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The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: June 25, 2018, 05:09:47 am »
I know I've made the complaint before with the assault rifle black ops variety, but I'd like to suggest a change.

Raise accuracy of AIMED SHOT to 95, and lower effective AIMED SHOT range to 25 tiles. This way its still accurate to an extent, but has fall offs for more extreme ranges that the blackops rifle obviously excels at.

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 0.9.2b alpha: Workers Unite!
« on: June 25, 2018, 04:22:27 am »
I'm still in 9.1, but searching the tech tree, I cannot find anything leading up to heavy cannons with magma, and when I played it before, despite capturing a live zombie trooper, I got nothing...was it something with the syndicate I needed?

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 0.9.2b alpha: Workers Unite!
« on: June 24, 2018, 04:35:37 pm »
Massive flaw in that, I get horribly behind in research...I waited til late promotion 1 to even get advanced medicine. This run, I highballed toward advancement, but also screwed myself in getting mutant metabolism late : was it recently changed that chupacabras, large bugs, and other stuff didn't count towards it? Kinda frustrating. And a little RNG heavy for my liking... But in the end these are all my fault. Thats what I mean by flaw : flaw in my own gameplay.  :(

Hey, I figured the minebae was a, somewhat, trade secret : blackops has a lot of money, but this kinda stuff is pretty secretive, I'd figure....then again we find that before combat armor. Guess not. But still kiryu kai was supposedly NEVER covered by news, and all elements of it were a secret. XCOM is a little different mind you, but I figure its a coin flip this data being either lost in a remote area of japan, in a government base, or as you think, on an obscure end of the free market : if so, I think such a gun would be fitting for black lotus warriors honestly, considering they are a little easy (Alternatively, maybe give them either berserk AI, or just more aggression...they seem really shy).

I was under the impression the spy pistol, and all blackops guns used a better powder, or at least pistols : the smg, pistol, all seem marginally more effective. Even if not gunpowder, it could be proprietary slugs inside the rounds. Heavier, or with a painstakingly engineered shape.

I still think a blackops mini revolver would be good. 20-21 damage is really pushing it after promotion 2, and even if it was just a 27 damage mini revolver (1 more than snubnose) it would be very nice to have. I was going to suggest a blackops tier double barrel too, but...nevermind.

If nothing else, about making a specific form of "storage area" similar to the HQ, with a small manufacturing zone (no bigger than 5) and perhaps being necessary for some tasks like HQ? Have it replace starting storage.... just a thought. Would be interesting to have small, but meaningful jobs, sawing off shotguns (I honestly think small shotgun should be made a later game item, seems a little OP, being 1 handed and 1x2 for quickdraw. It outdoes the kludge in many ways, and you have it at the start) Combining leather and kevlar for a bulky, but marginally more effective armor, or, possibly making simple, but custom rounds (poor mans dragon breath with steel wool, wax slugs for a highly inaccurate stun round, ect)....I suppose its more a pipe dream, but still.

The X-Com Files / Re: Dossiers wanted!
« on: June 24, 2018, 05:49:30 am »
This isn't a dossier, but I had this idea for a staff input for the quartermaster.

Staff input : Light munitions are sometimes better.
there's nothing more frustrating than trying to capture something alive that wants to kill you eh? Well I've got a tip. I always carried an additional, smaller gun specifically for capturing people when I was a cop, smaller rounds won't kill as easily so it might not hurt to carry a smaller caliber too just to wear an enemy down. a wounded target is always a less dangerous / more docile one!

But can't have those cultists bleeding out BEFORE we interrogate em right? So keep a medic ready.

As for "excessive use of force"?... How about you try taking alive a knife wielding tweaker by yourself without them fancy tasers, THEN tell me if its excessive...exactly... most people who say that demand results without ever asking how it will be done. Damn hippies.

EDIT : made a small edit to the text to be more clear, and provide a little character
EDIT2: cut length slightly.

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: June 24, 2018, 05:32:48 am »
Still a little behind in updates, but I noticed a massive flaw in my gameplay : researching advanced medicine / biolabs is somewhat crucial to moving forward...might I suggest something in promotion 2 requirements that requires a biolab, for "better understanding extra terrestrial threat", hinting at studying advanced medical techniques? Because the extra 5 scientists in the biolab is absolutely crucial to advancing, and putting it on the backburner SEVERELY hampers a run. The longer you wait to get biolab, the worse off you get!

I also have a few ideas for blackops guns : first, since the minebae SMG is so advanced, could we get an option to share the information with blackops for a blackops SMG MB? a hybrid of the blackops smg, and minebae tech? Could also take a hit from the council, and give an advantage to groups (such a leak might give various cultists the original minebae, especially black lotus, and might even buff men in black who start using them). The spy pistol could use another 1 or 2 damage to make it more notably different from the light pistol in power....and could we get a blackops version of the snubnose revolver? I really prefer the tiny, low capacity, but high power of the snubnose (26 damage is far more respectable than 20) but sadly theres no improved version of it for the blackops brand...slightly more accurate and something like 29 damage per round.

