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Messages - The Martian

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Resources / Re: Graphic Gallery
« on: May 18, 2023, 06:39:59 pm »
Deep One`s shoot with electricity effect.

Looks good!

In that case I'll have to keep an eye on the number of nodes I have left while routing.

Since the aliens will path themselves around obstacles the limit shouldn't be too bad.

Thank you for the information.

Help / Re: EntryPoint vs ExitPoint?
« on: May 18, 2023, 06:31:25 pm »
Do I still need entry points on a map if X-Com will arrive via their craft or does the X-Com craft's map bring its own entry points with it?

Help / Is there a limit to the number of AI Route Nodes per map?
« on: May 16, 2023, 03:29:59 pm »
Is there a limit to the number of AI Route Nodes per map?

Help / Re: EntryPoint vs ExitPoint?
« on: May 16, 2023, 02:55:43 pm »
Thank you that makes sense, the EntryPoint & ExitPoint tiles are only determining the fate of units on them when the abort button is pressed mid game and don't have anything to do with spawning units.

I still need to use MapView2 and place "Node Rank" "1 : XCOM" spawn nodes on each entry EntryPoint tile to actually make X-Com's units be able to spawn at the start of the battle.

Help / EntryPoint vs ExitPoint?
« on: May 16, 2023, 09:31:59 am »
Before I upload a map and someone loses their team while trying to abort a mission I thought it would be better if I understood how this works.

In McdView (General) #59 SpecialType can be set to "1 EntryPoint" and "13 ExitPoint".

How are these two SpecialTypes used?

Do I use EntryPoint for the tiles that you can place X-Com units on and recover them if you abort the mission or is that ExitPoint?

At first I though EntryPoint tiles would be where the X-Com units will be spawning however in MapView2 (Node data) "Node Rank" can be set to "1 : XCOM" which I'm assuming acts as the spawn point for X-Com units.

Help / Re: Small Map Pack preview and a question about water tiles.
« on: May 13, 2023, 01:39:24 pm »
Great, thank you! I might steal it. :)

Anything I upload to the forum is always up for grabs, please feel free to make use of it.

If the tile is impassable, the alien can't get on it. It can fall into it if you kill/stun it, though (but it's not a problem IMO).
Like the bottom is a layer of invisible and impassable terrain.

To setup a tile as impassable do I just set TuWalk, TuSlide, TuFly to 255 in McdView or is there another setting I need to adjust to prevent the units from falling into the ocean?

I just remembered another possible solution.

What if all ocean tiles had a Death Tile under them as described in this post by Meridian:,7671.msg132978.html#msg132978


You can use the "Target_Type/SpecialType" MCD attribute (byte #59) to mark a tile part as a death trap.
Any value between 200 and 254 will work.
255 will also work, but please don't use it.
See attached screenshots from MCDView1 and MCDView2.

The tile part must be used as a FLOOR part in the map editor.
Walls and objects don't do anything.

If a unit walks into a tile with death trap floor, or if a unit falls into such a tile, the game will generate a death trap and activate it.
The death trap is an item with type "STR_DEATH_TRAP_XXX", where XXX is the number you have used as "SpecialType" in the MCD.

For 2x2 units, all 4 tiles are checked for death traps, but only 1 will trigger.

There are two types of death traps:
1. proximity grenades: work as classic proxy grenades, create AOE damage
2. melee items: highly experimental, create non-AOE damage


1. proxy (battle type = 5)

Code: [Select]
  - type: STR_DEATH_TRAP_250
    battleType: 5           # proxy
    damageType: 3
    power: 50
      FixRadius: 1          # minimum for nice explosion animation
      RandomType: 3
      ArmorEffectiveness: 0.0
      ToHealth: 20.0
      ToTile: 0.0
    weight: 3
    bigSprite: 21
    floorSprite: 21
    size: 0.1
    costSell: 400

2. melee (battle type = 3)

Code: [Select]
  - type: STR_DEATH_TRAP_251
    battleType: 3           # melee
    damageType: 7
    power: 50
      RandomType: 3
      ArmorEffectiveness: 0.0
      ToHealth: 10.0
      ToTile: 0.0
    invWidth: 0             # hidden
    invHeight: 0            # hidden
    recover: false          # don't recover!
    hiddenOnMinimap: true   # hidden
    weight: 6
    bigSprite: 26
    floorSprite: 26         # use a blank sprite here
    handSprite: 80
    meleeSound: 54
    accuracyMelee: 100
    tuMelee: 30
    clipSize: -1
    size: 0.1
    costSell: 945

Help / Small Map Pack preview and a question about water tiles.
« on: May 11, 2023, 08:07:52 am »
The map pack is coming along. As well as the alien crafts I now have several new terror site maps that I'm hoping to add to the mix.

However after building this map I realized that I may have created a problem with the layout:

I don't accidentally want to softlock the game by having aliens hidden underneath the waves.

What happens if an alien or X-Com soldier falls onto this water tile from above?

