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Messages - pilot00

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Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION][RESEARCH] FMP Core/Tech Tree part
« on: June 28, 2015, 02:42:58 pm »
ya know, those aren't boxes.  they're the tail end of the craft.  go up a level and you can see the roof connecting them.

I have seen that but to be honest it never occured to me that this is the case. It seems like a reverse ramp opens and connects with the seamingly magical boxes. Not that it is better if this was a 'tail'.

Tools / Re: [SPOILER] Various tech trees (FMP, X-PirateZ, ...)
« on: June 26, 2015, 11:47:28 pm »
No, no, no, you're making a confusion with when he stared at an Ethereal for more than a moment and its robe caught fire.

Oh that maybe it, only fire though?

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION][RESEARCH] FMP Core/Tech Tree part
« on: June 26, 2015, 11:42:10 pm »
You can't really improve it - yeah you can raise the ship's belly into the air, for example, but this would kill the most important advantage of Skymarshall. I guess the only way to do it would be to design such a tileset/map that keeps all the tactical features but allows to present the unconvinced with a compelling proof of realistic and sound engineering :)

I dont believe that elevating the level and placing its wheels in the proper place would terminate its usefullness. It can use the side doors still with a rapel type lader, there is one such thing in the wharehouse terror mission (or thats how I call it dont know its real name) and it functions. The automated doors in the back (as far as I know) can still be retained, the only thing that would be lost if someone wants to make the design a bit realistic is to remove those boxes, which will reduce cover but they make no sense either way.

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION][RESEARCH] FMP Core/Tech Tree part
« on: June 26, 2015, 03:42:51 pm »
Yes, it is completely unrealistic and even ugly as heck! I think everyone agrees.

It's just an easy fix, a compromise if you will, to get rid of the greatest weakness of the Skyranger and increase playability, nothing more nothing less. If you (or anybody else) has time, you can create a completely new realistically-looking craft with the same floor plan as Skymarshall... but it's a lot of work.

Lets be clear about something: I NEVER asked for it to be scraped, I never said its useless and I never demanded anything in general. I just said its a silly design and I am going in with the flow of the discussion since there seems to be a contradictory opinion. Nothing is wrong with exchanging opinions.

Tools / Re: [SPOILER] Various tech trees (FMP, X-PirateZ, ...)
« on: June 26, 2015, 03:38:37 pm »
Your both wrong. He just stared the Martian face with disdain and the base exploded.

Offtopic / Re: Advent - A new X-Com game?
« on: June 26, 2015, 03:36:00 pm »
I don't know.. I think it's unfair to consider the new one without considering the old one + mods. XCom 2012 has pistol+rifle+shotgun+heavy (machine gun style)+sniper. The original only has pistol+rifle+heavy (high powered rifle style).

With this limitation, the old one indeed is reduced to everyone in flying suits with heavy plasmas. But with some tweaking to reproduce the weapon selection (ex.: what I did in the XAE), you can easily create a situation where having rifles, heavies, shotguns and snipers as main weapons is superior to spamming any one of them.

The only way XCom 2012 found of doing that is by restricting weapons to classes instead of actually making all weapons attractive. Why can't my sniper shoot a regular rifle if I need him to be mobile for that mission? Or even worse: early game, all the assaults and supports blast away with light plasma rifles, but your heavy and sniper are stuck with laser stuff (if they're lucky) since they can't grasp the concept of using a different weapon...

Of course, that's made more significant by having only 6 soldiers in your 1 plane ( >:( ). If you have larger crews like in the original, specialist roles become more interesting because you can still have a few generalists.

I agree with you in everything, but as I said, I compare the product as it is and not as per its tweeking. I can made a Yugo a drag racer with the right amount of time, cash and tweeks but its not a drag racer by design, so comparing it to a pure drag racer seems a bit...out of context to me.
Not the least to say, that despite its tweeks it will never have the performance I wish.

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION][RESEARCH] FMP Core/Tech Tree part
« on: June 26, 2015, 03:29:31 pm »
Just to break my silence, I'd add that the SkyRanger and Interceptor were prototypes in dealing with a threat humanity had yet to understand and based solely on human technology.

In terms of immersion, I'd be shocked if XCOM made an upgrade craft that didn't take into account what they learned about fighting aliens, as well as the benefits of improved alien alloy. I mean, how many operatives need to get toasted going down the ramp before an XCOM engineer goes: "Hmmmm... maybe that ramp could be improved...." All XCOM improvements slowly go from earth-inspired tech to sci-fi, so in my mind the Alloy Skyranger is just a step away from what we know and towards what humanity can do with this new tech.

