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Messages - JustTheDude/CABSHEP

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XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - N10 24-Nov-2024 Aurora's Dawn
« on: December 28, 2024, 12:55:18 pm »
I guess invest in AA, but I've always hated using space up like that.

You should invest in it anyway, because you won't be fighting in a battlescape with missiles aimed at your hideout.
You sure you didn't pick Theban Hive as your starting location? That would explain these govts crackdowns.

XPiratez / Re: Tribute song
« on: November 20, 2024, 10:40:40 am »
Using Slave-AIs to generate music 'eh? Better to scrap them for optronics.

Music is cool, but I think tribute song for Piratez should be something akin to Heavy Metal movie soundtrack. So, well... Heavy Metal.
Even with the same lyrics, but someting boombastic.

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: September 24, 2024, 06:35:38 pm »
workers and slaves do not occuply space in prison, right? Only "pimped" people, if i got it...right?

Yup. Both workers and slaves are basically an inventory item with negative "weight/volume".

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - N9.7.7 12-Sep-2024 Second Coming
« on: September 19, 2024, 11:35:45 am »

I do like the idea, it's supposed to be fun to play but it is not at the moment and the fort itself is a biggest problem here. Map design, I mean. This fort is sucks in many aspects. It's hard to shoot from, it's easy to get shot while you trying to, it's suicidely dangerous just to move inside it.

Well, I don't think it is that bad. Tower that is positioned the most on the "East" is perfect to position your gals (two to three gals) with Assault Cannons. It has a door so you are pretty safe each gal can shoot every two turns. There is also a place on top of the stairs (but still on them) where gal can still see a turret if she is standing up, but when she crouches, it doesn't see her.
Then you need two melee gals to cover "South-East" gate and one "North-West". In addition have about two gals with bows in "North" and "South" towers, behind doors.
It is good to have everyone equiped with a black powder bomb, unless they have a cannon, in this case they should have loaded incendiary cannonball from the roundstart to blast immediately when ruffians are bunched up.
Ballista also is able to punch trough turret, even tried to use pocket laschargers to train aim on gals and this could even damage armor. Gothic Raygun probably could work wonders here too.   

XPiratez / Re: A new player looking for some help.
« on: September 18, 2024, 03:47:45 pm »
Speaking of Paths I've restarted a few games now and I've tried all 4 Codex colors(red, green, grey, gold). Do these change the endings? I've noticed some research options become red if I've gone down a certain Codex path.

Well, Codex are different to Paths and I don't think they change the endings. Choosing a codex simply locks you from things that other codexes would give you, but still gives you unique things. That is mostly armors, weapons, crafts and such.

How do you deal with better armored enemies like the Ninja Gals and Osiron Security? The weaker shotguns seem to bounce right off them.

You deal with them with more experienced troops who can handle to aim accurately a hardhitting weapon, melee, or something thrown like javelins. 40 "Firing" and 15 "Strengh" Peasant has little to no chance against a Ninja Gal, or Osiron Sec. 

What am I missing about the robots in the Warehouse missions and the Watchtower missions? They're just there to shoot? They don't seem to do anything in my games.
In Warehouse missions they do nothing, while in Watchtower they block the entrenance, they are a map prop, not a unit.

XPiratez / Re: A new player looking for some help.
« on: September 17, 2024, 06:19:10 pm »
Gal to Peasant ratio?
I was playing with the Gals I could rescue and using Peasants for the rest of the crew. I also only had 10 Loknar which I used for the cave/underground missions.

There is no "golden" ratio. It depends on your transport craft, your choosen path, your playstyle and stuff like that. If you rely on Peasants then you should only use gals as melee warriors and heavy weapon carriers and maybe as a shock troop, or two, so at least x3.
I don't know if you are far enough to know about "paths", because there will be a research where you can decide to go full on Peasant Revolution, focus on Gals, or go with a male touch.

Best early pistol?
I've enjoyed the Confederate Eagle and the Handcannon but they are heavy for Peasants. Best Peasant handgun?

That would probably be blackmarsh pistol, later shiny niner. But the beauty of this game that there is so many handguns that you can decide what works best for you and your playstyle. For a inexperienced megamod players, which I assume you are, blackmarsh pistol seems like the best choice, fairly big mag, low TU to shoot, decent accuracy, fairly light.

Best early SMG/Rifle?
My peasants are usually too weak to carry a decent shotgun in the early game so I stick them with an SMG or a Rifle. Assault SMG might be my favorite. Linux SMG for the Gals or the peasants that can carry it.

UAC carbine if you can get your hands on it, fairly good "sniping" SMG, but only if it is a decently trained peasant. Otherwise it should be a shotgun, for me I usually run coach gun as a main peasant weaponry. Longer effective range than most shotguns, ability to load phoenix shells, inbuilt melee.

