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Messages - Slaughter

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Suggestions / Weight in decimals rather than integers
« on: May 31, 2020, 07:49:55 am »
Just a small, but possibly significant thought I had.

How come we can't have that? That might seem insignificant, but could make a lot of difference. Weight of equipment can be very important in military operations, as we know well.

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Work In Progress / Re: [WIP][MOD][OXCE] From the Apocalypse 0.12.0
« on: May 31, 2020, 07:38:17 am »
How is this mod going? Long time since I checked

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Fan-Stuff / Re: A Realistic Backstory for the Aliens
« on: May 30, 2020, 11:51:20 pm »
How come nobody here did the Apoc aliens? I will start.

As X-COM Apocalypse revealed, there is more than one dimension/universe. In fact, there are likely more - the aliens would originally have multiple pseudo-random dimensions. Let's call it... Dimension X.

The Micronoid dimension is a parallel universe not unlike our own. The main divergence, is that our sun and solar system never formed. Instead, another solar system formed in its place, with a different star and planets.

If we assume both our stars developed at the same time, the Dimension X Not!Sun is a larger, brighter, shorter-lived star. Stars like the sun last... Ten billion years, I think? I don't remember. Our sun is a middle-aged star, their sun was already a bloated, leaking, dying stellar object when X-COM first formed in '99.

This sun eventually wrought a very much Earthlike planet, where life took its own path.

The Micronoids: Bacteria in another dimension which could develop neuron-like structures in their colonies, each individual Micronoid being a "neuron" inside the greater whole. An emergent intelligence.

In our world, there was a time when the surface was dominated by huge bacterial mats. Perhaps Dimension X is a world where the bacteria won out.

Other Aliens:
Larger life developed originally from omnivorous worm-like creatures. Those were the original Multiworms and Hyperworms. Possibly water dwellers originally.

Eventually, Multiworms started fitting their environments, by creating new life to serve them. They are natural collectors of bio-matter, allowing them to create Chrysalis capable of working not unlike a cloning chamber. The Chrysalis then creates a more developed individual.

The original creatures were probably just different types of worms, but eventually they assimilated the genetics of other creatures in their planet, and new forms started evolving.

The Hyperworms were so voracious, they eventually devoured and assimilated everything that could compete.

Eventually, the proto-Multi-Worms ate and assimilated most or all macroscopic life in their planet.

Micronoids discovered they could thrive inside the cerebral structures of other beings. Eventually, the Micronoids acquired psionic power - perhaps through another species. Psionics allowed Micronoids to establish larger links, not just between individuals in colonies, but between separate colonies. This lead to an emerging intelligence.

There may have been multiple micronoid-like bacteria, competing and mixing with each other, but eventually one won out. Maybe the Micronoids are the last one left when everything went super-nova.

The Micronoids eventually realized the Multi-Worms and their life cycle were a thing. So, they infected those creatures, and through them, gained the ability to create new life, shaping their entire environment.

Eventually, the entire ecology was dominated by the Micronoid-Multi Worm symbiosis.

Two sentient creatures developed from this Alien Life Cycle: The Anthropods and the Skelletoids. Beings like Psimorphs might have come from there, too. Alternatively, those beings evolved independently, but were assimilated.

(Spitters are humanoid but not sentient. They don't even have brains)

The "Alien Life Cycle" allowed for the creation of biological technology. Rather than develop tools, create life to be tools. There's no need to create a gun, when you can create a handheld monster which spits acid at high speeds upon pressing a protuberance.

With this, they could create and grown any sort of creature, tool or building. They grew buildings, they grew ships, they grew tools. They created Queenspaws and such to increase the rate of breeding and growing.

Best way to understand those beings, are as a self-evolving alien ecology.

Micronoid Non-Organic Technology:

A good question. Where this came from? Apocalypse states rather clearly that some Micronoid non-organic tech doens't look like their organic technology and comes from another alien intelligence.

One possible theory is that the Micronoids were already dimension-hopping before the events of Apocalypse. After all, the original concept included multiple Alien Dimensions. They may have come into contact with a fourth unknown alien species, and taken technology from them.

Another theory, is that this technology is actually from the Sectoids who got literally blasted into another dimension at the end of Interceptor. This might include the dimension-portal tech. We know from Apocalypse that the Micronoids had enslaved Sectoids in their dimension.