I'm just saying.

Well, without the mod they did now didnt they? Untill they build the lightning, and we all know how usefull that is. Still I fail to see, what an...ill placed wheel in the wing has to do with capabilities in tech? A design fail is still a design fail.

I'm no engineer, but I think alloys are sturdy enough for the wings to support the weight of the craft. I mean, it's ridiculously good. I agree it looks a bit bizarre to us though.

Yeah but attaching the landing gear on them and having the belly of the aircraft litterally scratching the surface of the landing zone? And since we are talking about a VTOL aircraft, imagine the angles the wheels will take when the wings reposition.

XPiratez / Re: [TOTAL CONVERSION] Piratez Extended - 0.92 - 25 Jun
« on: June 26, 2015, 03:23:15 pm »
Arghh....Moar hoarding to be done  8)

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION][RESEARCH] FMP Core/Tech Tree part
« on: June 23, 2015, 02:33:49 pm »
The Skymarshall is indeed far better than the Skyranger. If it didn't allow any extra soldiers at all, or even reduced the number of soldiers I could bring by one, I would still choose it over the Skyranger. Even if I were allowed two fewer soldiers than normal, there are many missions I would bring a Skymarshall on. For instance, the protection and automatic doors are a massive help during terror missions.

Nobody disputed that though :) The problem is that it needs to fuck my immersion in order to do it :P

If the AI could behave properly and shoot it (I bet a heavy plasma can damage the engines, let along a blaster bomb or elerium grenade), and it was destructible, you'd see more crafts like Dioxine's piratez craft for fast aggressive deployments and fewer of these weird safe ones.

Thats the second thing the new one did right. No craft forts for you, get out there and do your job or flee.

Offtopic / Re: Advent - A new X-Com game?
« on: June 23, 2015, 02:31:01 pm »
I might have liked the class system, if the skills were more balanced (admittedly, I did use 2 assault builds, 2 support builds, but only one sniper and heavy) and especially if you could pick/nominate the class when a soldier "graduates" to squaddie.

In which reality do you say: "I need a machine gunner for the squad!" and get 3 guys stepping up answering "I can use a sniper rifle!"? That was insanely annoying.

The variety in abilities was a nice touch, but you don't need classes for that. In my XCom games, I have ~5 defined roles for my soldiers, that are assigned depending on reactions, accuracy and strength (along with available equipment). Only in the vanilla version is there an obviously better setup that you can just spam. With all the mods we have, you can have breachers, scouts, supports, heavies and snipers all operating well and covering each others' weaknesses naturally through equipment choices. And if your heavy gets injured, someone else can pick up the rocket launcher.

I quite agree on that, the random element was completely ballocks. It leaves a lot to be discussed about the role of soldiers in the original though. All things considered I find no point in specialisation, except who will get the two heavy weapons and those rotate bases on stat increase needs. Naturally outside of mods, if we put mods in the discussion we would be unfair to the new one.

Offtopic / Re: Advent - A new X-Com game?
« on: June 23, 2015, 03:39:20 am »
The game is too dumbed down to be worthy of anything but a "mobile game" qualification. It is simple so you don't need much info, much GUI or even many clicks, which makes it a mobile game. Looking at the video, it doesn't seem to have changed much. Classes still guide your equipment choices, I'd expect obvious direct upgrades and obvious superior specs (if they even keep the choices..). I much prefer the old system we have with just stats and the player can decide what they actually want their soldiers to do.

I give you permission to call me whatever you like, but the class system was the only thing I liked in that game. Thats said yeah, I would love to be able to give a shotgun to a heavy (example), even if it made his skills useless.

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION][RESEARCH] FMP Core/Tech Tree part
« on: June 23, 2015, 03:15:13 am »
Been playing the game with the death coffin (skyranger) and still I am against having the skymarshall the way it is.
A dangerous ramp, doesnt mean a completely illogical craft design and a random buffer just because.

And here to the guy who said keep TFTD out. See what you are missing...  :D ;)
I am the same guy.

Lovely as the sprites and the job done on this as they are, I still prefer to miss them. Unless you plan on using them for a custom tailored instalation or something that has nothing to do with TFTD.

 But still leave TFTD to TFTD. I dislike continuity problems.

That's an interesting opinion.

1/ I can understand how ramp helps going (easier) into multiple direction... Skymarshall has two new doors for that... shame you cannot shoot diagonally when standing at the doorstep. Otherwise it would be perfect.