I also notice that sometimes enemies prefer using fists over melee weapons, like a farmer punching my agent with an ax in hand : this makes attacks much easier to survive, but I can't help but figure lethal force would be preferred.

Also I had a thought of how to balance ninjas : could you multiply the effective camo range by energy levels? So it would work for an initial pounce, but after energy starts going away, its less effective?

EDIT : piss, I meant to put this in main thread. Move stuff at your discretion, sorry.  :-X

Oh also, considering theres movement towards having low end manufacturing jobs, like stripping crazed gunmen of kevlar, any chance we could get the XCOM HQ to include a VERY small manufacturing area, and a single engineer?

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 0.9 alpha: Fists of Fury
« on: June 13, 2018, 02:45:28 am »
I think its more the difficulty curve of unlocking promotion 3 : last I checked it was long, a little conveluded, and requiring infiltration of some of the higher tech groups like syndicate and such, and doing so is a bit harder than cult missions...

Suggestions / Re: Pinning mechanics in OXC
« on: June 13, 2018, 02:43:11 am »
Honestly, why not both?...

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 0.9 alpha: Fists of Fury
« on: June 13, 2018, 12:31:34 am »
Dioxine, i SPECIFICALLY said beating, didn't I? I normally already taze downed enemies to over-stun, but tazers and such are in limited supply, compared to the end of a shock baton.

I'm aware we can also EXECUTE enemies with melee, but IIRC, this just instantly kills em when you hold both, and use melee on the held  body.

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 0.9 alpha: Fists of Fury
« on: June 12, 2018, 05:44:50 pm »
I do wonder how hard it would be to enable beating downed enemies, without killing them.....

By the way, forgot to mention with that story : it was at night, 2 agents, in a shanty town in india, so....he juked me in the dark, hard.

Suggestions / Re: Pinning mechanics in OXC
« on: June 12, 2018, 01:17:34 pm »
I thought you said it tested BRAVERY, which doesn't change mid battle, while MORALE does... this would actually really make this a lot more dynamic.

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 0.9 alpha: Fists of Fury
« on: June 12, 2018, 01:14:29 pm »
Dioxne beat red dawn cult in 6 months? I don't even grasp how this is possible... Research alone I figure would take longer than that. Still... I wouldn't say the game is too easy. Like you said, super human is for "psychos and weirdos...and dioxne".

As for streamers, I guess it depends who you are talking about...for poet, and a couple others, who are hard as balls into the xcom meta, sure, but people who play vanilla xcom and want a sort of transfer into mods, this seems a little harsh later in. I understand its a bit more of a challenge, but I fear a lot of the difficulty isn't reflected by the difficulty SETTING : research is still a bit tedious, you are still outnumbered, and outgunned....I don't know, I'd really like to see the videos of dioxne getting red dawn killed in 6 months, just to see how hes researching and using his money, it takes me around a month just to get vans and kevlar it seems like...
Incompetent guards?....well...yeah, probably  :-X I guess I didn't expect it to be so nasty, before downed enemies would be perfectly safe if you kept them away from downed guns, now they are a force to be reckoned with... I almost wish we could beat downed enemies with a night stick like a stereotypical "police brutality" clip, so enemies stay down. Using tazer clips to keep enemies down is funny, but higher maintenance than just hitting them. Regardless this makes capturing much more harsh, especially with numbers, and long battles.  Taking in NINJAS is going to be horrifying now if they wake up O_O

I'm not sure if you are able, but I think surrendered enemies should really not punch.... honestly I've wondered if enemies could be made to take massive stun as a possible panic effect, to simulate them basically laying on the ground with their hands behind their head, maybe with a white flag symbol, and maybe allowed to join the battle if out of XCOM sight, but in the sight of another cultist...would make captures a little more manageable, without idiots running everywhere causing reaction fire.

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 0.9 alpha: Fists of Fury
« on: June 12, 2018, 09:14:00 am »
Well...I gotta say fists make cultists, particularly the red dawn ganger, INCREDIBLY dangerous compared to before : just had a squad wipe over tazing a ganger down, taking him to the car, him waking, dodging all swings with flashlights and fists, before beating up one of my guys, grabbing his gun, and killing the other...

Speaking of which, do "surrendered" cultists not use fists?

Suggestions / Re: Pinning mechanics in OXC
« on: June 12, 2018, 04:56:43 am »
The lost aim and reaction stats I think would further accentuate the IDEA of suppression fire, its purpose, and effects (though admitably, it might be hard to code). Bullets wizzing past might make you flinch, but losing over 25% tu (counting the forced kneel too) is a bit much, and since this is a purely PSYCHOLOGICAL effect on the unit, Id think stuff like tremors, flinching, adrenaline, ect, would throw off aim, or make them a little shaky, which would make accurate firing, and reactions significantly worse.

