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Messages - Osobist

Pages: [1] 2 3
Thanks, got it.

Thanks a lot! Will try ASAP!

Of course, cause in this case they can die only due to player actions.

Right, missions with this attribute should not give player this commendation nor score for 'saving' civilians, since they're not in danger at all.

Hello. I'd like to request an attribute for alienDeployments: keepCivilansAlive (false by default). If true, all civilians spawned on map not die if player lost all his units or aborted mission by any reason. If false, working as usual.

Possible implementations - intentionally "peaceful" missions, when player should find and retrieve some important item or hunting for unit/creature that unable to massacre whole neighborhood, but where civilians helping player units (police force etc.).

That will allow modders to randomly place booby traps under some passages.

A suggestion to improve this feature. When items are removed, add "-" symbol into popup window with output, e.g. -1 STR_PISTOL CLIP.

OXCE Suggestions DONE / Re: [DONE][Suggestion] Cutscenes on events
« on: August 14, 2024, 04:42:59 pm »
Just checked, works perfectly fine, thanks!

I suppose you can still be on the same square and shoot down into it (by targeting the same tile as where you are)? This is something I learned from some stream a long time ago. So I suppose this issue only affects "real trajectories".

Yeah, that's works but the problem described in initial post still actual.

Unfortunately it's impossible to finish or hit a knocked out unit if it lies beside a wall. All projectiles shot fly into the wall instead of unit that lies on the floor. In example attached unit 1 is invulnerable for shots while unit 2 could be hit easily. From gameplay POV you should pick the body and put into nearby tile without walls.

Hi! I have another humble request for scripts, in fact, two requests.

1) Sqrt function with lower round-off, very convenient for range calculations.

2) Dynamic change for skillIconSprite depending on tags tied with BattleUnit or skillUseUnit. With this we'll make fancy aiming mode indicator (with highlighted bodyparts).

OXCE Suggestions OK / [SUGGESTION]: Add scripthook returnFromMissionItem
« on: September 28, 2023, 05:48:18 am »
Can we have function returnFromMissionItem as analogue of returnFromMissionUnit? Got a problem that weapon with huge ammo count (1296 in fact) got lost at the end of a mission if at least one round was spent.

The script example in our particular case could look like:

  returnFromMissionItem: |
    item.setAmmoQuantity 1296;

Suggestions / Re: SCP foundation mod to openxcom
« on: August 29, 2023, 05:31:51 pm »
Sorry for being late to the party, I've just recovered from sickness.

About the stuff that FTA already has: probably I'd like to move onto it completely and/or make separate fork, but I still haven't enough expertise to do so.

About the specific wishes from the list - ready to discuss it in PM if needed.

Sorry for clumsy answer, haven't slept since my last shift.

Suggestions / Re: SCP foundation mod to openxcom
« on: August 19, 2023, 05:51:20 am »
Still working on it, can't say that there is tremendous progress though.

OXCE Bugs FIXED / [FIXED] Pedia's articles scrolling bug (OXC and OXCE)
« on: August 13, 2023, 06:31:16 pm »
Weird bug with pedia's text scrolling due to, I believe, big article's title. Example:

In this entry the title is short enough to consist of only one line. The scrollable text goes from image bottom which is correct.


But in this entry the title is two lines long. And the scrollable text goes from very screen bottom instead of image.


The rulesets for both entries are identical.

Entry with correct scrolling:
  - id: STR_SCP_087_DESCENT_C
    type_id: 7
    section: STR_SCPS
    image_id: 087_STAIRS
      - STR_SCP_087_DESCENT_C
    text_width: 140

Entry with incorrect scrolling:
    type_id: 7
    section: STR_SCPS
    image_id: 087_STAIRS
    text_width: 140

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