In fact, this may also be the origin of their dimension portal tech, and their knowledge of Planet Earth.

The Real Alien Threat:

The Apocalypse aliens seek to take over humans, because the Alien Life Cycle is not sustainable on Earth. Given enough time, the aliens die in our atmosphere. They cannot simply invade and turn Earth into their world.

Their technology is almost entirely biological, so they can't even terraform the world. Hell, even the Earth circa 2080 is not terraformed, it looks more like an alien hellscape then.

Given time, those strange beings could adapt. But they don't have time, not any longer. Their world is dying. A super nova blasted their world. Their world is baked, and eventually it will turn into a ball of ice when things cool down.

The Micronoids discover something: They can survive Earth's conditions within the bodies of humans, both pure and hybrid.

To be infected by Micronoids is akin to toxoplasmosis: You are still you, but your biological instincts are hijacked to serve a parasite. They will sacrifice your life to save theirs, if needed be.

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Offtopic / Re: What about humans invading aliens?
« on: May 30, 2020, 10:37:57 pm »
Could be great if done properly.

The alien world is strange and exotic, full of alien environments. An entirely new world to explore. Full of ADVENTURE!

The alien empire is vast and multi-racial. There are actually multiple factions, species, factions, tributaries, vassals, all working together... Until you come along.

Humans have used tech to infiltrate alien defenses, rather than blasting things from orbit.

Due to being the invading forces, humans must deal with serious logistical issues. Imagine waiting a terran week for new agents to arrive.

Humans can infiltrate alien society (perhaps masquerading as the aliens' own human auxiliaries?) and then creating their own infiltration. Giving the subject species ideas of freedom and self-determination. Create resistance cells, hire alien mercenaries, freeing aliens from mind control, preach the religions of Earth to the godless alien masses.

Start stealing alien technologies, sabotaging alien industries, terrorizing alien cities, raiding alien colonies, pirating alien trade vessels, kidnapping alien civilians, and generally unleashing complete chaos and havok upon their society.

All payback for the horror they infringed upon the human race over eons. And BOY, does it feels good to hit back.

(If you want to play a moral ambiguity card, show how X-COM is becoming little better than the aliens)

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Offtopic / Re: Baldur's Gate 3 is actually a turnbased tactics game
« on: May 30, 2020, 09:53:02 pm »
Its TB? Now I am interested.

I played a bit of Divinity Original Sin, and I loved their TB implementation, very fun and tactical.

I really need to continue my game when I get my computer back

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Offtopic / Re: What happened to Blizzard?
« on: May 30, 2020, 09:49:22 pm »
Realtalk about Diablo: First one is best. Tight, sinister Gothic atmosphere. Random quests, no skill tree, only skill books, scrolls and staves. Sinister, tight dark dungeons. Fewer, stronger monsters. Fewer magical items, more import. No respawns.

D2 had too monsters at once, most of them utterly banal. The player has the running ability of a Olympic athlete and can run for hours in heavy plate armor before tiring. The monsters mostly can't cope with that. Too much open ground everywhere. You are only in danger near bosses, super uniques, uniques or champions with odd stat combinations.

D2 was too grindy. Too much grinding to get super duper items. Practically an MMORPG.

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Offtopic / Re: What happened to Blizzard?
« on: May 30, 2020, 09:40:32 pm »

Some fans remade the 1997 Fallout in Bethesda's 3d engine. I remember playing the original Fallout and it was more like reading Pick Your Own Adventure book, with occasional hex based battles, which offered little tactical choice. I'm not a huge RPG fan or a book worm, so I found it a bit boring. Then there was Fallout Tactics, it had little dialogue, but an expanded battle system, with vehicles, like tanks, and maps becoming actually 3d. It also had cool large robot bosses at later stages, and was generally a really difficult, even given its linear nature. Like XCOM Apocalypse it offered realtime mode as an additional challenge

Then Bathesda turned it all into a Morrowind game, but with reduced amount of text. I personally found it a bit better than the original 1997 Fallout, since RPGs naturally call for 1st person experience, but fans accused it of misunderstanding the original Fallout's narrative and retrofuturism in general. More recently Bathesda tried to diversify into MMORPGs with that online Fallout game, but without much QA it resulted into a buggy mess, although still less embarrassing than Blizzard's failure. Apparently now they have patched it into a playable state, early adopters were basically free beta testers :D

Anyway, with fanbase dedication now you can have a near perfect Fallout experience :D

I swear, this post is made to trigger Fallout fans like me.

