XPiratez / Re: Getting trashed lol. New question thread
« on: August 11, 2017, 11:22:30 pm »
Did you get him as loot? Sometimes weapon sprite is showed instead of body if they are on the same square. I don't think waking up stuned foes is good idea. Handles and stun buttons don't do much overstun to kill victim so stuned in frist round will remain alive for more than 20 turns. If you want to be sure, use manacles. Especially, when trying capture ghouls or other regenerative enemies. During my playthroughs I never had problems with dying stuned targets.
Surgery rooms can be found in alien bases and some bigger ships. Mayby your base building design is bad, if you have that much of a problem defending them. Besides army of newbies there should always be veteran with weapon that could easily kill power armor foe. Loader suit is avialible early, it have good armor, and gal don't need to be strong to carry big weapon.
Surgery rooms can be found in alien bases and some bigger ships. Mayby your base building design is bad, if you have that much of a problem defending them. Besides army of newbies there should always be veteran with weapon that could easily kill power armor foe. Loader suit is avialible early, it have good armor, and gal don't need to be strong to carry big weapon.