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Messages - jackstraw2323

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Work In Progress / Re: [Total Conversion][WIP] oXc - War of Shadows
« on: April 17, 2019, 08:46:23 pm »
well yes it's been a long time since I worked on this. I suppose it is the impassable tile that looks like water, but you could fly over it and shoot through it. It's possible I was wrong about what caused it, but based on my foggy memory that was the issue. It didn't happen every time, just when the impassable tiles were placed in such a way that there wasn't enough room for the craft.

Work In Progress / Re: [Total Conversion][WIP] oXc - War of Shadows
« on: April 17, 2019, 04:29:58 pm »
It's been a while since i was looking at it, but on arctic tiles with water the map would generate and the placement of the player vehicles would crash since it can't be on a water tile. Specifically the "Mantis" was the one I was using at the time, but I suspect the "broadsword" would crash as well as it's quite large.

Work In Progress / Re: [Total Conversion][WIP] oXc - War of Shadows
« on: April 17, 2019, 04:53:58 am »
Not sure it every really died, I just never got around to posting it. I know it will crash in some cases, there's a map conflict with one of my ships and water tiles in the arctic. I sort of ran out of steam around that point, and didn't know enough about the new map system to fix it.   :) anyhow I am still around, and finally finished my 4th play through of long war 2 so I seem to have finally broken it's hold on me. Of course I just started DMing a D&D 5th edition game. My first in 20+ years, so that's taking up a lot of head space. It's possible there's other bugs around the tech tree as I wasn't super tidy when I wrote it, and everything kind of had to be in a monolithic file at the time to work correctly.

Work In Progress / Re: [Total Conversion][WIP] oXc - War of Shadows
« on: April 17, 2019, 03:21:45 am »
Finally posted this mod since I'm not sure anyone really ever saw it. It may have bugs. I will fix if I can, and can find the time. I'm happy to have help in this area as well.

Work In Progress / Re: [Total Conversion][WIP] oXc - War of Shadows
« on: December 24, 2017, 03:32:44 am »
Replacing the previous bugged build. Seems like research chains have been changed a bit and rifle/pistol upgrades were causing a crash. Tested further but more may be present.

Work In Progress / Re: [Total Conversion][WIP] oXc - War of Shadows
« on: December 24, 2017, 02:37:24 am »
Well with the version attached in the post abve game sarts, but crashes at the very beginning , either with option "custom initial  base" be on or off.

Edit: tested the mod with openxvomextended+ 3.9c. Peraphs it is dedigned to run only on a nightly?

OK, looks like some additional scripts and rules have been added since I worked on this, just added the missionscripts.rul which has fixed the missing sectoid error. I've not tested with anything other than nightlies, so no idea if openxcomextended would even work.

Work In Progress / Re: [Total Conversion][WIP] oXc - War of Shadows
« on: December 23, 2017, 08:59:38 pm »
OK, I downloaded a nightly, fixed the Cydonia research rule to include the unlocks final mission flag, and it now loads the mod without crashing. I don't know if there are other bugs as I've not tested anything other than loading and starting a random battle on the final mission, so let me know if you run into anything. New mod file attached.

Work In Progress / Re: [Total Conversion][WIP] oXc - War of Shadows
« on: December 22, 2017, 06:04:16 pm »
Thanks. I'll take a look and see if I can start debugging. I might take my laptop if there is room so I can work on this a bit over the holidays.

The X-Com Files / Re: Want to help?
« on: December 22, 2017, 03:46:26 pm »
Those jarheads are looking great! Please proceed. I had originally thought of the shoulder joints being a bit rounder, but I honestly don't mind the change.

Work In Progress / Re: [Total Conversion][WIP] oXc - War of Shadows
« on: December 22, 2017, 03:43:51 pm »
Yataka Shimaoka, I'm going to be traveling away from my computer for Christmas unfortunately, but I have been thinking about picking this back up to do some work. Can you tell me what your ruleset problem is if you know? Is it failing to load, crashing the game, etc? That would help me troubleshoot the issue. I think maybe crash errors now refer to the offending file and line of code. If it's something straightforward I can maybe do it before I leave (unlikely unless it's something super simple), otherwise it's probably January before I could take a look. I'm moving houses in January so may not have much time then either unfortunately. What version of OpenXCom are you using? I was developing on the nightly ages ago, I'd have to look at home to see what version I have. If anyone wants to help out finishing this mod I've always been hoping someone would take an interest.

Bugs I know of of the top of my head:
  • Maps - Some maps generate errors if the xcom vehicle is too large to get placed. Mostly this was with the Mantis and the Arctic maps as the large bodies of water were conflicting. If someone who understood maps a bit could help out it would be greatly appreciated
  • Maps/ufos/vehicles - pretty sure I've got some holes in walls, and some of my alien routes could probably be improved.

Work In Progress / Re: [Total Conversion][WIP] oXc - War of Shadows
« on: December 21, 2017, 11:26:38 pm »
Sadly no, I drew them by hand in the sprite editor, never got around to the inventory corpses or autopsies. Actually all of the sprites I created are done that way with the exception of cannibalized sprites from Front Mission or other old sprite based games. Art direction wise they are sort of Sci-Fi 50's robots. You could possibly get away with a pile of gears and the smashed jar if you were drawing it yourself. I've been meaning to post the mod even though it's slightly unfinished, it is playable, just buggy in spots with some default assets left in place.

Work In Progress / Re: [Total Conversion][WIP] oXc - War of Shadows
« on: January 03, 2016, 08:46:44 pm »
Yeah sorry I've kind of been doing other things. I just downloaded a nightly and looks like I've got some strings to fix now that things have been abstracted a bit more. Or maybe just changing my mod to not declare itself as standalone as a lot of what's in xcom1 is all I'm using. I wanted to get further along, but I should probably just release the 80% complete version of the game as it's basically done except for some graphics polish and some map issues, but maybe in released form someone would like to contribute to help finish up what's done. I'll see if I can update the first page and maybe release something to the mods site soon.

Work In Progress / Re: [Total Conversion][WIP] oXc - War of Shadows
« on: July 02, 2015, 10:26:36 pm »
Thanks! I'm pretty sure most of my issues are double diagonal walls, but there was a time I was toying with making windows transparent. Unfortunately I've not had any time to work on this lately so I'm kind of stalled on development until things quiet down a bit more. Of course this is all on bitbucket if someone wanted to try and work with me on these issues to push this thing into an alpha release sooner rather than later.

Work In Progress / Re: [Total Conversion][WIP] oXc - War of Shadows
« on: June 11, 2015, 03:42:00 pm »
Most likely what you are seeing is the force doors. They are animated in game, but are mostly decorative as they don't block line of sight or bullets. I was going for more of an EU2012 vibe here. Also with that configuration, when an engine explodes on landing, it can cause more environmental damage.

Work In Progress / Re: [Total Conversion][WIP] oXc - War of Shadows
« on: June 07, 2015, 08:58:40 pm »
Tested 0.7
Pretty impressive work.  8) *Understatement*

My only critic point would be the Minotaurs, they simply don`t fit into a sci-fi setting. Even though the graphics are very nicely done.  ;)

Btw, what program are you using to edit the RUL files, it seems whenever I try to copy something from those into my own RUL files they get corrupted....  :-[

Thanks, the minotaurs are sort of a joke, since what were the aliens doing with all of those cows if not trying to make some kind of cow/alien hybrid?

I'm using komodo edit to do my yaml files, most likely you've got white space problems. I've found that's usually what my issue is.

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