames that is the limit?

This is useful to know if hitAnimFrames: and meleeAnimFrames: are going to be used to create longer animations.

Geoscape UFO, terror site & base markers. (marker: markerLand: markerCrash: markerIcon:)

Is there a limit to the number of different images that can be used?

Released Mods / [TFTD] Enhanced Craft Armor & Tank Preview
« on: April 10, 2023, 01:15:02 am »
This small mod for Terror From The Deep causes the craft equipment menu to visually display different soldier armors and tanks.


- Enhanced Craft Armor and Tank Preview (TFTD)

Suggestions / Re: Toss grenades around corners.
« on: February 27, 2023, 11:39:13 pm »
Actually you could make it work like Blaster Launcher... But it won't be a thrown grenade, it will be a one-shot "gun".
I need to get my hands on that code.

I may be misunderstanding but do you mean something like this:
Code: [Select]
    size: 0.2
    costSell: 36900
    weight: 8
    bigSprite: 19
    floorSprite: 19
    bulletSprite: 6
    fireSound: 11
    hitSound: 19
    hitAnimation: 36
    power: 60
    damageType: 4
    accuracyAimed: 100
    tuAimed: 50
    clipSize: 1 # <==
    battleType: 1
    twoHanded: true
    invWidth: 1
    invHeight: 1
    arcingShot: true # <==
    maxRange: 1 # <==
    waypoints: 2 # <==
      firing: 0.0
      throwing: 1.0

The above code is untested I'm not sure if arcingShot: works with the waypoints: setting.

Help / Re: Colors from palette turning invisible
« on: February 22, 2023, 12:59:22 pm »
I'll attach these palette charts to this thread, perhaps they can be useful.

Both are for the Battlescape palette.
X-COM: UFO Defense

X-COM: Terror From The Deep

OXCE Support / Re: [Question] Should the soldier bonuses stack?
« on: February 20, 2023, 06:13:34 pm »
They do not stack when they are the same level, but do stack when different levels.

Do you mean that a bonus of 2 will not stack with another bonus of 2, but a bonus of 2 will stack with a bonus of 4?

If so I'll take any stacking I can get so that is welcome.

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