Best early Throwable bomb?
I only embraced the Black Powder Bomb a few playthroughs in but I really like it now on almost everyone who can fit one on their loadout. Better grenade choices?

Black Powder Bomb is like the only available thrown explosive early game, so there isn't much choice to make. Molotov I would say is a different category, being a thrown incendiary, serving a different purpose than BPB. Next in line are HE and frag nades looted from enemies and stick nades if you get humanist soldier captive and a bit of research.

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: August 31, 2023, 09:39:01 am »
Did you happen by chance to have your first original base in Theban Hive? If yes, then that is your answer of "why".

Did a small playtrough as I dig everything post-apo.

There are some QoL, lore, bugs and balance issues I came across (listing them out of memory, sorry for no save files to back them up):

- Pipe pistol seems too good. While Pre-War pistol allows you only one aimed shot and one snap shot on full TUs, pipe pistol lets you shoot few aimed shoots, while worse accuracy-wise, more bullets send flying with decend firing accuracy soldier just straight up beats pre-war pistol. Even pipe rifle is worse than pipe pistol.
- Mutants (atleast those with sprite based on X-COM zombie) have much, much bigger sight radious than your soldiers. To the point where they competently snipe your troops with aforementioned pipe pistols while you don't see them.
- There is a lore conflict where you can side with the Order (by the way they remind me of Fallout 1.5 Mutant Hunters in ideology and stuff, might as well borrow some lore from sources like that) and prove your loyality to them while being friendly with ghouls.
- Ghouls can wear any armor, but there is no way to put them back in their original one.
- Game crashes when you capture a super mutant and a ghoul leader (used a debug mode for that, to speed up testing, probably they are not supposed to be captured anyway).
- Scientist missions seem a bit hard. Especially first couple of them, since beating raider in power armor, or a super mutant with two soldiers is tad difficult and I can't imagine anyone doing that consistently without save scumming.
- Manufacturing crossbow bolts solves all money issues, it is quick to make and sells for a lot (getting few hundred thousands in one month with one worker).
- Pedia should already have few articles about the most basic stuff like shivs, clubs and guns we start with.
- I couldn't research power armor even though I got the wrecked parts from killing Preppers and such.

Might test a bit more later. Anyway, congrats and work already done and I look with excitement on the future of this mod.

XPiratez / Re: some sprite reskins
« on: August 07, 2023, 08:40:48 pm »
I wanted to add this rare meme weapon at some point (that is minigun rifle; I think I only seen this concept in Jason X but it's certainly traceable across more B class movies earlier), but didn't find a good place to put it.

There also exist a CnC version of "minigun rifle", which looks kinda like an AK

Made even a sprite back when I was enjoying my poor spriting adventure.

The X-Com Files / Re: Idea - not all soldiers are equal
« on: July 03, 2023, 03:20:19 pm »
You have commendations and transformations for that. By the time they reach their max stats you should have a lot of commendations behind their belt and atleast one transformation. This is what lets you specialise your soldiers.

XPiratez / Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« on: June 24, 2023, 02:16:55 pm »
Super-Bombard. Some kind of advanced mortar tank with the ability to fire more rapidly - you can get off two snap shots in one turn, or select autofire to unload an entire 4-shell clip in one go. This would support CTRL+SHIFT spray dragging. I'd also like to see cluster rounds for artillery, if that's even possible.

Isn't there already Lokk'Narr exclusive bombard tank in game?

If anything it would be cool to have 2x2 units sub-path for peasant revolution, or male touch. Maybe even pushing male touch directly into it to make it that much more different from peasant revolution.

The X-Com Files / Re: X-Com of the XCF, good or bad
« on: June 05, 2023, 07:04:54 pm »
X-COM is super secret. As soon as (for example) CIA "caught a whiff" of X-COM in a random event then Council is displeased as it is violating our contract, we get small score penalty and that is it.

Part of the Council that created and is funding X-COM is pro-human and anti-alien, so they want to avoid civilian casualities and actually care (most likely). Individual members responsible for each country also aren't pleased when ordinary humans on their soil die.
Proof of that is Council giving additional score for saving civilians, if they would not care, there probably wouldn't be that reward. Only a penalty for a corpse that needs to be disposed now.

The X-Com Files / Re: X-Com of the XCF, good or bad
« on: June 05, 2023, 01:54:28 am »
X-COM = Good. Aliens = Bad. Council > Aliens. Be reminded that particular voters will be monitored and may receive job application at your local X-COM HQ, or MiB.

Are you sure you have pilots assigned to this craft (alongside other soldiers)? You can only assign pilots that are in the craft.

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