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Messages - Ragshak

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Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: November 15, 2016, 09:54:28 pm »
At the very beginning I would like to thank for this great mod. I came back after a years of break from UFO Defence and game experience is just brilliant! New XCom and XCom 2 are way behind, especially with such great mods and mod comunnity as yours!

My game core rules and tweaks: Superhuman, TFTD damage rules, PSI only at LOS, Alien weapons sefl destruct

Some feedback:
- Still, after years, there is no "gym faciillity" mod :) Really would like to see something like this.
- MiB addition - there is no way to capture Commander. Stunned Commander leaves Cooperator corpse.
- All "Very Large" ufo landing missions got one and the same ufo layout (three level  ship with "orbit" in the middle level").
- Variety of armors. It is really nice to see such additions BUT I dont see a point in giving penalties while wearing armor. Vests are useless at every stage of the game. Personal Armor is an illusion of protection. Personal Armor -15TU is too punishing. Last few rmors are really good if not OP. Way more effective are smokre grandes and "smoke armor" - if they cannot see you, they cannot shoot at you.
- Grav Module - IF I would know earier that floaters corpses are so crucial for the campaign I would never sold them. Now I am stuck with no such modules and no Floaters running around.
- New enemies. For half of the current game I was stuck with Anthropods. Then Gazers and MiB. Few times Sectoids and Floaters. Now something have changed and I see from time to time Snakemen.
- Weapon damage. Even with Railguns I have problems with killing enemies  like Gazers or their terror unit (I hate those snails). I found that the most efficient way of killing is by using High Explosives - even in late game.
- Is there a pattern for Gazers terror unit to "stand up" and leave its shell? First teerorr mission with those guys was really dramatic without proper amunts of Explosives.
- UFOPAEDIA shows some weapons like Hunting Rifle etc. How to get acces to them?
- Love new research tree :) You should also give some love to aliens Soldier class and use them in research.
- MIND PROBE comes to late. There sould be other way to see some basic info about enemies (some sort of scanner maybe in Motion Scanner research path).
- For some reason I had no need to shoot a single ufo so far - I always wait and see where they land.
- Some sort night-vision device would be nice.
- Soldiers DNA modifications maybe?
- I am running millitary orgnization and still need to gamble soldiers stats? There should be way to buy soldiers for specific role.
- Money comes to easy with production.
- I see that some aliens have different color patterns - is there an info which alien class have which color?
- and finally would like to see a list of all implemented mods to know what to avoid.

Best regards!

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