Fallout has turn-based combat because of X-COM. Tim Cain said so. I suspect combat was going to be more tactical, but things changed when they lost the GURPS License and had to improvise.

Tactics was nice, even CTB was nice, but its agreed that RT combat was a mistake and they should have focused on a deeper turn-based experience. Its also a very linear game and lacks environment destruction.

"RPGs naturally call for 1st person experience". Hundreds of isometric RPGs disagree. Please don't say this ever again.

Bethesda really fucked up with Fallout. They didn't get Fallout pretty much. They got a good grasp of the retro aesthetics tho, so it looks convincing but not really. Even their aesthetic is different from Trammel Isaac Ray's doorhickey aesthetic.

I think the biggest problem is that they turned a genre-defining game into something else. It would be like turning X-COM into a Rainbow Six clone. Because that's what the new Fallout games are: Fallout mods made for TES. Oblivion with guns.

Another problem is that Bethesda never realized Fallout is actually what we call post-post apocalyptic, not post-apoc. It was never about surviving in the wasteland and the aftermath of the war, but about the new world created after the bombs, new civilizations in the shadow of the old one. Bethesda's Fallout looks like the war happened two years ago, not two hundred. Everyone is still living out in bombed out ruins they don't even clean.

Fallout 3 was a boring, mediocre, soulless game, by the way. It had good graphical set-pieces and some interesting concepts, but that game reeked of unoriginality:

- Your characters is from a Vault, again.

- The Brotherhood of Steel packed to the other of the continent. Because of reasons. They're goodie-goodies now. They are also a bunch of incompetents, but no one ever tells them that in-game.

- There are Super Mutants. And these Super Mutants are all a bunch of stupid orcs who are pretty much irrelevant to the larger plot.

- The villains are the same villains of 2.

- The main plot is about going after your father in a boring, linear questline. Then an assine quest line involving a water purifier no one needs.

- A lot of reused old elements in general. Vaults, Water, GECK, Brotherhood of Steel, Super Mutants, Enclave.

Even the combat is boring. The game is only hard in the beginning. Armor is pure DR and there are no alternate ammo types. The combat itself is inferior to something like, say, the original Deus Ex.

When you compare 3 with FNV (by people who actually understand Fallout), you realize how mediocre 3 actually is.

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Fan-Stuff / Re: A Realistic Backstory for the Aliens
« on: May 30, 2020, 08:07:42 pm »
Can I add my cents?

Doens't The Alien Bain reveals that the Sectoids/Aquatoids were the original dwellers of Mars?

I figure they fled Mars to elsewhere when they realized their world was dying. Cydonia is the last piece of their original civilization, or a later outpost.

On Sectoids/Ethereals: I think they're more or less the same race, but Ethereals are an elite caste which prioritized intelligence and psionic power other factors. Its why Ethereals shouldn't even be alive.

Humans show that Ethereals are deeply flawed creatures: Some humans can match and even exceed the psionic power of the Ethereals, but without having horrible, barely functional bodies.

Floaters: Probably some alien species the Sectoids immensely useless, until they had the whole "Stick a anti-grav device into their bodies" idea.

Snakemen: Clearly mercenaries. Their homeworld was probably put in a tributary relationship with the Sectoids, or its strong enough the Sectoids couldn't crack it, so they hire it instead. Considering their reproduction rate, they might be a very warlike species and becoming mercenaries off-world is how the ones at the bottom of the totem pole don't starve. Their rulers now might be mercenaries who suceeded and are loyal to their masters. Societally, seems likely the average offspring is barely cared about (too many hatchlings) and is probably born able to take care of itself.

Chrysalids: Probably from the same world Snakemen are from, which is why they are the Snakemen terrorists. The ones we know are definitely artificial beings, but Proto-Chrysalids might have existed for aeons in the Snakemen planet. Maybe as predators to the Snakemen, maybe they were animals used as weapons. Either way, the Sectoids tweaked and created the modern Chrysalids we know today.

Mutons: Their lack of genitals reveals clearly artificial stock. They might be based on some conquered species, or even be a purely vat-bred creature based on the human mold.

