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Messages - x60mmx

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XPiratez / Uses for Chinese Dragon
« on: May 13, 2016, 07:10:25 am »
What have you come up with? 

Couple things I noticed today.  Text error in the Bootypedia entry for the Assault Grenade Launcher, and I find the Sectopod image for Robot Disassembly a poor choice.  Would make more sense if it were an early robot so the player has likely seen it previously.  A late game unit for a topic that can be researched relatively early is weird.

Btw, tried to paypal ya today but paypal wasnt having it. :-/  Will try again tomorrow.

XPiratez / Re: Bonaventura Variants discussion
« on: May 05, 2016, 10:34:56 am »
I would have no intentions trying most of the variants, let alone having more than one.  I know you are generally sharp with people, but no need to be a dick.

XPiratez / Re: Bonaventura Variants discussion
« on: May 05, 2016, 04:00:56 am »
You can always start a quick battle with different crafts to see their layout yourself, in the game ;)

Certainly workable and I would be ok with that, but not ideal from a player's perspective.  A bit tedious for something that would be a very important decision when starting a new game.  If this is a choice immediately starting a new game, I feel it'd be best incorporated by having Bootypedia pages available before having to make the decision that demonstrated the battlescape layout.

  If that is not possible, starting players off with a regular Bonny plus a single "Craft Mod Package/CMP" (and corresponding Bootypedia pages demonstrating layout) would be great.  Would also let people with ongoing games that still use the Bonny participate without having to resort to hacking their save.  Perhaps make the CMP available for purchase at a price that would keep re-crafting the Bonny from being open to abuse.  That way you could re-purpose the Bonny later on if you don't like your choice, or to better suit your future operations.  If the CMP is available to purchase, perhaps the initial craft weapon could be permanently mounted to avoid abuse.  Piratez campaigns are long enough that I doubt many will do multiple runs to try out the variants.

XPiratez / Re: Invisible KO force
« on: May 05, 2016, 02:52:58 am »
Speaking of which... There's Still that "Hazardous Terrains" article that still needs to be written for the wiki..... Just Saying. 
(Heck, you write it, I'll post it, if your wiki-fu is not high.)

I would write it, but have no idea what to write as there is no info that I know of.  It needs a Bootypedia topic.

XPiratez / Re: Bonaventura Variants discussion
« on: May 05, 2016, 02:51:40 am »
Sounds really cool.  Here are my thoughts.

- I would want to be able to see the battlescape layout/deployment before choosing any of them.  Would this be represented in game?  Would be ideal if I didn't need to alt/tab to a browser for the ufopaedia. 

- Would you be able to mod an existing bonny into a variant for those of us with current games that still use the Bonny?  Perhaps give everyone a single item (Craft Mod Package, etc) that can not be purchased and sells for nothing and is used in tandem with a Bonny to manufacture a variant?

- The gold-crapping craft, do not like.  First, a craft that just craps out gold sounds daft.  Second, if my gals can just take the Bonny around the block for free gold . . . why the hell would they be in the business of dangerous pirating?  Sounds like the total antithesis to a pirate's craft.  Pirates shoud be using their craft to find and take treasure, not hanging buckets on the exhaust pipe to catch free loot.  That's not pirate-y at all.  That being said, I don't care if it makes it into game as I wouldn't touch it.

XPiratez / Re: Random thoughts / questions / opinons
« on: May 05, 2016, 02:34:27 am »
- You would be better off shadowing craft and engaging them when they land.  No craft ammo useage and better loot.  You also don't have to worry about shooting down craft that are of a penalty inducing faction.  If you happen to trail and ambush a government craft, for example, you can bail without killing anyone.  I only shoot down craft when I feel it may be looking for my base or other as-needed reasons.  This covers your other craft stuff too. 

-  The only way you can find all those armors are useless is not being crafty about how you use your girls.  I initially did the same nd treated my girls like I would my soldiers in X-Com.  Equip a moderate sized squad with the heaviest armor + best gun and walk through battles easily.  This did not work so well in Piratez, so Iearned to bring large squads of girls with diversified roles which is where these armors come into play.  Keeping a high Bravery/Ranking gal in Pirate armor off the frontline with a battle flag, grenade launcher and various support items can save your day on brutal missions when girls start breaking and your frontlines are getting hammered.  I can cook up a helpful role that will be boosted by most of the armors and would not stick tac armor on many of my critical roles.

