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Messages - Ragshak

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XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99I1 - 26 Dec - Spirit of Christmas
« on: March 18, 2018, 02:08:23 pm »
Maybe all this is the reason why sometimes I cant launch X-Piratez on my notebook after working some time. I need to restart.

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: March 16, 2018, 02:12:01 pm »
A little bit stupid but - how not to savescum ?  ;D

I hope to restart after new relase and with knowledge gathered durning current play I can try not to savescum too much. Ironmode isn't an option because of potential bugs.
Ahh, and by savescuming I understand not to loose starting Lunatics. I dont care much about later hired Gals or units.

I think I will - khem cheat - and edit rulset to give Lunatics +20 HP to minimum starting roll without touching max HP.

The best scenario would be to be able to hire meat shields from the beginning of the game but so far it is not an option.

Any hints?

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: March 16, 2018, 08:19:22 am »
Shadowtech modules can be only mounted to Shadowbat/Jellyfish/Drill related crafts? Or there any other later on?

I'm asking because unlocking those extra modules take some time and tech progress so I've already use Fortuna and there is a slim chance that I will use my once loved Jellyfish.

How do you get Shadow Orbs to unlock more modules? Are those Shadow Orb modules worth it?

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: March 11, 2018, 08:12:46 pm »
Thanks cc.

Another thing. I would like to make starting Escaped Lunatics more uniqe in comparison to all other mercenaries you can get later and improve their early survivabillity. Two ideas:
1) Give them +5 starting armor OR
2) Give them passive HP regeneration.

I have tried to find some clues looking at werewolf race and mutated reaper at Piratez.rul but don't see any entries about regeneration. Is it connected to armor?
In that case to be able to do 1 or 2 I should update every armor entry in Piratez.rul with +5 armor and regeneration formula?

Is race "STR_SOLDIER" related only to Escaped Lunatics?

What does that entry mean:
      bravery: 10
      reactions: 75
      firing: 75
Max bravery/reactions/firing training from airgame?

XPiratez / Re: Worth starting over?
« on: March 11, 2018, 03:31:30 pm »
Wait 2-3 weeks with restarting until new version shows up.

XPiratez / Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« on: March 11, 2018, 02:41:36 am »
Plus, do you really want to make the mechtoid even tougher to crack than it already is?

I was just suprised that I can take it down with simple blowpipe. As far I remember, previously similar case was with Academy Drones and becasue of it blowpipe was nerfed from chem to bio damage.

XPiratez / Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« on: March 10, 2018, 05:32:16 pm »
Reticulan Mechtoid probably should be immune to Bio damage.

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: March 03, 2018, 11:10:09 am »
Power Plants reduces overall maintaince cost or just for base where they are located?

Are there any differences in stat caps for Lunatic/Hands/Veterans? What file should I open to check it by myself and what to look for?

Any idea what should I edit in Piratez files to allow Dojo/Luxury Spa to train soldiers to max cap?

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99I1 - 26 Dec - Spirit of Christmas
« on: March 03, 2018, 11:02:47 am »
I hate early game, it dont really start for me until ive got Tac Armor and my codex flagship going. Everything before that is just intro that I look forward to skipping.

For me the beginning is the most fun. No overwhelming micro and macro management. No overwhelming mess at reasearch lab. A lot of tension durning missions beacause of no armor and solid weapons.
Later on its up side down. Overwhelming micro and macro management. Overwhelming mess at reasearch lab. Limited tension durning missions beacause of armor and solid weapons.

Sometimes, when I have that hour or two for playing, I go for another game because I am so far in my current Piratez play that there is too much management.

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99I1 - 26 Dec - Spirit of Christmas
« on: February 26, 2018, 11:00:56 pm »
Would really like to see some no-dead feature for those six starting gals. They are uniqe but fragile in the beginning because of no good armor avaible. We can always savescum to not loose them but this kills the fun.

Maybe it would be possible to add feature that those starting gals can't be one shooted? If they take fatal blow instead of dying they could at least go unconscious, giving player the time to take care of thier wounds.

Would be too easy?

XPiratez / Re: Feedback 0.99I1
« on: February 23, 2018, 11:43:41 am »
It is funny how each individual approaches the game.

I am suprised that there is no entry in the first post about Spear.
As for my play, I tend to rush early for any armor (Scale, Barbarian).
I am somehow addicted to Jellyfish, and hell I really love this craft.

Fistcuffs? Really that good? Never ever bothered to try them out. There is way too much tools of detruction in this game :P

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: February 23, 2018, 11:27:50 am »
What is "Reticulan Stuff" at reasearch tree? I dont know how to unlock it. Currently I am reasearching Reticulan tree - all spiecies are behind me and there are some leftovers like biomatter or their engine. But even if I rush my save to unlock Contacts" Reticulans I have no idea how to get "Reticulan Stuff" topic.

Edit: Does Voodoo Power value is static for each gal? Once rolled it can never be increased? Or it can be improved at Voodoo School?

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99I1 - 26 Dec - Spirit of Christmas
« on: February 16, 2018, 11:28:44 pm »
I keep recruiting more soldiers over the cause of the run, around 100 soldiers either maxed-out for 'serious business' operations or trainees for milk runs.
The first stats maxed for me is always firing (120+), TUs (100) and bravery (90-100).

Do you train them one by one? In the beginning babysiting each gal is even fun but later on when player needs to think more global and a lot of management is being involved its quite frusraiting for me to keep track of ech gal progress.

Would really like to see a mod that unclocks full gal's potential with Dojo and Luxury Spa. Then I could build special base only for gal training.

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: January 21, 2018, 07:04:45 pm »
Martin: Funny thing. For me Jellyfish is the best choice availble.

XPiratez / Re: My base layout
« on: January 11, 2018, 10:22:04 pm »
BBHood217, so you don't bother with whole globe radar coverage? Only 3 bases.

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