Alien Brain: An immense wetware computer created by a mix of cybernetics and vat-grown brain matter. It is not a ruler as much as it is a central psionic node, like a mental cloud server.

Its why its creatures can be scared or go berserk: It actually doesn't remote-control (it can but it doens't often), it estabilishes directives which other inferior beings follow.

The average clone is pretty much a biological robot given mental programming and information feed from its masters. This way, it cannot rebel. The death of the Brain shattered the mind links between all these creatures, turning them into confused, scared, mind-addled wrecks. There are multiple Brains, but this one was directed to the infiltration and invasion of Earth. When it died, the entire thing pretty much stopped dead.

Why there ins't Elerium on the solar system: Sectoids mined it all a long time ago. If E-115 is a natural trans-uranic element with a long half-life, then it probably tends to always end up sinking inside planetary cores, due to its immense weight. There might as well be Elerium deep in the Earth, but no one is ever going to mine to dig a giant borehole into the core. E-115 deposits on other planets are probably the result of weird surfacing events, or massive planetary collisions throwing mantle and core material into planetary surfaces. Being rare is what makes it so valuable.

I think what happened to T'leth wans't an accident. We know the Great Dreamer/Ultimate Alien is a Cthulhu expy. My theory is that it caused T'leth's crash into Earth.

Great Dreamer is a extra-dimensional creature which found a home in dinosaur age Earth. BUT... It also got stuck somehow. So it made T'leth crash into it.

It couldn't control the life of Cretaceous Earth, like the Gillmen... But it could control the Aquatoids.

Gillmen: The Gillmen were aquatic/amphibian "intelligent dinosaurs" and the original sentient inhabitants of Earth. Convergent evolution meant humans took on a very similar body plan. Living underwater saved from being "microwaved" by the K-T Impactor.

The Gillmen likely created their own proto X-COM to fight the emerging Aquatoids, but couldn't win. They sold themselves when they realized the Earth was dying and the oceans would soon become unfit for their life as well.

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The X-Com Files / Re: Black Lotus' Freakin' Ninjas
« on: May 28, 2020, 10:22:25 pm »
Its just me or Black Lotus Assassins have super-shy AI?

Its like they're scared of showing their faces while their buddies are getting cut down en masse. But once everyone is dead, unconscious or pannicking, they start getting all ninja and shit.

I know they are around the moment Bug Hunt mode starts showing me people next to flares who can't be seen... Even through they should be.

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 1.4: Signs of Apocalypse
« on: May 28, 2020, 10:13:45 pm »
I just did the Lo Wei mission.

And by "did", I mean "I set everything on fire after being ambushed by invisible ninjas from all sides, shot the ninjas on fire, exploded one with a mine, set Lo Wei on fire, shot him to death and then retreated with his scroll because my two remaining agents had 1 hp and were also on fire."

This mod, man.

Ninjas can't catch you if THEY are on fire. Being on fire can't protect from ninjas, that's fake Ninja propaganda from Dr. McNinja.

So, uh... What I do with Lo Wei' Scroll of secrets? I can't research it. Need more research before I can?

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: May 28, 2020, 10:01:23 pm »
Oh hey, am I supposed to have criminal files always show up on the pedia? I never researched them, only found after a mission but I already had those on the pedia before it.

OXCE Builds & Ports / Re: OXCE v6.5.3 for Android
« on: May 28, 2020, 09:17:02 pm »
There is currently no way to use alternate movement methods on Android other than attaching or simulating a keyboard.

So, uh... Any idea to make it work? Perhaps through gestures?

OXCE Builds & Ports / Re: OXCE v6.5.3 for Android
« on: May 28, 2020, 09:16:04 pm »
This is how it looks in my browser. I clicked "Fazer Download do Link", which means "Make/Do Download from Link" in portuguese. You want to click something like that, assuming you're using chrome, that is.

Once you do this, the download will start.

OXCE Builds & Ports / Re: OXCE v6.5.3 for Android
« on: May 28, 2020, 09:10:31 pm »
Tried that as well, didn't work for me. It just copied the word "Download" and that's about it
I think you clicked copy or save text as. Try "Save as" or  "save link as". Its something like this.

OXCE Builds & Ports / Re: OXCE v6.5.1 for Android
« on: May 28, 2020, 01:20:34 am »
I refuse to answer any questions until you remove the irritating message at the end.

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