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Messages - thisnameismeta

Pages: [1]
The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 1.8: The Shores of Hell
« on: March 30, 2021, 07:06:22 pm »
Do the changes to alien embassies now mean it's impossible to reclaim lost countries? I'd be a bit sad if that was no longer possible.

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 1.1: Big Rain
« on: December 19, 2019, 11:27:05 pm »
Nighttime raids are much safer against the cults since even if they babe thermal, night, or psi vision it's usually less than your normal vision. Just control the placement of lights using flares so that you can see the enemies but they can't see you and it'll be fine.

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: August 14, 2019, 02:42:22 pm »
Iceland along with some of the other new countries can start the game with zero funding, which in turn keeps them at 0 funding for the entire game as finding increases are percentage based. I've seen this behavior for at the very least Iceland and New Zealand, but it probably can occur for any of the new super low finding nations.

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 0.9.9e2: Summertime Lovin'
« on: August 14, 2019, 08:09:32 am »
Looks like Iceland can spawn with a funding level of 0, which I think would preclude you from ever getting any funding from that country since funding increases are based on a percentage increase. I know they're a poor nation, but it is a little sad to have a game where they can't ever contribute anything to the global defense effort.

OpenXcom Extended / Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
« on: August 04, 2019, 10:45:43 pm »
Thanks Meridian, and sorry for not weighing in on the conversation earlier. I play xcom fairly infrequently anymore (basically only when a new version of xcom files or xpiratez comes out with features I'm super interested in), so I didn't notice the change until fairly recently, even though it was made almost half a year ago.

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 0.9.9e: Summertime Lovin'
« on: August 04, 2019, 10:25:09 pm »
Yes, I just reviewed the relevant post talking about the change. Unfortunately, the conversion on the option you proposed doesn't replicate the full functionality of the original option. The nice thing about the original option was that it took out the work of preparing for night missions as they're done in Xcom Files - it not only turned on night vision but also turned off personal lights. That second bit is the most important part, honestly, as personal lights kill your agents in cultist assaults.

OpenXcom Extended / Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
« on: August 04, 2019, 10:14:38 pm »
I saw that the automatic night vision mode was removed as an option. Just wanted to comment that playing xcom files I kinda miss it. I run all of my cultist missions as night missions when in early game without smoke grenades, and not having to remember to turn off personal lights or turn on night vision was super helpful. I don't mind the having to turn on night vision much, but having to remember to turn off personal lights has gotten more than a few agents killed for me.

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 0.9.9e: Summertime Lovin'
« on: August 04, 2019, 09:23:39 pm »
Did the option to automatically turn on night vision and turn off personal lights during night missions go away? I couldn't find it when upgrading to the newest version, but perhaps I messed up my install somehow? I always appreciated that option as it removed some of the tedium from night missions (particularly since I run all cult missions as night missions at the start of the game).

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 0.9.7: Altered States
« on: December 03, 2018, 02:57:04 am »
Just found a bug that i didn't see explicitly called out as existing in 0.9.6 (I haven't tested in 9.7). The mission "Root of all Evil" for the black lotus, shows up as "str_black_lotus_shrine" or some variant close to that when it initially appears on the globe. Clicking on the mission gives the proper name, it's only the initial notification that shows up incorrectly.

XPiratez / Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« on: November 02, 2016, 12:37:50 am »
Do you have a save for this?

It doesn't crash for me, but the "next" button shows the first topic (AIRBUS), since the current article index is reset to zero (which is caused by nonexistence of the pedia article for the gun almanach itself, which the game tries to display as well). Still... it should not crash.

PS: Can you please try if the attached save crashes for you?

The attached save crashes for me when gun almanach research finishes, I click view report, and then I click the arrow to move to the previous topic (rather than the next topic, I misremembered the crash). It doesn't matter what gun is actually researched by the topic, they all seem to crash the same for me. Attached is the save where I originally experienced the bug, but your save does the same thing for me.

XPiratez / Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« on: October 31, 2016, 02:12:23 pm »
Do you have a save for this?

It doesn't crash for me, but the "next" button shows the first topic (AIRBUS), since the current article index is reset to zero (which is caused by nonexistence of the pedia article for the gun almanach itself, which the game tries to display as well). Still... it should not crash.

PS: Can you please try if the attached save crashes for you?

I'll try the attached save tonight. I also have a save for testing that I can attach tonight too.

XPiratez / Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« on: October 30, 2016, 11:38:19 pm »
I'm getting a crash upon researching bullpup carbine through the gun almanach - if I try to scroll to the next topic when the item research screen comes up I get a crash to desktop. Closing the research screen avoids this problem.

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