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Messages - Osobist

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Suggesstion: add spawnItem to items: in OXCE.

I had an idea to add flare-rounds for grenade launcher to light up dark places. But I can't place items via shots.

Sometimes it's not convenient to use actual flares because of small throw distance. Also it's useful when you want to places mines around the map. Perhaps there is other uses might be.

Of course I could spawn the unit that emits the light but the problem is that aliens can attack the flare instead of player's units which seems incorrect. More than that - the spawned flare can detect enemies as unit if they come close enough. It's okay for remote cameras but not for flares.

>Pedro's Linker

That's extension for VS code, right? Can't find it in store tho.

UPD: Nevermind, managed to find it. Thanks for the tip.

That's understandable, no one making you to drop everything and fullfil my request. I hope that it will be eventually implemented when it's possible. I'll try to figure out how to script by myself then.

That's great to know but what about modders that not familiar with scripting? That's not an easy stuff to roll in w/o some background imo.

Hello. I want to request a feature - a check and rule for player's dead or unconscious soldiers to display a proper body bigob, female or male depending on gender. Something like bigSpriteAlter or similar. Making a whole separate unit types for this is kinda complicated and not worth it in general. 

Suggestions / Re: SCP foundation mod to openxcom
« on: February 27, 2021, 12:52:49 pm »
14/ Maybe. Too vague, can't provide any feedback. More detailed description needed.

This have more similarities with XPZ bounty tokens. This designed as in-game currency, that player could spent in various stuff. Need to increase your reputation for special faction - use your influence. Need some resources urgent? Use influence. Tension in the world to high to keep it in borders and you're lack of people/time/whatever to calm people down? Use influence.

Main problem in feature realization without code changing s that player could lose influence along with his base if influence implemented as item and stored in destroyed base.

Suggestions / Re: SCP foundation mod to openxcom
« on: February 27, 2021, 12:39:59 pm »
11/ Maybe. Too vague, can't provide any feedback. More detailed description needed.
12/ Absolutely not if it has any influence on Battlescape. If it's purely Geoscape, maybe. (btw. we don't even have factions, can't have relations if you don't have factions)

About factions first:

Factions are stakeholders of the paranormal world. Factions is a Council of countries-sponsors, groups of interest that work with anomalies and also separate individuals. You can interact with almost all factions by peaceful means by conducting negotiations, cutting deals and completing various tasks and requests.
Good relationships with factions could give a constant score buff, grant access to various technologies, resources, contacts, services and lots of more useful assets.
Roughly factions could be divided on three categories:
1.   Countries-sponsors - the main sources of official SCP Foundation funding.
2.   Groups of interests - basically they are the main SCP Foundation’s enemies and rivals but can be useful to a limited extent.
3.   Other organisations  - this category contains any other contacts that do not go into two categories above. It’s worth special attention that this category also includes all unofficial contacts from countries-sponsors, be it politicians, intelligence services or coterie.

The player doesn't have a central enemy (as aliens in vanilla or Star Gods in XPZ). SCPs and less complicated anomalies could be points of interest for almost anyone. One SCPs could be used in military purposes, others can make you rich, some can be used for brainwashing etc. Of course factions could fight with each     
other on that basis or do this just beacuse mutual hatred. In game it could manifest, for example, as item/score/money losing event a sabotage from hostile Group of Interest (GoI thereafter), opening a special mission based on certain volume of faction's reputation numbers. If two factions are allied aganist player, they could send a mixed crew to destroy player's bases or transport (but it depends).

Actually I've got this idea (and planned to implement it as) from XPZ Bounty tokens system, cause IMO it is a reputation system of some kind, although it cannod be dynamic - you've opened a bounty and it's forever.

Suggestions / Re: SCP foundation mod to openxcom
« on: February 20, 2021, 09:17:31 am »
It's been a while, was busy IRL.

2/ Probably doable. More detailed description needed.