As for bravery multiplying the effect of being pinned, again, psychological effects : or possibly even multiplying by current morale. The idea is, again, someone who is a coward will be WORSE off psychologically to several dozen bullets wizzing past (more inclined to the natural "flea danger" fight or flight response, meaning hitting the deck, freezing up, ect) While someone with more brass balls, even if they do flinch, might recover better, and be less shaken over it.

Come to think of it, a morale check in general would fit well into this.

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 0.9 alpha: Fists of Fury
« on: June 12, 2018, 04:35:31 am »
Technically, you can open it via operations with the under-dark / syndicate , but yes, getting promotion 3 is STILL a rediculous challenge to those who aren't professionals at x-com.

Honestly I think a massive issue with xcom files is that solairus balances this for high end players at mid end difficulties, and last I checked, super human isn't taken as a serious option by solair (at least, last time I asked about it)

Lastly, I know some people will complain the game is "too easy", but I think these people are also some of the MUCH higher end players who meta the living hell out of the game : which is difficult in games like this, because normal players might find decent balance, but decent balance might come across as "too easy" for players who min max every element, and carefully calculate almost all decisions.

I've even seen a handful of streamers on twitch who, despite LOVING the content in XCF, end up ditching it on lower difficulties because of issues with research, and difficulties moving forward...and even with the changes a while ago to promotion 3, it still takes going through a long arc of missions in 2 years to just BEGIN to unlock equipment that is extremely necessary to even begin to fight aliens, and if you hit the invasion before that, you are essentially completely screwed : I think this particular element needs more forgiveness for less skilled player, because my last playthrough also had to be trashed for that reason.

If I might make a suggestion? Perhaps make promotion 3 unlocked from destroying a cult, and, to reward more savy players, maybe have missions that reward getting promotion 3 early, like being able to shoot down hybrid / MIB ships, to get the jump on such missions pre invasion... Its not fun having such a time limit to get the CORRECT order of research to go quickly, and its a pretty lengthy process to get promotion 3.

Alternatively, another year might be useful to deal with syndicate, underdark, ect...

UNRELATED question, will some of the engine improvements (CQC, punching, spotter sniper, hunterkiller, ECT) Be ported into FMP? I know XCF essentially has FMP, but sometimes i'd rather not be arsed with the roll up to promotion 3, especially with it being such a headache... Not to mention these effects in general are amazing, but XCF has one hell of a curve, that some people aren't ready for.

Suggestions / Re: Pinning mechanics in OXC
« on: June 11, 2018, 12:39:28 pm »
Sorry for the necro, but I saw a link to this from XCF forum, and was intrigued by the idea!

I think this idea could potentially be quite interesting, and certainly make automatics far more valuable. This would be nice, but I'd like to throw a few ideas in.

-Damage threshold for initial check could be partially effected by bravery, and perhaps a little random. I doubt soldiers could precisely gauge a guns potency while bullets wizz past, so it would be slightly randomized, in my mind, and effected by bravery : This way rookies will be a little more likely to be pinned by small arms than those who have seen some action / have balls. Getting shot is never fun.
-I'd think pinning would effect stats some, like reactions and firing, I don't imagine a pinned soldier could fire accurately, or return fire as easily.
-Actual TU's lost, other stats lost, and kneel chance, I think could be again multiplied by bravery, so cowards are more prone to being effected a bit more harshly than someone who is brave. Even the bravest people flinch sometimes, but someone who is really scared of fighting aliens I think would freeze up a bit more.... this all might end up too heavily distinguishing the brave from the cowards though, I'm not sure.  Regardless, stat hits to being pinned for aiming and reactions would be great, it was how xcom 2012 did it among other things, it reduced your aim significantly when suppressed
-Possibly an LOS limit on being pinned...wasn't this in xcom 2012? Make the players a little less visibly aware at distance due to worrying about being shot. Actually, this was technically for hunkering down I think, but this would effectively emulate hunker down panic from that if a low bravery check.
-Not sure how possible this would be, but perhaps an adjacent cell check on all 8 sides of the player, searching for a LOS break between the suppressor and the victim, and dependent on bravery, remaining TU, moving to said cell involuntarily.
-Make this also apply to explosives that blow within 1 tile. (1 tile from the edge, not the center obviously)

Sorry for the necro post again, but this was brought to my attention, and I really wanted to give my 2 cents into it...Hope it isn't a problem.

I'd love to see this added as a mechanic, considering I regularly use suppressive fire anyway to intimidate cultists (firing a mini-gun above their head) to delay a non lethal capture.

Also, forgive any of this being incoherent, I wrote this way late...

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