« on: May 06, 2016, 02:49:48 pm »
I played in a mansion occupied by the Church. We took the Bonadventurer, so there were eighteen of us as usual. Five wore thief garb, the rest maid outfits. We mostly had Gauss pistols with no spare clips.
I liked the idea (pistols-only makes a refreshing change from the Juggernauts and Vulcan machine guns I normally rely on), and it was quite atmospheric, but it was just too big. I lost track of how long it took to find and kill/stun all fifty occupants, but it may have been as much as five hours. By the end I stopped advancing cautiously. I split my forces, and moved around as fast as possible, looking for anywhere I hadn't seen before, running out of stamina, and getting shot whenever I did find someone. I think I suffered two deaths. (Maybe I should have brought Aye-Phones, which I don't normally bother with...)