For example a base have some prisoners in containment. What will happen to them if base is lost? They could probably die in firefight, yeah, but some prisoners could escape during battle, could be saved by intruders that attacked the base or stay alive and free by any other reason. Especially SCPs that are anomalous entities and some of them could be extremely durable, pratically indestructible. The feature I'm talking about that escaped prisoners could re-appear in missions or events after base destructiion to collect them again.

7/ (Probably not worth the effort) I don't see how that would be an essential feature or even a normal feature? What's the use case?

For a mod it's planned to use not only soldiers, scientists and engineers as human resources, but employers from other various departments and stuctures. Making them actual humans that will occupy living quarters is way more cumbersome from several points of you, so we're deicded to implement auxillary staff as items that don't occupy living and storage spaces but have montly salaries. It's presumed that they have categories, like basic, advanced and elite. Depends of their category player can utilize them in various tasks (technically working as manufacture recipes).

For example: basic scientific assistant engaged in experiments with an anomaly. His role is minor, probably all that he can be useful is to make notes while scientists actually conducting tests. Can he lead the test group that working with dangerous anomaly like "SCP-610 - The Flesh that Hates"? Probably not.
Elite assistant can perform both of this operations but due to engine limitations in this case we should create two separate recipes for both variants of assitants.

That's the main usage for feature I request although I think that similar logic can be applied to more classic manufacture projects where we producing something.

I'll describe next features in future posts.

Suggestions / Re: SCP foundation mod to openxcom
« on: February 14, 2021, 05:05:38 am »
Development goes on Russian language but it's planned to translate it into English.

Suggestions / Re: SCP foundation mod to openxcom
« on: February 13, 2021, 06:06:18 pm »
Here is a link to brief project description: Please note that it's described from a user PoV not a coder.

In a short wanted features are listed below. Essential features are tagged thereafter:

Bases and items:
* Separate stores for separate item types - ESSENTIAL;
* Reappearence of enemies in missions if the player lost base, where they've kept;
* Two-layers base builidng;
* Removing items from stores via events - ESSENTIAL;
* Items with expiration time - ESSENTIAL;
* Checking item's storage volume for events triggering - ESSENTIAL;
* Interchangeability of items in recipes - ESSENTIAL.

* Separate craft classes for hangars - ESSENTIAL;
* Dependance of crafts maintenance cost from usage frequency;
* Restriction of UFOs trajectories by land-only or sea-only.

Reputation - ESSENTIAL:
* A variable that could change depend of player's actions, blocking and unblocking something in dependance of it's value;
* Dynamic relations between factions when they're able to fight with each other or make an alliances against other factions or player.

Global variables:
* Tension - this variable reprsesnts global worry, concern and anxiety among the people. The more weird stuff happens in the world - the more people start to think that something wrong is going on, which could trigger events, missions etc. - ESSENTIAL;
* Influence - in-game currency that spends of various recipes, events and generally helps player gain benefits or simply keep situation under control - ESSENTIAL.

* Ability to place FOBs - mini-bases on globe with one or two unique fuctions and a custom markers for those - ESSENTIAL;

* Enemy-less missions where you should find and retrive something before times up or complete any other task not tied to enemies killing..

* Text scrolling in common Pedia articles (without scroll UI). This will help not only to the SCP mod but generally in localization of mods. You wouldn't crop translation text to fit it into screen if you can scroll it down a bit - ESSENTIAL;
* Hyperlinks for Pedia articles. Link is not shown until topic is opened.

Suggestions / Re: SCP foundation mod to openxcom
« on: February 13, 2021, 05:18:37 pm »
UFOs - various Groups of Interest convoys, riders, smugglers, enforcers, etc. Moving uncontained SCPs.

Terrors - attacks by hostile GoIs or anomalous entities in populated areas.

Suggestions / Re: SCP foundation mod to openxcom
« on: February 13, 2021, 11:54:51 am »
Well, me and my fellows working under it right now. It's kinda slow as we're lack of specialists, especially coders as present OXCE features are not enough to represent the SCP Foundation as it should be represented. Here's a bunch of old screenshots under collapsible (watch out for traffic).

  • Spoiler:

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