2/ However, I really fail to see how ramp provides cover (or any other advantage).
In my opinion even Skyranger (not Skymarshall) without a ramp would be a lot safer... not to mention Skymarshall's additional protection.
If anything ramp makes it harder for you to spot aliens, although they can see (and shoot at) you.
And even if you are indeed lucky enough to spot them in mutual surprise, you will usually have to take one more step (or kneel down) because of no line of fire... and the alien(s) will reaction fire.
Ramp is a death trap...

Well I think speaking of being "offended" is simply childish. Whatever Skymarshall is, it is most definitely NOT a "Hellrazor's Perfect Dropship" (if such a thing exists at all - design your own dropship before throwing such large stones, Hellrazor). No. As I understand this, Skymarshall is basically a quickly prototyped dropship that tries to adress the major problems of the Skyranger - namely, being an Omaha-Beach style flying mass grave (and limited speed and troop capacity). Skymarshall solves some issues while introducing a few new issues. Normal stuff. If it is so bad a weapon in your Commander's eyes, don't use it at all. Definitely it forces changing your approach to the landing zone problem. But it's always your decision. Maybe there should be more varied dropship designs available for those who are dissatisfied with the Skymarshall and want to push the technology further towards perfection. Whatever they consider to be perfection.

The whole point (for me at least) has nothing to do with the ramp, or weather it is good or bad. It is from an aircraft design perspective. I cannot fathom a troop tansporter to be landing on level with the ground, having its wheels attached to the wings (do I need to go over with descriptions on this?) and the very fact that it has two boxes spawning out of thin air to provide cover. The whole thing reeks artificial easy mode. In contrast we can use the Thunderstorm,  it provides you with a super alternative which you can use for sniping as well and has a huge cargo hold. Still though the design makes sense.  I am not against tools to make my life easier but the design on this was made bad just to make it a safe skyranger. Which finds me against it. If we take the time to brainstorm this we could easily find altrenatives to redesign it without losing its utility.

But all things considered its small potatoes, my problem with it in reality is that it looks artificial in a place where attention to detail was paid.

Offtopic / Re: Advent - A new X-Com game?
« on: June 21, 2015, 12:02:48 am »

The point I'm trying to make is that yes, you should reserve your judgements until the game comes out, because you might have overlooked some important details that would have definitely changed your opinion. I anticipate that the mods will also be a factor to this, but like you said, we have to wait until release.

Yeah, what I say is based on what we know so far. Which is mighty NOT impressive, asside from the cool focal points. But cool snakemen with boobs get boring only after so many times that you see them. Gameplay mechanics is the point in games for me and immersion. And I have to admit that 2012 did a good job in immersion, a feat in itself these days, since game developers forget it alltogether. But its mechanics were so cut down it was painfull.

Time will tell.

Offtopic / Re: Advent - A new X-Com game?
« on: June 20, 2015, 11:32:20 pm »
Both of you seem to be forgetting something, the ability to mod the game with proper tools. So one of you thinks the plot is stupid and the other thinks the gameplay leaves more to be desired. I think 2k games made the right decision to add bonafide modding tools, because now you are able to counteract the problems they put in the vanilla game! Plus, the OpenXcom community is full of modders and I trust that you guys can make outstanding mods for it once the game comes out, right?

Dioxine maybe, but knowing him the little I do from here, I doubt he will even consider it. Personally I am not a moder. I dont have a clue about it. But that arguement if I am allowed to phrase it as such (no offense meant) is a bit week. If that was the case then every modable game that was considered 'bad' should have this excuse. You are paying for the game m8, not the mods that will come after. If I wanted to play the mods and mods only, they might as well have released an open source barebones engine charge it 10 euro/dollars and all of us would enjoy the mods. Not a game that is 90% Its predecessor (which is lacking in the first place) with a retouch and me paying its marketing campaign. Not it is only lazy, its unethical and essentially exploits the moders in a sense if we take the premiss of a game designed only to be 'good' after mods. Plus, if I was a developer and I saw my game getting the long war treatment, it would be a huge 'fuck you' to my psyche as a professional. Because that was not a mod that was a fix.

Firaxis created cinema material for X-Com not an X-Com game and unfortunently thats the gist of it IMHO.

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION][RESEARCH] FMP Core/Tech Tree part
« on: June 20, 2015, 09:24:43 pm »
Why should i? I can stand on a bazillion of Blasterbombs in the transport.

Feeling the power between your legs there laddie? (Armageddon reference).

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