« on: May 10, 2016, 02:35:04 pm »
Here's a small thing I'd like to see:
The tech tree is very confusing to newcomers. For example, Linux SMG is a precursor tech to Bigger Guns. Until you've researched Linux SMG, you can't discover new weapons for your ships, and you can't build most defensive installations. But I wasn't interested in SMGs - I never use them, since they're usually weak against armored enemies, and there were always a dozen other techs that looked more promising, like captured engineers, who I thought might teach me these important secrets - so I played for years of game time without bothering to research that path, and only eventually found what I was doing wrong via the online Tech Tree.
So I think the Linux SMG tech should be renamed 'Basic Gun Design' or similar - it could still give you the same stuff otherwise. There are probably other techs like that.