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Messages - Savior20061

Pages: 1 [2]
Open Feedback / Re: Any word on openTFTD's progress?
« on: August 08, 2015, 01:21:16 am »
If you mean, the differences between the original games and Openxcom, there is this:
Now if you want to follow everyday's progress, there is this :

No, I mean changes between TFTD and Open TFTD in terms of tweaking enemies and weapons. I think Util made it so the Gauss weapons didn't suck as hard. Changes like that was what I meant.

Open Feedback / Re: Any word on openTFTD's progress?
« on: August 07, 2015, 03:45:02 am »
Look forward to playing TFTD again!

I assume that all the research bugs are gone.

But is there a list of every change somewhere on the forum?

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: April 25, 2015, 05:30:08 pm »
I think I found the issue. For the nightly, I think I copied the whole folder rather than the subfolders with the files I needed, so there are text documents where they shouldn't be. I don't know if that makes a difference.

I don't think it should, I extracted the nightly to to the OpenXcom folder.

I check the game options constantly.



[jumps off a cliff and powerbombs an old lady]

Edit: And I fall immediately on my face because it said the mod failed to load.
Error reads
yaml-cpp: failure at line, zero column zero. Bad conversion.

I'd like to convert my hand upside this file's head.

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: April 25, 2015, 05:00:00 pm »
Maybe I should uninstall and try again? Cause it still isn't showing up.

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: April 25, 2015, 05:47:17 am »
it goes in the data folder

I copy and pasted them there several times.

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: April 25, 2015, 05:05:27 am »
Ok, sorry for the lack of details.


I believe I have the latest nightly thingy from the list.

The mod doesn't show up in the game menu. I assume it's gonna read either FMP or Final Mod Pack.

I copied MAPS, Terrain, etc,. at once and pasted it directly into the OpenXCOM folder. Maybe that is the problem? I had to do it separatel? Maybe I done goofed?

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: April 24, 2015, 11:40:22 pm »
Not sure what I'm doing wrong. I unzipped the file and copied the main files to OpenXCOM data but it isn't working.

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