- As for the weapons, I agree that most weapons are skip-overs whenever possible.  Keep in mind though that the factions you run into and things made available for research can be quite different from game to game.  I have used "sub-optimal" weaponry in a pinch when I needed to manufacture ammo for my good weapons, as backup when some of my good stuff got destroyed in battle, etc.  It keeps the equipment from being in an X-Com scenario, where the equipment doesn't matter in a few months because every enemy carries the best stuff, so you never have to worry about making ammo, developing tech, etc.  The diversity of equipment, and most importantly the varied effectiveness of items, solves one of my biggest issues with X-Com.

- Having a base in a non-ideal location will make things a bit harder, but far from impossible.  You should be monitoring shipping status in the first week or two of every month and patrolling the areas they target, don't wait for them to fly over your bases.  Even if you have a base in Europe and N. America, you will find yourself in the same position should the be targetting Australia and S. America in a given month.  Invest in a Pigeon or two.

- I wish the surgery room increased healing times, but I manage as-is.  As long as you keep your score <1k by every months end you will be fine, so you can ignore many shippings.  Sometimes most. Ths gives you time to research, build and let gals heal.  Keep enough girls healed up for the monthly Pogrom and you will be ok.  I actually appreciate feeling compelled to not go after every shipment, helps keeps me from getting burned out.

Fwiw, I am nearly through my first year on average difficulty in ironman mode. With two established bases, on new base, and do good with 35 gals onhand at my primary base.  It may take you time to stop aying it lime X-Com, and start playing it as Piratez.  That's how it went for me.

XPiratez / Re: About Gal armours
« on: May 03, 2016, 08:42:06 am »
Use the stickied tech tree to get to Revenant.  It is not difficult to get to and is immensely effective armor.

XPiratez / Re: Invisible KO force
« on: May 01, 2016, 11:39:46 pm »
Is there ever any in game info on this at some point?  Landed in a jungle once that had random small stun explosions going off as well.  I like the idea, but it is confusing with no in game explanations.

XPiratez / Invisible KO force
« on: May 01, 2016, 11:00:57 pm »
Lately when I ambush landed Trader ships, there is sometimes this invisible force that bounces around the map on the enemy turn making weird sounds.  If it happens to land on someone, friend or foe, they go unconscious.  It has yet to cause problems, but curious as to what it is.  The missions end normally.

XPiratez / Re: Dojo mechanic question
« on: May 01, 2016, 10:44:10 pm »
I have yet to get Dojos, but I look forward to them.  XP grinding 15 missions in?  Cool.  80 missions in?  No thank you

XPiratez / Expnded base layout
« on: April 28, 2016, 11:12:09 pm »
I'm sure this has been tossed around, but I curious to see what the consensus on this topic is.

With all the expanded base possibilities of Piratez,  you really need to build new bases to take advantage of all of it.  Fun facilities like the firebomb rooms and corridors combined with larger facilities makes me really wish I could build a bigger and more intricate base instead of having to be spread out with numbers of regular bases.  The vanilla base size always felt fine in the design of X-Com, but it feels limiting in Piratez which provides the opportunity for so much more depth to the facilities.

XPiratez / Re: Dojo mechanic question
« on: April 28, 2016, 11:04:33 pm »
I'd be totally cool with 70.  I find that to be my minimum for melee, where-as 60 is where I find reactions and firing and throwing to become reliable.  Would be nice to incubate poor recruits into something more than a meat shield reliably.  I would't expect a training facility to turn lame recriits into badasses, just whip them into shape so I can use them as soldiers.

XPZ Strategy/Tactics / Re: Rough tech tree progression guideline
« on: April 25, 2016, 10:48:47 am »

It is stickied for a reason ;-)  Revenant Armor, Spiked Maces and the Custom Snipin Gun aren't hard to get to and are very useful.  Piratez is not meant to be the deadline-race paced game the OG is, so feel free to slow down.  As long as you stay over 1k score monthyl and manage yohr expenses you will be fine.

XPiratez / Re: Special ammo availability
« on: April 18, 2016, 09:28:15 am »
Well there are very few guns with more than two types of ammo, and very few guns that offer Acid rounds.  I'm not saying that every gun should have special ammo types available, that would be ridiculous.  I just think it should be available to more than a few guns.  It looks like until you research Advanced Firearms, you have nearly no access to Acid rounds despite being able to produce them.

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