Also to prevent some of the terrain from being destroyed I gave it an armor value of 255 and DeathId matching its own number. I'm hoping that this will this be enough to assure the walkways/etc don't get destroyed preventing proper navigation of the map.

Here is the tile terrain configuration for OFFSHORE, the custom terrain files are included in the .zip.
Code: [Select]
      - SEA
      - XBITS

And here are the map files for the curious, it is currently untested ingame so please let me know if anything goes wrong:
Offshore Rig (V0-46).zip

Help / Re: When creating new maps are corner pieces only cosmetic?
« on: May 11, 2023, 08:00:37 am »
(Sorry about the long delay in my response, something unexpected came up that I had to deal with.)

Thank you both for the information.

Help / Re: Prohibit standing shooting...
« on: April 24, 2023, 01:24:29 pm »
I haven't come across the option you've mentioned yet in the Ruleset Reference, if it is there I've also missed it.

Completely stopping an item from being used may be difficult(Or impossible) via scripting but perhaps you could figure out something using "BattleUnit.isKneeled" and "BattleUnit.isStanding".

If these actions can be performed via scripting you may be able to make it look like the item was never used:
Code: [Select]
. Silence the sound FX. (Either prevent it or swap it to a sound effect that has no audio in it.)
. Refund the TU cost of using the equipment.
. Replace the Hit animation & projectile sprite with a blank image.
. Increase bulletSpeed, explosionSpeed to as close to instant as possible.
. Temporarily toggle followProjectiles: to FALSE.
. display a message with either "flashMessage" or "flashLongMessage" that says "Cannot be used while standing."

I'm not sure if all of the above can be done currently though.

Help / When creating new maps are corner pieces only cosmetic?
« on: April 24, 2023, 12:33:43 pm »

When creating new maps are corner pieces only cosmetic or will corners without them have gaps that can be seen and shot through?

Help / Re: Trying to add new alien craft.
« on: April 24, 2023, 12:22:45 pm »
I looked more closely at the Whirligig -- nice Map! But the RMP nodes have nothing to do with what I see in the tileset ... so i don't know where you (or Mapview) got that routefile from ...
I've redone the routing for the Whirligig map, could you check if the files are loading now with the correct routes on your end?

The routes should look like this:

The concept was to allow for large flying units like the Xarquid or Hallucinoid to patrol from the bays on the the top of the ship.

If you have a .CHM helpfile reader on Linux i suggest taking an extended browse through MapView.chm .....
Thank you I'll look into a way to read the helpfile.
(I think it can be done on Linux via Wine when running MapView 2 so long as 'Wine Gecko' is also installed.)

OXCE Suggestions DONE / Re: [DONE] Persistent geoscape debug log
« on: April 23, 2023, 08:28:27 am »
If I'm understanding what I'm looking at this log is keepipg track of which UFO spawned, the date it happened, which alien race was onboard and more.

This will be very helpful, thank you for adding it.

Help / Re: Trying to add new alien craft.
« on: April 23, 2023, 08:03:59 am »
Here is a note that may save someone who is searching this thread later a bit of trouble: If your map loads fine in MapView 2 but looks distorted when loaded in OpenXcom.

Check your ufo: entry for that craft's map and make sure the mapDataSets: contains BLANKS before the rest of your tile sets.
Code: [Select]

      - BLANKS # <========= Make sure to add this
      - UEXT2
      - UEXT3
      - UINT1
      - UINT2
      - UINT3

i have no idea where that map came from /shrug
The Whirligig map is one I made.

it kinda sounds like maybe you typed in the name of an existing Map ... really not sure tho.
I'm guessing this is not the case but would the map and route files having a dash then number before the file extension cause this problem?

I've been saving map versions like this as I work on them:
Code: [Select]

So far I have not encountered the route problem again. I've been working around it by keeping a backup of the .MAP / .RMP files in a separate folder just in case I need to revert the .RMP if it corrupts.

Help / Re: Trying to add new alien craft.
« on: April 22, 2023, 10:10:59 pm »
The exact steps I've been doing:
Code: [Select]
. Start MapView 2
. Expand the tftdShips tree so that Craft & USO are visible.
. Select "USO" by Left click.
. Right Click "USO" and select "Add Tileset"
. In the MAP field either type the name of a new map, or click "..." and select an existing map file.
. Click create.
. Select (UEXT2, UEXT3, UINT1, UINT2, UINT3) and move each to the "allocated" window by pressing the "Left" button.
. Click Accept.

I also may have selected the "Save Maptree" option in the "File" menu in the past either right after creating the map or after working on it a bit.

I just tried it again and this time it created a 10x10 file with no routes.

Now that I know it should be 10x10 by default I'll keep an eye out for that, if the new map starts with anything else I'll assume it is corrupted and try to make another one.

I think the routes on the empty example map came from this craft's map 'Whirligig'. Interestingly the Whirligig's map also seems to have now started using yet other crafts routes and is throwing this error when I click on it:

pretty sure that the 253 ID limit is only for the mapblock that you're working on. Ie, the game engines likely use a 32-bit integer that relaxes the limit ...
That is great news. 253 is a lot to work with.

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