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Messages - MadHaTr

Pages: 1 [2]
Troubleshooting / Re: Need help compiling under Windows/VS2015
« on: April 12, 2017, 04:33:04 pm »
I'll give this a try, seems the only thing that is different is I was not selecting the shared option.

Edit: Correction I did have the shared option selected.  Though I used windows cmake and it had 2 other options selected as well, maybe one of them messed it up or this -DCMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX="d" option made the difference.  I don't know. Worked the same as last time though now I have the yaml dll.

Thanks.  I'll move on to compiling the other deps now.

Edit2: Wanted to go back and try again with the windows cmake, and no I did not have the shared libs selected... hence no dlls.

Troubleshooting / Re: [SOLVED] Playing Openxcom with Steam Overlay?
« on: April 12, 2017, 08:47:55 am »
Also when using the non-steam game option, steam does not seem to track the time you play openxcom.  I use it as non steam game all the time. Well correction I play the openexcom extended for x-piratez

Troubleshooting / Re: Need help compiling under Windows/VS2015
« on: April 12, 2017, 08:45:23 am »
I am warming back up by attempting to compile oxc( in VSC++ 2017, I received the error which seems most common for builds in 2015 having to do with non updated deps.  Which sent me on a side adventure to compile the deps myself. Starting which YAML, I seem to have made a mistake.

I clone the git( (I'm pretty new to git) I run cmake for VSC++ 2017, get my SLN file and compile in VS, everything works great but I don't get the yaml files I am after. I also don't get and DLL's.  This is the only LIB file received. (libyaml-cppmd.lib) which was 1.7MB, way larger than what I see you guys using so I know it is not just renamed.

What am I doing wrong when it comes to the yaml dll and lib.

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